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✅ I Wish They Taught Me These 3 Law of Attraction Manifestation Tools Growing Up (The Secret)

✅ I Wish They Taught Me These 3 Law of Attraction Manifestation Tools Growing Up (The Secret)

I wish I would've learned these Law of Attraction manifestation tools earlier because they would have allowed me to attract more money, more freedom, attract my soulmate, and just be happier. These Law of Attraction manifest tools are things that the world hasn't told you in school and society does not tell you. I want to share with you three Law of Attraction manifestation tools that I wish I would've learned growing up. 

#1 of 3 Law of Attraction Manifestation Tools 

I create my feelings. I wish somebody would've told me that because for so much of my life I thought other people were the source of my problems. Wayne Dyer says that if you think that other people are your problem, you're going to have to send the whole world to the psychologist before you can ever get better, and that's just not gonna happen. I always thought that it was other people that made me feel some type of way. They made me feel that way. They made me feel that way when it's not true at all, actually. Other people obviously can have an energy that you don't want to be around or whatnot and other people can be aggressive and vicious or what have you.

You have a conscious mind. Your conscious mind is the part of you that can reason. It's the part of you that's rational.  Your conscious mind has the ability to reject any idea. You get to literally reject anybody's negative energy, negative ideas or limiting beliefs. You get to reject them. I didn't know that. I thought that what other people said was my business and then you need to worry about everything that they said. Why are they like this? I don't understand them. I didn't understand that you could respond or react.

law of attraction manifestation tools

I reacted to the world around me until I realized that my inner world created my outer and I'm keeping my highest happiness and my personal goals in mind and understanding people are coming from their own limitations. I would've saved myself so much energy, so much resistance and so much anger towards people earlier in my life when I wanted to follow my own path and people said it' a bad idea. So you have to understand their worries, their fears or limitation there doubts the resistance. Them fighting against what you want, other people's unhappiness.

It has nothing to do with you. In fact, Byron Katie said it best. She said that it's not your job to get everyone to like you. It's your job to like you. And I take that even a step further. It's not your business to get involved in everybody's opinion about your life. It's your job to find out what you want, what makes you come alive, and how to be the happiest version of yourself and to go about creating that and ultimately in the process you learn your spiritual lessons that you're supposed to learn while you're here and you realize that you are the creator of your own experience.

#2 of 3 Law of Attraction Manifestation Tools 

Words matter. The words I say out loud and the words I say in my head actually matter. I had no idea all my life that my thoughts actually created my reality.

The result of that was my life was without purpose and I was constantly relying on hoping that I was in a good state of mind. The law is what you think about, you bring about. The law is whatever you hold in your mind, you will soon see in your hand, in your life, and so imagine that, if since we were young, we were taught that our thoughts create reality. Now what you can begin to do is say, okay, now I've lived my life based off of the reaction of the world. 

When you are actually becoming a person that's aware that your thoughts are creating your life, then you have to take responsibility for your life. All my life, I blamed other people for stuff. You know, it's this person's fault, that person's fault, and then I blame them. The tendency is to blame. When you don't have the money you want, you blame it on the economy or your age or your lack of resources or where you're from, and then when you can't find your soulmate, you blame it on something else. I'm inviting you to  go inward and forget about the outer world. Forget about the past, forget about your day and just start thinking only about what you want.

law of attraction manifestation tools

Get your brain conditioned to what you want, and you'll be amazed.

Do an experiment for seven days. See what happens in your life over the next seven days. If you only think about what you want, your entire life will change forever. Thoughts become things.

#3 of 3 Law of Attraction Manifestation Tools 

I wish that I knew that mental rehearsal creates your future, that you could visualize something if you could hold it in your mind with enough emotional power. It''ll impress upon the subconscious and it will express itself in your life. I used to want things and I felt hopeless around them and then I thought, well, you know, I'm probably not smart enough for that. I'm probably not good enough for that. I'm probably not enough for that.

That was me imagining something that's not true. That's just a story I told myself based off of things people told me. If I would've known that that mental rehearsal creates everything, my life would have been fantastic. Every single second I would have created this epic life from the start and I wouldn't have doubted myself and I wouldn't have spent time worrying about things.

I wish that I would've learned about reprogramming the subconscious. My life began to change when I created a success hypnosis for myself, which is down below.

It's totally free.

You can use it to rewire all your limiting beliefs from the world and all that type of stuff. I wish I would've known that earlier because once I started to use that and actually put that hypnosis in a practice and rewire my subconscious, my YouTube channel took off, my income took off. My now wife was in debt. She's no longer in that and we've created this amazing life that I feel excited about living everyday. I feel purposeful every morning when I wake up and get to make a video for you and  read the comments. If I published late and people say, Hey, where were you? I was waiting for your video. I wouldn't get to do that without this free success hypnosis. It changed my life and it will change yours. 

​Free Success Hypnosis mp3

​Change your relationship with success - Download my free Success Hypnosis mp3

Make sure you begin to use that every single day. It's free. Over 200,000 people from all over the world that have used it and changed their lives. ==

What's one Law of Attraction manifestation tool you wish you knew earlier? One manifestation secret you wish you knew earlier. What's one manifestation secret you wish you knew earlier?

You are exactly who you're meant to be. You're supported by the universe or supported by God. It's nobody's fault. It's pure love. It's total joy and gratitude that you're here alive in this moment. Everything is perfect in exactly the way it's meant to be. 

Have a beautiful day. 

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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