How to ask for what you want and get it! how to ask the universe for what you want, how to know what it is that you want in life, how to have a wish in your mind, in your heart, and in your soul, and get it in real life. Let's dive right into this blog!
So how do you ask for what you want and get it? How do you ask the universe? How do you ask God? How do you ask the law of attraction? How do you go to sleep at night wishing about something and then have it in your life, whatever it is. Well first you got to realize that it already exists.
How could it do anything other than exist? Science tells us energy is never created or destroyed. And what is everything in this universe that you could ever want?
Even the wall is just energy. A wall is 95 to 99% empty space cause an atom is 95 to 99% empty space, but it's all energy. Albert Einstein showed us that E = MC squared. He Showed us that energy and matter are one.
Energy is what creates matter. So if energy is never created or destroyed, then anything in the future has to already exist because the future couldn't be created because energy is never created or destroyed.
All potential realities already exists.
Now it's hard for the mind to understand that because the mind thinks linearly and its been programmed to think linearly and so it thinks in terms of present moment, this is what exists. Future, I would like things to exist. I would like to create things past things that had existed that you experienced.
But we are programmed to think of the future as if it may or may not come and hopefully we can create the things that we want.
But if energy's never created or destroyed, what you want has to exist already. It exists. It's called the quantum field. So this energy right here that you see with your eyes is called visible light.
Visible light is a very small bandwidth of universal energy. There's a lot more energy beyond what your physical senses are capable of seeing, hearing, and experiencing. But there is a whole lot more energy. So there's a quantum field where all possibilities exist.
Albert Einstein said, time doesn't exist.
So if time doesn't exist, then essentially this universe is full of parallel realities or it's totally infinite and there's all these different potential realities that are all happening simultaneously.
But that's a hard concept for the mind to grasp.
So then the mind thinks in terms of past future may be I'd get there, maybe I won't, but all are be exist because energy's never created or destroyed.
So what you want already exists. So the title of this video was how to ask for what you want and get it. If you ask for what you want, implying that it doesn't exist and you would like to get it or hopefully have it, then you already blocked out the possibility of getting it.
You have to have it in consciousness in order to change the consciousness you're projecting. Another way to say it would be you have to change the energy that you're vibrating in harmony with.
Think of yourself, not like a body, like you're a giant energy field and you're emanating a frequency, so you're emanating a frequency and then that frequency that's emanating, that energy you're broadcasting, brings things from the quantum field back to it. That's called the law of attraction.
Essentially, like energy attracts like energy. So if time is never created and there is no real past or future and everything you want already exists, the only way to get it is by asking for what you want in a totally different way.
Instead, you have to start thanking God or the universe or life that you already have it and it's not just a string of words. Thank you that the money's here, but your energy is focused on the frustration that the money isn't there. Thank you. I found my soulmate. Yet deep inside you're jealous because somebody else has what you want or you're lying in bed at night wondering if there is really true love that exists in this universe.
It's not just the words, it's the feeling behind them.
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It's absolutely FREE and will allow you to feel the words you are affirming so you can actually rewire your mind and attract what you want!
How you feel is you being aware of your own energy. Because emotions is your energy in motion. Your energy in motion is that frequency or vibration you are emanating. Then in return you pull energy that matches back to you.
Remember, everything is energy, so you pull energy that matches back to you in the form of circumstances, Certain people, relationships, money, job or lack thereof, promotions, lack thereof, money, lack thereof.
You bring it back to you matching your own frequency. In the Bible it says to those that have more will be given to those that do not have even that which they have will be taken away from them.
When you're in the consciousness of having what you want and you're grateful that you already have it and you feel the gratitude that you already have it, that's how you change the energy. Now there is science behind this too.
Every time you have an emotion, you feel so grateful to the universe that you attracted tons of money, that you landed your dream job, that you finally attracted the most amazing romantic relationship and it's so exciting. It's keeping you up at night. Oh my gosh, it feels so good. You fire new nerve cells. You fire new brain cells.
There's a term in neuroscience that says it's called Hebbs law. It says that nerve cells, brain cells that fire together wire together, meaning every day when you start building the pattern of being grateful that you already have the money, you already sold the home. You already got the new client, you already got the sale, you already got the customer, you already got the promotion, you already got the soulmate.... You already had this amazing thing happened in your life and you're like, oh my gosh, thank you universe!!!
When you start doing that every day you start firing and wiring new nerve cells. So your brain starts getting conditioned to a reality that technically doesn't exist with your eyes yet. But your brain starts thinking it's real.
Your brain, which is really an electro magnetic switching station of universal energy, starts getting fired and wired.
The actual neurocircuits in your brain starts producing the electromagnetic field of what you want. Your brain starts becoming a conductor of an energy current of abundance, of love, of soulmate, of your wish already fulfilled of you getting that opportunity, that money, that home, that house, that whatever you want.
Your brain becomes an electromagnetic switching station that starts vibrating in harmony with that energy and pulling it back into your life, whether you're consciously aware of it or not.
Your brain is always emitting a frequency so that energy field starts pulling more of what you want towards you until eventually your eyes confirm what you already believed within yourself.
You are already so excited that it happened and then eventually your eyes prove it to you. And that's the key.
So in order to ask the universe for what you want and get it you have to actually know that it already exists.
You may not see with your eyes, but lack of evidence is not evidence of lack.
What do I mean? Lack of evidence is not evidence of lack. If you look with your eyes, you may be like, well, the money's not here. How can I possess it in consciousness? My soulmate, the last relationships haven't worked. But just because you see a lack of evidence or hear a lack of evidence doesn't mean it's an evidence of lack. The universe is infinite in nature.
And if energy is never created or destroyed, you may not see what you want, but it exists in an energy realm and you can by changing your consciousness, make it manifest in your life. So lack of evidence isn't evidence of lack. And when you start possessing it in consciousness by going, yeah, I'm asking for what I want, but I know it actually already exists.
So really I'm expressing my gratitude. I'm deeply thanking the universe, or I'm deeply grateful to my life that x, y, and Z has already occurred. The universe doesn't speak English, Spanish or Portuguese or whatever language you speak.
The universe speaks frequency, so all of a sudden your frequency changes and the universe says, oh look, they're asking for what they want by living from it, by acting as if they already have it, by thanking me and consciousness for already possessing it.
Now let me give them more energy that matches that and then the money just keeps coming to you and then the great opportunities just keep coming to you because now all of the sudden your whole electromagnetic field is becoming like a powerful planet.
Just like a planet pulls things into its orbit, your electromagnetic field is vibrating in harmony with what you want, as if it already exists.
It's vibrating in harmony with abundance, with the gratitude, with excitement, with love, and so you keep pulling things back that match that energy. All these new circumstances, all these new opportunities, all these new people, all these awesome experiences that keep matching it, and then it becomes like this super conductor and it keeps increasing and increasing and then people say, you're so lucky, and you say, actually, I'm so grateful that I'm always blessed and it keeps bringing more back into my life.
So, if you haven't yet, make sure that you use my success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind for this, right. Sometimes consciously, you may understand, but subconsciously you may have been programmed with some limiting beliefs you aren't even aware of that are stopping you from getting what you want. So right there, down below is Jake's hypnosis.
It's free to use! Over 400,000 people from all over the world have used it. I made it for myself seven years ago. I never knew that many people would eventually use it. That's been really neat. And you know the reason so many people have used it is because it performs miracles in your life.
It reprograms your subconscious and great things just start coming to you without your conscious effort. You just listen to it once or twice a day. It's right there, down below and again, it's totally free.
While you're listening to it, you can start getting back in that energy of asking for what you want by knowing it already exists and expressing your gratitude for the fact that everything you want is already here.
That's how the law of attraction brings those great experiences back to you. What you want already exists, and when you start possessing it in consciousness,
you will see it manifest in your life.
Wishing you a beautiful day. It is my hope that you use what you learned here today. Trust the process and be easy with yourself. I also want to thank you for being here and apart of this movement. I couldn't continue to help the masses without my tribe. Thats you. Thank you for reading, watching my videos, and sharing with your friends. Until next time, much love my friend.
Miracles Are Normal
So if saying thank you for my wealth and fortune doesn’t feel good, and you just feel lack. how do you change that?