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The Truth About Subliminal Audios And The Law Of Attraction (How To REALLY Use Them

The Truth About
Subliminal Audios
And The Law Of Attraction
(How To REALLY Use Them)

Do subliminal work with the law of attraction to help you attract what you want? Here is the truth on subliminals and the law of attraction and how to really use them to increase your manifestation power.

I've used the process that the human brain can accept subliminals from. I've. I've taken it to the extreme, but I've used it in order to go from a college dropout with an idea to inspire millions of people a week on YouTube to literally making that a tangible reality.

The Truth About
Subliminal Audios
And The Law Of Attraction

I've used these processes of the brain to do so. The subliminals I use help reprogram the subconscious. It's very quiet audio a lot of the time. The brain can pick up well below the volume of sound that you can consciously here. You blow a dog whistle and you can't hear a dog whistle, but you know that it works because the dog comes when you do it. It's just outside of what your ears can pick up. Now your brain picks up sound that's below what you can consciously here. You can suggest things below the conscious mind. The reason that this is valuable is because you can bypass the conscious, you can go directly to the subconscious.

subliminal audios and the law of attraction

Psychologists say 95 percent of our life is subconscious. We have 65,000 thoughts in a day, and approximately 95 percent of them are subconscious. The money you're attracting into your life, your job, your love life, all of it is pretty much governed by belief systems subconsciously and subconscious habits and patterns in the ways we view reality and react to it on a subconscious level. If you can rewire that, you can change your life. That's where subliminals come into play.

When you start to get more emotionally involved in a new idea or have a new thought process and what not, you actually fired new nerve and brain cells. As time goes on, if you think the same way and get emotionally involved in the same ideas, whether it be your dream, I'm so grateful now that you have some affirmation like that where it's a subconscious, subliminal program that's entering your subconcious. As time moves on, it starts to  build neural connections. It becomes a hard wire in your subconscious, in your brain that starts to operate on its own without you having to consciously do it, the same way that once you got used to driving, you didn't have to like freak out like you did the first time you drove.

You need to really take serious the idea and science behind rewiring the brain.That's why I created The Second Min. It's a software we created. Your first mind is the mind that is programmed by society. Your second mind is the one you've created that's consciously in alignment with your dreams and what you want in life. That's why I created the software to literally do that rewiring process of you.

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A subliminal is autosuggestion to the subconscious. The Second Mind is the most advanced software you can use to rewire your brain to attract what you want in your life. Everyday we hear fantastic stories, but in everyday life, what you can do in addition to that is to start to set up your life where it's in subconscious alignment with what you consciously want. Which means, for example, let's say you want more money, here's what you should do. You should go to your bank, take out a $100 bill, put it in your wallet, don't spend it, and have that all the time.

You're constantly seeing that $100 bill. Instead of just seeing a bunch of receipts in a wallet, which is what we normally do, take another step back and say, okay, so how does a vision board come into play? Your mind works in images and if you pass off the appropriate images to your subconscious, your subconscious will accept them and then express them as tangible realities in your life. If your vision board has the money you want on it, it has the exact right out of your bank account rewritten the way that you want or it has like some epic places you want to go in the world or love or health or happiness, those images start suggesting to the subconscious when you see them every single day. That's why I always say take a three by five card that you get at Staples or Office Depot and write what you want in the present tense on it and carry it with you every single place that you go.

subliminal audios and the law of attraction

Make your vision board, do all of those tips and make sure that your demo and start to use The Second Mind every single day. It's the most powerful way to reprogram the subconscious and rewire your brain.

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You are a powerful being. You are meant to live a life of abundance. You're meant to live a life of vitality, energy, concentration, joy, freedom, fulfilling romantic relationships, stimulating friendships. All of these things are meant to be yours, but you have to begin to expect them. If you don't expect them, there's no way that you can use the power of freewill to manifest what you want. Expect great things today.

Have a beautiful day. 

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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