In this blog I'm going to talk about the hidden teachings of Jesus Christ that explain manifestation, consciousness, and oness. I'm so happy you're here. Let's dive right in!
Hidden teachings of Jesus Christ and hidden treasures in the Bible actually reveal the truth about manifestation. It reveals how your consciousness can actually influence this physical reality. You can manifest what you want and here are hidden teachings from the Bible that prove it even though they don't want you to know about this, even though nobody talks about this.This is Jake Ducey with! Let's get into it.
It is a beautiful day in Hawaii today. Actually. It is a gorgeous day. Zero clouds. zero wind. There a verse Hebrews 11: 3 that says, "through faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
So what is that telling us? It goes on to say all is created by the word of God. Well, what is God? God is an energy system that's in everything. First of all. And second of all, what would be the word of God? We'll, how would the energy system of the universe create things? Through consciousness.
Science has proven that subatomic particles can either be energy, nonexistent or particles physically in tangible reality through consciousness, the awareness of them, the observation of them. So consciousness creates reality.
So the word of God is consciousness and you're an individualization of God. So you channel that God consciousness, that creative energy with your own consciousness. And it says that the things that you see don't come from the things that appear. So very easily, the mind can trick you in your physical senses, can trick you into believing that you are your physical body, but you're a spiritual being in a physical body. It's just like the wave is an individualization of the ocean.
You as a spiritual being in a physical body or an individualization of God. But so often we think that God is the separate energy outside of us that we go, I hope I wish I pray. Please help me please, please. And In the Bible It says to those that have, more will be given. What do you think that means?
When it says to those that have more will be given, do you think that that means this emotional God is an actual entity in the sky that dwells over our lives and judges us? Do you think it's saying to those that have more will be given that It's meaning Hey, if you're rich, I'm going to give you more cool stuff, and if you're not, you're screwed...???
To those that have more be given to those that do not have even that which they have will be taken away. No, it's talking about consciousness, right?
Remember it said that the word of God created everything. Let's interpret just for a little while. Afterwards you can say, Jake is stupid. His stuff didn't make sense. I'm getting rid of this idea. But just for the course of this blog, I invite you to try on the idea and change that the word "God", and call it "consciousness". This way it makes it a little bit more sense in conventional language.
You say the worlds were framed by consciousness, so that things which are seen were not made of that which appears. So the physical world wasn't made by what you can see with the naked eye. It was formed by consciousness and you cannot see consciousness. Everything physical is actually made up of a nonphysical substance. That's what they're saying. So what does that mean?
Your bank account is controlled by your thoughts. Your love life is controlled by your thoughts. You can't see thoughts, but that's what people do. They go, how do thoughts become things? you can't see thoughts... And so they chalk it up to because you can't see it, then it must not have a real power on the physical world. Albert Einstein said it differently. He said, "particles don't create other particles". It's the same thing that they're saying in Hebrews 11.
That which is seen doesn't come from that which appears. So the physical particles don't create more physical particles.
Albert Einstein said particles don't create other particles.
So science is saying the same thing that religion and spirituality are saying here. If the physical world isn't created by other things in the physical world, it's created by the word of God. Now, if you replace the word of God with consciousness (and you have consciousness), it's saying that consciousness creates the physical world. The nonphysical creates the physical, that your thoughts, the images that you hold in your mind, in your observation of things.
It's what creates it as a physical reality that you are a powerful being, that God is an energy that dwells within you, that consciousness that dwells within you, that you can channel and that you're actually creating this physical world that you're experiencing right here, right now.
So comment down below, "Thoughts become things".
Thoughts are the word of God and you are using that energy system to create your life. Right here in the bible it says "through faith, we understand that the worlds were formed by the word of God".
Remember, let's replace it with consciousness just for a little while.
You can put it back if you don't like that word later. Through faith, we understand that the worlds were formed by consciousness.
The world was formed by consciousness, so that things which are seen things in the physical world, we're not made by things which do appear. So, but what most people do is they go, my bank account was determined by the fact, and then they list off things from the physical world. They say, I don't have the right education. I'm not good enough. I'm not smart enough. I'm too old...
I'm too young. The rich people are controlling it and the politicians ruined my ability to have financial freedom. They determine the physical thing based off another physical thing.
What's something we can see? An example would be your bank account, right? Or your love life. Or the circumstances, your career, the house you live in, the car you drive, etc.., the things which are seen, but they were not made by things which do appear. So they weren't determined by other things in your physical realm. And if they weren't determined by that, they would have to be determined by consciousness.
Now enter science here and this is when they talk about the observer effect in science, which says that we used to think Atoms were the physical building blocks of the universe. And then we What's an atom? An atom makes up the chair, makes up my body and makes up this table. It makes up this phone and makes up the computer. EVERYTHING.
You live in Atoms. Atoms are the physical building blocks, but then we found that an Adam was 95 to 99% empty space. So even an Adam is primarily made up of things you cannot see. And then eventually we found out about subatomic particles. Then science starts looking at subatomic particles and this is where the observer effect comes.
They're looking at subatomic particles. And what they find is that a subatomic particle can be both a wave and a particle. A particle meaning that they were able to observe it as an energy state. It was actually unobservable.
It was in a nonphysical dimention. So the same subatomic particle could be both a particle and a wave depending on how it was observed, meaning that your consciousness determines what you experience because all energy that ever was and ever will be is 100% evenly present in all places at all times.
Energy can never be created or destroyed. It can only be manifested into different forms.
Consciousness is what determines everything. All realities already exist. The Kingdom of Heaven is within you, right? So all the dimensions of reality, all energy already exists. And guess what? Your consciousness is what determines what you experience. So everything is really two things. What you want or the absence of what you want. Most people want money, want a soulmate, but they always say things like, "there's no cute guys left. I mean I guess it's fine if I never meet anyone."
I want to have kids. I heard someone say that to me recently. How are you? You're 27 years old, you're 28 years old. How are you already deciding you're not going to have kids? Cause you're not going to meet a soul mate. You've already created a worldview where there isn't your soulmate out there.
Therefore that's the only thing you're going to experience. Your world view creates your reality. In other words, your consciousness creates a reality. And in the Bible, what it's saying is that the word of God creates reality. The word of God is how you channel God consciousness. It's how you use consciousness to channel universal energy. That's how you create it.
It's how you channeled spirit energy using your brain, using your mental faculties.
It's your free will to express this universal energy and what I'm inviting you to do is start to dwell in that Kingdom of heaven within you.
Meaning within yourself, form the kingdom that you want to live in. Form the reality that you want to live in. Start being in that reality now. Everything is two things. You can either be in the reality you want or the absence of it. You can want love, but you could say there's no good guys left.
You could want money, but you could say money's bad. Oh, at least I'm happy. Oh, I'd rather be happy than rich. That's really just a rationalization for not having it and it's sending off the signal of I'm broke.
Just like the previous was sending off the signal that my soulmate isn't out there. Remember to those that have more will be given, but if you're in an energy of my soulmate isn't out there, the money isn't here, the opportunity isn't coming, I'm wrong, something's wrong with me, I'm unlovable, I'm unworthy, my dreams are not possible. Then you're the latter. Part of that famous saying to those who have more will be given and to those that do not have, even that which they have will be taken away.
In other words, if consciousness creates reality and that which appears doesn't come from that which has seen, then where does it come from? What you see comes from what's within your own consciousness in your own mind.
Because this outside world is a mirror, a holographic mirror reflecting back to you the levels of your own consciousness and that's what you experience.
So just cause you can't see your dreams unfolding, it doesn't mean they're not there because what you see doesn't come from what's here. It comes from other higher dimensions of energy that you can't see. Just like you can't see a cell phone signal, right?
You have a cell phone and let's say you dial Billy. Billy's number is 5034765555. You can calls him, but you can't see the actual connection happening.
You're just using this tool called a phone that's broadcasting that signal. He might be in China and you might be in Canada. but you guys are able to communicate, right? And the same thing happens with a radio signal. You turn it to 99.4. you can't see the music playing but you turn the Dial one more time and all of a sudden that plops on, so you're using this Knob on a radio.
You're using this phone as a tool to dial a certain frequency so that it appears similarly. You're using your consciousness to dial a certain frequency that you cannot see with your eyes yet, but it exists.
You just cannot see it with your eyes. Consciousness creates reality. The word of God, which is consciousness, creates reality. Your consciousness, you cannot see. You can only feel it and see it within yourself.
But soon you will see and create the world. Because what you see doesn't come from that which does appear what you cannot see. The spirit, the thought realm, the spiritual realm, the energy realm is what creates the physical realm. So what I'm inviting you to do is consider that your dreams are already real.
They're just not in physical form yet. And your thought realm is what creates the physical realm. Thank you for reading this blog. If this Idea speaks to you, try it on for a little while. If something doesn't speak to you just drop it where you found it. Remember, lack of evidence is not evidence of lack.
Just because you can't see the evidence that what I want is coming yet doesn't mean it's not going to happen. Because that which is seen does not come from that which does appear. It comes from the word of God. What's the word of God? I'm an individualization of God.
You are an Individualization of God. And we use our consciousness in order to channel that higher energy, that universal energy, that creative force of the energy, that spirit energy to create this physical reality. Isn't that exciting? So right there, down below you'll see my Success Hypnosis.
I created a success hypnosis to train my mind to dwell in the energy of what I wanted. Psychologists say you have 65,000 thoughts in a day and 95% of them are subconscious. Most of them are negative and they've been programmed. So I created this hypnosis in order to rewire those negative thoughts that were holding me back and turn them into an energy of what I wanted to create.
You can manifest easier, using this. It's here for free. Thanks so much for being here. Sending lots of love and abundance to you. Have a beautiful day!
Miracles Are Normal
Hi Jake,
I’m Phil from Corona del Mar, CA. I was searching Google for the following phrase: what physical things does Jesus manifest in the world?
That’s the funky thought that led me to your post here.
I was looking for some actual physical things that might be described in the bible or other references.
I need to create a scene in the screenplay I’m writing where the main character goes into a dream sequence while napping and the thing he dreams of becomes real later in the plot.
The screenplay takes ideas from Neville Goddard and weaves them (subtly) into a movie about high school students who screw up a biology experiment.
Anyway, I like your post, and if you’ve got anything you can “give” me that would move my quest along, I’d appreciate it. 🙂