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Hidden Bible Prayer Technique to Manifest Anything

In this blog I am going to talk about the Hidden Bible Prayer Technique to Manifest Anything You Want. I'm so happy you're here. Let's dive in! 

There is a hidden Bible teaching. There is a hidden Bible prayer technique that you can actually utilize to call the things that do not exist as though they actually were, and take the dreams and desires and wishes that you're holding in your mind and now hold them in your hand.

So in this blog, Hidden Bible prayer technique to manifest anything you want, Hidden Bible teachings that reveal consciousness, manifestation, oneness, and how to take any wish you have in your mind and have it quickly fulfilled in your life. Check this out How To Manifest Through Prayer to learn more.

In the Bible it says that you can call the things that do not exist as though they were. Essentially you can experience them in your life. You have to call the things that do not exist, as though they did. Now what on earth does this mean? 

What this means is if you understand how to use the power of your own consciousness, you can actually manifest anything that you want.

 In the Bible it says that "creation is finished".

hidden bible prayer technique to manifest anything you want

What do you suppose that means? If creation is finished, technically everything that ever will be experienced in the future already exists in the now. Let me say that again. If creation is finished, what do you suppose that means? Creation is finished.

That must mean that everything in the future that you may want now, It already exists now it would have to if creation is finished. So technically all you're actually doing is manifesting.

Send a prayer to the universe that what you want already exists, You're coming in alignment in consciousness with it and thus manifesting it. How do you think that Jesus say in the Bible, "You can make mountains move"

What do you think it means when it says, "call the things that don't exist as though they did"? all these miracles? How does that happen? Because technically they already exist. This reality you're seeing right now is something called visible light. Visible light is a very small amount of universal energy. Now you can call this universal energy anything that you want.

Hidden Bible Prayer technique

God, Spirit, Allah, Buddha, Christmas, Jessica... You can call it any name you want. Alan Watts says you cannot get wet by the word water. This energy that is God is in everything.

The walls are made out of energy. If you take a powerful enough microscope and you look at walls or fingernails, science found that they're all the same thing. It's a bunch of energy vibrating at different speeds, different rates of vibration. So all of reality is spirit manifesting in different forms and different frequencies

Just like everything on the radio is sound waves. It's energy manifesting at different forms and frequencies. 91.4 that's a rock station, 88.6 that's a talk show. But it's all just different manifestations of invisible sound ways.

Similarly, everything is held up and built entirely off of invisible energy. You can call that an invisible energy, "God" if you want. But the fact is science tells us, a lot of people think that science and religion or science and spirituality or science and consciousness are actually against one another.

But get this! 

science tells us that an atom is 95% to 99% empty space. And what's an Atom? It makes up everything. It entirely makes up my desk, my clothes, my body, your chair, your computer or iPhone, your entire life is made up of atoms. And they're 95 to 99% empty space.


So what are they? Consciousness, their energy, their god, their spirit. And what does it tell us in the Bible? It tells us that everything is made manifest from light.

All this reality is a bunch of light photons vibrating at different arrangements in different frequencies. So everything is God and everything already exists. If creation is finished, there's just frequencies that you cannot see.

Just like you, when you're listening to 99.4 on the radio, you can't hear 107.1. you're listening to one station, but you can't hear the others. But if you turn the dial to the right transmitter, the right receptor of frequency, then you can hear 107.1 but you can't hear both at the same time. The radio KNOB is tuned essentially to one level of consciousness. It's tuned to one frequency. It's tuned to one reality.


That reality is 107.1so then you hear the manifestation of it. But all the other stations exist in possibility, but you use the knob to get to a different reality. Similarly, you use your consciousness to get to different realities.

The bible says, "to those that have more will be given and to those that do not have even that which they have will be taken away".

So if you get more, when you have more, what is that saying? It's not saying God likes rich people and if you're not rich, you suck. It's saying if you possess what you want in consciousness or it says in the Bible, whatever you pray for, you can have. But you have to believe you've already received it. You have to possess it in consciousness and then you will have it in the physical reality.

So everything is energy and this reality is just called visible light. If everything is God and God is within everything but this reality we see with our eyes and we say, this is reality. This is life.

It's just called visible light. This thing that we say, "I'll believe it when I see it. That's not possible. You can't make the mountains move. You can't attract more money". That's visible light.

 Visible light is a very small bandwidth of actual universal energy of actual God energy.

 And if creation is finished, there must be a bunch of different realities that exist beyond what you can see.

hidden bible prayer technique

Just like there's a bunch of other radio stations you cannot hear because you've turned the dial to one frequency to one station to one reality. Similarly, your consciousness is just like that Radio Broadcasting Knob. Your consciousness projects one reality.

It might be a reality of financial struggle, financial success, lack of love or lots of love, great new job, no good job. But it's just like the knob projecting a frequency. So you're projecting a frequency to those that have more will be given when you're in the consciousness of having the money.

You want the love, you want the house you want, the car you want, whatever it is that you want, and you're thanking God as if you already have it. You're in the frequency of attracting more energy that matches that cause to those that have more will be given. And to those that do not have even that which they have will be taken away.

When you're focused on what's missing, you pull more of that energy back into your life that matches what's missing. So when the Bible goes back to our original statement, we talked about how to call the things that do not exist as though they...how do we define existence?

We define it by what we can see, but that's very limited because what we can see, it's just visible light. So there's a bunch of energy and if everything is energy, then what you want already exists and you're already connected to it.


It's just that you have to start possessing it in consciousness to pull it from the universal quantum field from God. You have to direct your consciousness so God energy responds back to you. Creation is finished. You are actually just manifesting it by starting to possess it in your own consciousness.

So people will ask God for what they want, or they'll pray for what they want, even if they don't really believe in the idea that there is a god. Alan Watts says, "you can't get wet by the word water."

When I say God, I'm talking about this universal energy that is in everything, sustains everything, and has created everything from our world to the perfection of earth orbiting around the sun in this solar system that's constantly expanding.

hidden bible prayer technique

So if that energy is in everything and that energy is infinite, then technically what I want already exists.

I just can't see it. Just like 107.1 on the radio station exists. Even though I cannot see it, I have to turn the Knob to get in alignment with that station in order to hear it.

I have to turn the dial of my own consciousness. You have to turn the dial of your own consciousness to the reality of the money already existing. Turn the Knob of your own consciousness to God's wealth. Think about God's wealth and be grateful for God's wealth. It's infinite in nature.

The Universe is infinite in nature. It's constantly growing. The furthest away stars are hundreds of trillions of years away. And if you actually got there and you were able to be sent in a rocket capsule for a hundred trillion years and you woke up and you were perfectly fine once you were there, you would actually see stars just as far and it would go on an infinite ratio. It goes on forever.

So God's wealth is totally infinite. And you think about it's totally plentiful. Everything from the oxygen, the rain coming down that grows the trees that creates that oxygen. All of this stuff is totally abundant, so when you get in touch with gratitude for God's abundance or you get in touch with God's perfection, the universes perfection. Think about how perfect it is. It's so perfect.

You haven't reminded yourself once to breathe while you've been watching this, you may have been aware of your breath, but you didn't have to consciously direct your energy to breathe.

An unconscious intelligence created a perfect biological and genetic system and supercomputer. That's you. You're the most powerful supercomputer in the entire world. God created this perfection. Divine intelligence created this perfection. It grows your fingernails, it pumps your blood through millions of millions of miles of veins.

Think about love. How much this universe loves us. When your consciousness gets focused on the love, the perfection, and the abundance of the universe, you pull similar energy back to you.

manifest anything you want

So when you're in the state of thinking, thank you God, thank you universe for your incredible abundance and wealth and the perfection of the universe and your ability to create the impossible...

When you're in that energy, what happens is you attract more energy that matches to them. When you're aware of God's abundance, rather than focusing on what's missing. What often happens is we come from subconscious programming. We want money, we want success, but then we're focused on the fact that it's not there. I really hope I get it. I really wish I get it.

That's implying it doesn't exist. It says in the Bible call the things that do not exist that you cannot see with your eyes as though you knew they were here. So we define "does not exist" by things we cannot see.

But that doesn't mean it actually doesn't exist. It just exists at an energy rate beyond what you can see and when you start using your thoughts to possess it in consciousness and feeling it, feel the exceptional amount of appreciation and gratitude to God or the universe or spirit or divine intelligence.


If you have a hard time FEELING the emotion before the physical has made manifest??? This helps.

Like really think about how amazing this whole existence is. Like really think about all the abundance and what happens is to those that have more will be given.

You have it in consciousness and then you start bringing more of that back to you. So start speaking what you want into existence. No more hope, no more wish, no more if, no more when I might get it. I really hope it works. None of that.

Instead! feel this - I am so grateful for God's abundance flowing into my life. Every day I'm feeling more prosperous. I'm tapping in to the constant expansion of the universe. Just like the stars are always expanding. My success is always expanding because God's wealth blesses me. God's abundance blesses me. Thank you, universe.

Comment down below, "Thank you God"

thank you god

Just uttering those words puts you in connection to this divine intelligence that has the ability to bring anything you want into your life because it already exists in the quantum field. It does exist, but you may not see it with your eyes yet.

When you start believing you already received, that's when God says, oh, they're starting to get it.God doesn't speak English, Spanish or Portuguese or whatever language.God speaks frequency. God speaks emotion.

God speaks energy and when your energy, emotions, and frequency are in the energy of abundance, you will attract money. When your energy, emotions, and frequency are in love, you will attract amazing, loving people back into your life.

When your energy, emotions, frequency, and thoughts are already in so much gratitude that all your dreams have come true, the universe will make all your dreams come true and more.


manifest anything that you want

Because to those that have more will be given and to those that do not have even that which they have will be taken away from them. So you have to begin calling the things that do not exist as though they already did. Thank you God. Thank you universe that this happened and this happened and this happened and this happened and oh my gosh, thank you God.

Thank you universe that this happened . I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. I'm strong enough. I'm capable. I'm a divine being. I am blessed with the infinite power of the creator. God energy dwells within every cell of my body.

 Every fiber of my being is resonating in harmony with the perfection of the universe. In return, I'm attracting amazing relationships, loving, fulfilling, successful days.Money is flowing to me in avalanches of abundance. I'm getting promotions.

God is prospering me. I'm attracting more and more and more great things and feeling the energy behind those words, not just repeating the words themselves, but feeling the emotion of gratitude to God in the universe that you exist and that God's nature is infinite expansion, love, happiness, wealth and abundance and you are connected to that.

Therefore, that energy blesses and washes over your life and brings amazing things that match that energy back. Call the things that do not exist as though they did and you will be able to make any mountain move in your life quickly and fast. So thank you for reading this blog! If you want to bring things into your existance and have trouble on your own, I have a hypnosis I made just for you.

If you're already using it, feel free to share it with your friends and family! 

Actually I first designed it for me. But then I had such incredible results reprogramming my mind with it that I started letting other people use it.

They're now getting amazing results too and over 400,000 people are now using it around the world.

If you haven't already, make sure to utilize this tool in your life so you can attract all you desire!

rewire you mind

Our mortal selves have been programmed in a lot of ways by the negativity and limitations of the world by our past, by old emotions, old things people said, past failures and hiccups and anxieties. And unless we reprogram that, it controls 95% of your life so it can take control of all of your desires and block what you want.

So I created a neuro programmer. It's totally free for the first 30 days. It's right there down below. Brainwash yourself for total gratitude and love to the universe. Feel it within every part of your body. You're so excited that the money has already come. Your perfect relationship is already here. All you desire is already here.

Thank you universe for a beautiful life I want to thank you. Thank you because with out you who is reading this and watcing my videos, we would not have created this powerful movement that is changing peoples lives. You're going to attract all the money, the great job, the love, everything you want in life, but more importantly your energy will become very powerful.

Like it says in the Bible to those that have more will be given. You will be having what you want in consciousness and then you will see it manifest in your life and it's going to be so exciting!

I''m so excited for these great things headed into your life. Go ahead and use my neuro programmer. Use it daily before bed and when you wake up if you can. Great things are in store. Thank you for being here my friend. Much love to you and have a beautiful day.


Miracles Are Normal


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

  • thank you for free knowledge and information directly of the Bible. The refreshing source and information is amazing!

  • […] How to manifest through prayer will be discussed in this video blog. I'm going to give you a quick and easy 60-second prayer technique from Neville Goddard to attract what you want in 30 days or less. Neville Goddard said, "Prayer is a psychological movement." It is the art of moving from a problem to a solution. When a friend calls to tell us of a problem, we hang up, and I move from the problem state to its solution by hearing the same lady tell me the problem is now solved. That's a beautiful quote, and the question is: how do we actually live that? How do we use this very simple prayer technique? Check this out to find out more – Hidden Bible Prayer Technique to Manifest Anything. […]

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