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Is your manifestation coming? How do you know that what you want is on the way? Here's three signs that are right in front of your eyes that what you want is on the way. Here are three early signs your manifestation is coming.  

#1 of 3 Early Signs Your Manifestation is Coming 

You forgot about it so you know what it is that you want.

Whether it's romance, you had a specific dollar figure and an income goal, you are looking for a new career option. Whatever it is that you're looking for and wanting to create or cultivate more of in your life. You know what it is, but you forgot about it. You've become so connected to it that you don't need to get into your linear mind anymore and be like, let me just keep trying to think about it.

You're not looking around all the time in this state of kind of spiritual anxiety where you are trying to force it or look around so much because you're very fixated on time. That's the linear mind. When we're stuck in our linear mind, it can inhibit the manifestation process because we're in an energy of having a consciousness of have not. You start forcing it and you're in a consciousness of I do not have. In the Bible, it says to those who have more will be given and to those who have not even that which they have will be taken away.

signs your manifestation is coming

What that is really saying is that the law of attraction respond to your level of consciousness. When you're in an energy of already having, you don't need to think about it all the time. The earliest sign is is that you become lost in the process, You know it's on the way, so you're excited about that. You're feeling the fullness of life. You're saying yes to new opportunities, new people and new circumstances and enriching opportunities are coming into your life. You're not even thinking twice about it.

You're just like, man, life is good and there's so many good things on the way I know it. I can feel it. So it's falling into essentially being lost in the process. You've transcended your linear mind and you've connected to the the the higher energy of life. You've connected to your higher self. You're no longer offering a vibration of resistance. You're in the flow, you're in a state of allowing, and that's when the universe can really start speeding up the manifestation process and bringing the people, circumstances and situations that you might desire more of or those those things might be a part of the process for you to get what you want. They start showing up as synchronicities way more often. It's the, it's the. It's the speeding of the cycle of time or what you want is coming quicker and faster.

#2 of 3 Early Signs Your Manifestation is Coming 

Time begins to slow down.

You just feel fantastic and you can't even explain why. You just woke up like this and you're just in this amazing energy and you're not counting the seconds. You're not counting the days. You're not worried about when something may or may not happen. You're not worried about anything at all. You just feel so great and you're so grateful that you're alive. You're picking up a higher energy flow. Everything is energy and it's just that we're offering a pattern of vibration, of a consciousness of resistance, so it blocks a lot of that energy from coming in that momentous energy, the momentum. I saw somebody say something about the wind being at their back.

signs your manifestation is coming

It's just that we're offering resistance, so it's like you feel that energy, so tap into that right now. Take a deep breath in. That's the energy that there are great things on the way.

#3 of 3 Early Signs Your Manifestation is Coming 

You're using your manifestation rituals daily without worrying whether or not they are  working, not worrying about anything at all. You're doing them because you know that this is how you raise your consciousness. This is how you raise your energy. This is how you connect to what you want, and a lot of people will do meditation.

I always talk about my success hypnosis, which you can download down below. It's totally free. It changed my entire life like you. It's amazing how quickly my life changed from using this and you know, over 200,000 people from all over the world.

I've used it and every day I get an amazing message. Some people will will write me and they'll say, I listened to this.

Your dream is asking you who are you willing to become and the point of a goal, the point of a manifestation, is not to get what you want. What you want is always going to change, evolve, and grow.

The point of it is who you become in the process because you don't get what you want. Ultimately your destiny is determined by who you are and how you show up to life. When you are doing your meditations, your visualization, you're listening to my hypnosis right there down below, you're showing up to life with these powerful techniques, these powerful manifestation rituals, who you are and your consciousness starts to change and change. Then in 12 months you look back and you say, I can hardly recognize the person that I used to be. My thought patterns have changed so drastically. I feel so much better. I have such healthy relationship with money. I have such a healthy relationship with all the people around me. I'm attracting great opportunities into my life. I feel great. I feel optimistic about my future.

It's a process of repatterning and changing ourselves into the greatest version of ourself by getting rid of our resistance because we're controlled by the subconscious. Psychologist say 70 percent of that is negative and redundant. Your manifestation rituals are like a cleansing process there.

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I'm inviting you to keep connecting to your manifestation rituals. Download my free success hypnosis.

The general theme of these early signs that your manifestation is on the way they all have to do with not reacting to the world around us. They are about holding steadfast in our own energy, controlling our own energy, raising our own consciousness, regardless of what's happening in the world around us. That's the true creation process.Consciousness is what dictates what you attract into your life and what creates your entire life.

There's only two forms of consciousness, creation and reactionary. Most people live in a reactionary consciousness, meaning their thoughts are determined by what's happening around them. Creation consciousness is when you think what you want to think, regardless of the appearance of the world going on around you, as you can hold in your mind and your consciousness the way that you want it, regardless of what's happening around you.

That's how you eventually start to change the world around you. It's the inner that reflects and changes the outer. 

Have a beautiful day. 

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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