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INSTANT MANIFESTATION ✅ How To Apply THE SECRET For Manifesting ANYTHING (Law of Attraction 2019)

How To Apply THE SECRET For Manifesting ANYTHING 

These are surprising, surprising manifestation secrets that will help you apply the secret and the law of attraction so they can attract what you want, quicker, faster, easier. You wake up in the morning, you say, Whoa, I can't believe things in my life have changed in this fast. This is amazing.

#1 of 5 How To Apply THE SECRET For Manifesting ANYTHING 

You must realize that there's a difference between wanting something and having it in consciousness. In the Bible it said, "to those who have more will be given and to those who have not even what they have will be taken away." That's like the most metaphysical thing ever. What are they saying? They're saying to the person that already has an abundance consciousness more's going to be given to them. They're going to attract what they want because they have what they want in consciousness already. They've already convinced themselves in their mind they have it, therefore they will see it in their life versus those who have not even that which they have will be taken away.

How To Apply THE SECRET For Manifesting ANYTHING

If you're in a place of wanting, what are you really doing? You're saying, I do not have what I want. You're in a consciousness of have not therefore even what you have will be taken away because you're going to attract more scarcity and limitation as a result of that.

What's very important is to stop saying, I want and start saying, "I have stopped saying I want and start saying I have."

Every time you show up with a certain mentality to an experience that programs your subconscious to dictate what you will attract into your life. If you're constantly in a place of I want, you're really in a consciousness like it says in the Bible of even that which they have will be taken away from them. That those who have more will be given. You have to own it in consciousness before you see it in your life.

You have to start replacing want with I have. I have money flowing to me every single day. I have amazing romantic relationships. It feels so good and complete. I have an amazing new job that allows me the time freedom. I have financial freedom. I'm paying off all my debt and all the money to pay off my debt continuously comes into my life. Thank you universe for that. I'm now debt free. You talk like that. I have. I am. I have. I am.

#2 of 5 How To Apply THE SECRET For Manifesting ANYTHING 

You have to really understand the distinction between your conscious and subconscious that we spoke of earlier and go about deliberately reprogramming your subconscious and rewiring your brain because it's not just that 95 percent of your life controls your subconscious.

That subconscious ultimately controls the chemistry of your brain because every time you have a thought or reaction or perception, you're firing nerve cells in your brain. Brain cells that fire together, wire together, so if you have an unconscious belief based off of something your parents told you or past failures, you're wiring your brain synapses to a reality your brain is used to  and begins to work like a machine to reaffirm that limited reality. Your brain doesn't know what you want. It just responds to however you're habitually thinking and emotionally reacting. It's very important that you deliberately go about rewiring that and that's why I always talk about my software.

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I call it the second mind because the second mind is your brain and your subconscious wired to the reality that you want versus your first mind, which is wired towards limitation and scarcity and lack. It's programmed by the world and most people don't have what they want. They aren't that happy. There's so much struggle and that's programmed into us at a very young age.

That's your first mind versus your second mind, which is unconsciously wired towards what you want.

#3 of 5 How To Apply THE SECRET For Manifesting ANYTHING 

Practice being grateful for what you already have.

You got to practice being grateful for what you already have.

What are some things you're grateful for? Comment down below one thing you are grateful for and practice being grateful for what you already have.

How To Apply THE SECRET For Manifesting ANYTHING

Go on a gratitude walk where you walk and think about what you're grateful for. Write down five things you're grateful for. Comment one of them down below. What's one thing you're grateful for? Practice gratitude for what you already have because if we can't do that, it's going to be very difficult to receive. If you are grateful for things in your life, it's very impossible to be in an energy of attracting more good things into your life.

#4 of 5 How To Apply THE SECRET For Manifesting ANYTHING 

Affirm that you are worthy of all that you desire.

Most people's biggest problem is they truly do not believe they are worthy of what they desire. Guess what? You wouldn't be alive if you weren't worthy of what you desire. You wouldn't be alive. Conscious in creation. This creation is universal. You wouldn't be here if you weren't worthy of experiencing it. It's ludicrous to believe you aren't worthy of more money or you aren't worthy of an amazing romantic relationship, that you weren't worthy of a job you like or creating your own successful business. It is blasphemous to think that you're not worthy because you're alive. Therefore, you are worthy. You are a part of creation, awake, conscious, experiencing this creation. You're worthy of all that it has to offer.

You're worthy of everything you desire.

#5 of 5 How To Apply THE SECRET For Manifesting ANYTHING 

Realize that quantum leaps happen fast. Don't convince yourself that's going to take for forever.

We put these imaginary timeframes onto things. Your subconscious in your brain create the exact reality that you impress upon it. So when you say something's going to take awhile, that will take awhile. So my Youtube Channel went from zero to 20 million views in just over a year.

They're called quantum leaps. Albert Einstein said that imagination will take you anywhere, but logic keeps you stuck in a to b. You need to get out of logic and understand that all you want already exists. Everything is energy, and when you get your consciousness fixated on the energy that you want, you're in a wealth consciousness. You will see money start to show up when you're in an energy of appreciating all your old relationships, even though they failed. When you're in an energy of love and your heart is open and you're being so receptive and loving, the people you will see new, amazing relationship show up in your life fast. When you match the energy of what you want, things show up quicker and faster than you can ever expect.

Why? Because they already exist. It's just that you have to get an energy that is in harmony with them and then you start to see them show up in your life.

You are the creator of your experience, your thoughts create things and you are worthy of what you want. You're deserving of what you want and it can show up quicker and faster than you can even think.

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Have a beautiful day.

You are a powerful creator and amazing things are coming your way today. Start to expect them.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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