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You can quickly and easily reprogram your subconscious mind. You can quickly and easily reprogram your subconscious mind using what I'm about to share with you.

Before I share with you how to reprogram your subconscious mind, you must understand the subconscious. You may have limiting beliefs that live in your subconscious mind. The reason that you're not aware of them is because it's called your subconscious. It's below conscious. It's below the threshold that we are consciously aware of. Our thought patterns have been programmed into us by our parents, by friends, by teachers, by outside influences that according to psychologists are 70 percent negative and they control 95 percent of your life. So unless you learn to do this, then you're actually operating unconsciously, predominantly negative in opposition to what you might consciously want consciously.


You might say, I want more money, but subconsciously you're programmed the wrong way. Consciously. I wanted to create a successful career to inspire millions of people doing what I'm doing, writing books. I've written three books, doing my YouTube, doing all of these things, but subconsciously I was blocking it, I was beating my head against the wall. It was going on for years. But literally for years I was working my face off. I actually was working so much that I wasn't really sleeping. A

So I created a free success hypnosis for myself. You can use this exact one. It's down below.

Use it for 30 days and see what happens to your life, your bank account, the abundance and success that comes out of nowhere into your life. I was learning all about the subconscious. In your first six or seven years, you're in a state of hypnosis where you're inheriting all the thoughts, energies, beliefs, and perceptions from the individuals in the environment around you. Now, nine out of 10 people die with us in $10,000 in virtually no financial assets. According to Gallup polls, 75 percent of people say they're actively disengaged from their jobs. Three quarters of people that are living from paycheck to paycheck.

reprogram you subconscious mind

What is this telling us?

The majority of us don't have jobs that we even like, and we're struggling financially and it's causing unnecessary stress in our life. We're reprogrammed by everyone around us for a very mediocre life, and eventually we start reproducing those thought patterns and behaviors and life circumstances that reflect what was programmed into us.

Psychologists say 95 percent of our life is subconscious. These patterns continue to play like a record player over and over until you learn how to rewire them. Now there's two ways to rewire your subconscious. One is repetition of an idea. That is what the hypnosis that I created for myself was. 

​Free Success Hypnosis mp3

​Change your relationship with success - Download my free Success Hypnosis mp3

It was repetition of an idea of me being successful over and over and over again. It said that I was deserving of abundance, that I was worthy and in the end, that1 I was good enough to inspire people and build a community like this with you who I love so much. I had to use repetition to train my subconscious to a new reality.

So download my free success hypnosis. Use that please. It's free. I promise it'll change your life.

Another way to reprogram it is through emotional impact, so either a very positive or a very negative emotional experience could program your subconscious for better or for worse. With visualization, you start to get very emotionally involved in your repetitive idea, the repetitive phrase of your reality that you want to create, and that's emotion, energy in emotion. While you're listening to the hypnosis, you can close your eyes. You get emotionally involved, you start seeing your mom congratulating you and your best friend, high fiving you and your like with your soulmate. You guys are holding hands or whatever it is. You're seeing it. You're getting emotionally involved in it. You're starting to stimulate the dopamine and the chemicals in your brain as if that reality has already happened. 

reprogram you subconscious mind

What begins to happen?

Because you're emotionally involved in it, it's passing off to the subconscious. You're literally taking advantage of the two ways. Reprogram your subconscious repetition of an idea and getting emotionally involved. When you repeat that for 30 days, you can rewrite your belief systems. You can literally rewrite your life, whether it's your bank accout, your love life, your health, your confidence, the way you feel about yourself, your happiness, your career. You can rewrite it.

 It's not your fault, but it is our responsibility now that we know this information, to take deliberate intention to rewire it and it's not other people's fault.

We're no longer filling our subconscious with negative energy towards the way it's programmed. Then we create the space for our new belief systems to begin to rewire our minds so we can attract what we want quicker and faster and easier, and that's the name of the game. That's how your life can begin to change in a powerful way.

Everything is energy, so all I want and all you want already exists. What you want already exists. You're days away from the new financial opportunity, from attracting your soulmate, from the new resources, the new relationships and friendships, and the new opportunities and adventures. You're days away from seeing a really powerful shift in your habits around health or whatever it is. You're days away from it. It's already here.

Free Success Hypnosis MP3

You get to reprogram your subconscious mind the way that you want, and that's the most powerful, beautiful, amazing thing.

We are these powerful creative beings. Our thoughts, our beliefs create our reality and they work habitually so if you learn how to rewire them, then habitually, unconsciously, you can be attracting what you want without even really working hard for it because you're programmed subconsciously the correct way.

You are a powerful creative being. You get to reclaim your mind, your subconscious to create what you want. That's powerful. That's beautiful. Take a deep breath in. Feel the gratitude for that, the excitement, the amazingness of today, and all the beauty that today can bring.

Have a wonderful day.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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