“The Law Of Attraction
Doesn’t Work For Me…”

From: Jake Ducey
North of San Diego CA
Dear Friend,
I was sitting with a good pal of mine the other day as we were discussing life.
She continued to tell me all about all the big goals she was setting.
“I’ve got big dreams, big plans, yet nothing ever seems to work out.
Nothing materializes. My goals don’t work out. I’m beginning to think I’m broken.”
I took a sip of water, listening to waves gently crash on the beach near us, and sat my glass down on the counter.
“Laws are called laws because they work. All the time. For everyone. Everywhere,” I began.
Then I asked…
“Are You Gambling Your Success Away
And Don’t Even Know It?”
She met me with a blank stare.
“Most people set goals and have big dreams, yet year after year, life never changes and they wonder why.”
I’ve heard it from thousands of people…
“I’m doing all the right things. I’m thinking positive.
I’m visualizing. I’m grateful. Yet nothing changes.”
I continued...
“The things you’re doing are great. However, that’s only 5% of the equation.

Imagine you’re sitting down at a casino table, with only a 5% chance of winning.
Would you take those odds?
Would you place your life, your abundance, your security on the table for only a 5% chance?”
She shook her head, signaling that no she wouldn’t.
"You're only playing with 5%.
Now, imagine if I showed you a way to stack the odds of success more than 95% in your favor, in just a few short days...
What would your life would be like 12 months from now?
Where would you live?
Who would you be with?
What would you be doing?
Her eyes lit up with a fire as she excitedly whispered, “Jake, tell me more, please.”
“What if all of your limiting beliefs were gone?...
There’s a version of you that has no limits...
A version of you who effortlessly attracts wealth, happiness, creativity and mountains of abundance to your life...
You see, most people have big dreams..
Big goals...
A desire for more, to be more...

That desire is conscious, you have control over it...
However, there’s a force that secretly holds you back...
No matter how many or how big of goals you set, it seems like nothing ever changes...
This year has been the same as last. You still make the same money at the same job, living in the same place, driving the same car, with the same people...
That’s because of the force holding you back...
Yet, you’re doing what everyone has taught you to do...
You’re doing all the right things...
Setting goals, dreaming big...
If those steps only account for 5% of your success...
Then it starts to make sense why nothing much changes if you’re only focused on 5%, right?”
She nodded.
“The other 95% is the key, the secret to the secret of your success…
You see, that other 95%, that’s your subconscious...
And you’ve got to learn:
Your subconscious has been programmed into you for your entire life…

Your mind is a supercomputer and everything you’ve ever seen, been taught, felt, touched, heard, even the things you didn’t consciously pick up on, have been stored inside your brain.
They’ve all impacted you and made you who you are today...
Those vibrations, that energy, it’s all still with you, even if you don’t remember them consciously...
You’re super computer brain has taken all these inputs and stored them in your subconscious...
You might have noticed your subconscious in action - maybe you forgot your pin number, yet your fingers seemed to magically jump to the right buttons...
Or maybe you’ve gotten in the car and it was like you were driving on autopilot. You get to your destination and have no idea how you got there...
The scary thing is you can’t consciously change your subconscious...
You have to subconsciously reprogram it...
When you change the subconscious, the 95%, the other 5%, your conscious goals and desires, become almost automatic...
It’s like shifting the wind in your sails. Imagine the wind blowing and howling against you as you try to move forward. Each step is a struggle.
Now picture it shifting and blowing with you. Pushing you along, where each step is easy and you go further and faster than ever before.
You literally sail to success, propelling you towards whatever you want in your health, your wealth, your happiness.”
I shared with her how my 6 month journey overseas had changed my life when I was 19. How I met spiritual teachers who shared their wisdom with me, forever changing the way I viewed the world and the law of attraction.
I taught her what I had discovered about accessing and reprogramming your subconscious mind.
After sharing with my friend, I realized that a lot of people might struggling with these feeling and be looking for these answers.
And that’s why I created The Subconscious Bootcamp.

The very same things I shared with her while sitting at that counter, I’ll share with you, and you’ll discover...
How To Put The Odds Of Success In Your Favor.
The first step is an overview of your subconscious mind.
How it works. Why it’s important. And how you can change it.
In the Subconscious Bootcamp you’ll discover things like:
The second part features some special hypnosis tracks that I’ve made for you.
You’ll get my hypnosis that will help you Attract Your Perfect Day. You’ll feel relaxed. You’ll feel inner peace. Happiness. Like everything is going your way. Imagine being excited about your day as soon as you get up.

You’ll also get my Wealth Attracting Hypnosis.
You’ll program yourself to be ready to receive avalanches of abundance from many multiple sources on a continual basis.
You’ll program yourself to be grateful for your financial blessings.
And you’ll also get my Health and Healing Hypnosis. Imagine your body working behind the scenes to heal and repair itself. Imagine the feeling of enjoying your day free from health worries and pains.
When you invest in the subconscious bootcamp today, you’ll get 3 very special bonuses.
The first one is an exclusive course called…
Creating Your Own Guided Hypnosis.
You’ll learn how to make hypnosis tracks that are personalized to you.
Easily made by you.
For exactly what you want to manifest in your life.
You’ll get access to background music as well as a step by step guide on how to produce the tracks.
I didn’t put a value on this bonus.
Because I can’t.
The value of this alone is TREMENDOUS!

Imagine what you’ll be able to manifest, to build, to create, to attract...
When You Literally Write The Script For Your Life.
When you invest in Subconscious Bootcamp, you’ll also get access to a special sneak preview of my 2nd Mind Neuro-Programmer.
This unique technique is like 3D hypnosis, designed to alter the waves and state of your brain and help reprogram it.
As a additional bonus, I’ve also hand selected a special hypnosis library for you.
All the tracks found in this library are created by hypnotists, therapists, teachers and healers other than me. However, I selected these because I believe having access to them will help accelerate you to your desires.
You’ll find hypnosis tracks covering:
This library of tracks alone is worth considerably more than the investment you make in Subconscious Bootcamp today.
And it’s all my gift to you for making the decision to try Subconscious Bootcamp.
You Can Create Real Change.
You Can Break Out Of Your Past.
You Can Overcome Limits And Obstacles.
Do you dare to create?
Ask yourself…
What’s possible?
What opportunities are out there, waiting to find you?
Within a week, the way you feel will amaze you!
With all you’re getting, you might be wondering…
So what’s my investment when I decide to do The Subconscious Bootcamp?
I’ve spent years of my life, traveling the world, and many thousands of dollars to acquire the unique knowledge that I’m going to share with you.
And when you combine that with the special Hypnosis Library and the course and materials to produce your own tailor made hypnosis tracks, the value is incredible.
If you had to invest $1,000, that would be a relative bargain compared to what you can produce in your life from this.
Once you discover the secrets inside, you’ll agree, the value of this program is unbelievable.
You’ll think, $1,000 wasn’t enough...
However, I want to make this program accessible to as many people as possible.
While I believe it’s worth considerably more than $1,000, I also know what it’s like to be on the other end.
And I believe that the information contained within Subconscious Bootcamp will impact your life in unimaginable ways.
Because of that, you’re not even going to have to invest $500.
Or even $100.
Right now, I want to help you.
Today Is Your Day!

Right now, you can get access to Subconscious Bootcamp, plus all the bonuses, including the make your own hypnosis course, for only $47.
A one time investment of $47 grants you a lifetime of access.
And once you discover what’s inside…
And then see what your life is like in the next 12 months…
How your goals and affirmations finally manifest...
You’ll agree, The Subconscious Bootcamp was the wisest, most profitable $47 you’ve ever invested in yourself.
Just to let you know I'm not here to just toot my own horn, here's what a few of my mentors and esteemed colleagues have to say about me...

I’ve been studying this material of the mind for 55 years. I’ve worked all over the world and I’ve never come across someone in the 55 years just like Jake."
Bob Proctor
- From The Movie "The Secret"

Jake Ducey is the ideal ambassador of inspiration for this next generation. He'll be huge.”
John Gray - Author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

Jake Ducey considers me his mentor, a role I relish. But Jake is an inspiration in my life too."
Jack Canfield - Creator of The Chicken Soup For The Soul
I totally understand if you’re concerned buying something online.
The truth that I’ve learned is that it’s often the mind that tells us of the dangers.
What I thought was keeping me safe and secure, ended up being the real danger.
The limits I placed on myself, the limits my mind placed on me was the real danger.
When I followed my heart, I found what I was looking for. When you take chances, you are always rewarded more than if you remain safely hidden in your comfort zone.
If your heart is telling you to try Subconscious Bootcamp, I sincerely hope you follow your heart.
Subconscious Bootcamp comes with my 30-Day 100% Guarantee.

If you don’t absolutely love this program, if you’re not 100% thrilled with what you discover and the changes you make, then simply contact my support desk within 30-Days at https://jakeducey.com/contact/ and my team will instantly process you a full and complete refund, no questions asked.
I want you to be totally happy and I know that you’ll love Subconscious Bootcamp.
Thousands of people are already using the knowledge and teachings in The Subconscious Bootcamp to make significant changes in their life.
Increasing their income. Their confidence. Their health. Their happiness.
Some people who’ve been through The Subconscious Bootcamp say they wish they had learned this 20 years ago, it would have saved them so much time and effort.
Imagine spending 20 years toiling only to look back and your life not becoming what you want
Now imagine where you could be in the next 12 months.
Isn’t it interesting how one road leads you to the next...
Then onto the next…
And to the next…
Your road has led you here.
Life has brought you here, right now, for a reason.
And now you have a choice, do you follow that road to the new you?
Or do you go back to where you were before, always with that thought in your mind,
“What if I had discovered Jake’s method? What could my life have been?”
The first step down the new road is to do like my friend, and learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind.
Once you do that with The Subconscious Bootcamp, you’ll understand why I say...
“Miracles Are Normal”

PS: I'm super excited to have you join our wonderful community full of optimistic and positive people.
It's such a breath of fresh air to connect with so many people interested in their own personal growth and development and I can't wait for you to join us.
Remember, you're purchase is fully protected and I'm taking all the risk for you!
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