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3 Things No One Tells You About The Universe

In this article, I'm going to share the 3 things that no one tells you about the universe.

Today I'd like to discuss three things that are absolutely amazing with the world that nobody tells you about. Everybody is always like "The world is going bad. Everything's falling apart this way. It's getting so bad out here."

Here's three things that are absolutely fantastic about the world that nobody talks about. This will restore your hope in humanity, the future and what's truly possible for yourself and your beautiful, marvelous life.

3 Things No One Tells You About The Universe #1

Number one is we have the internet. People are like "Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook, all these problems with the Internet and then there's all these problems with the government and here's what's wrong in the world.."

We have the internet. We're able to communicate instantaneously all over the world. You have the opportunity to build a business anywhere you want. You might be in South Africa. You might be in India. In fact, comment down below where in the world you are coming from. You could be anywhere in the world and we're able to connect. That is amazing.

People are like "Technology is ruining the world. It's making us forget about connecting with each other and being happy." Maybe, but so did a bunch of stuff a long time ago, too. Anytime you place more emphasis on anything outside of yourself, the chances are you get addicted to the exterior stimulation and you forget about how magnificent and marvelous your own mind is.

I personally don't think that there's a better time in human history that I ever could have been alive. I am so grateful I'm alive right now. Not to mention the simple fact that life expectancy is longer than it's ever been before. You get a longer chance to experience life than ever before. You have the internet to learn new things instantaneously. Even if you feel alone in your little town or your city or your country, you have the opportunity to come and find a community like this of like minded people.

You have the opportunity to truly learn things. Imagine people saying "I wish I was alive four hundred years ago. There'd be a lot less people on a lot less problems." I don't want to be alive four hundred years ago. If I have to go to the hospital, I can go to the hospital in five minutes. I couldn't do that four hundred years ago. If I wanted to connect with somebody in India, I could connect with you right now. 

Comment down below where you're coming from.

You might say "It was so much better 200 years ago." Yeah, but now I have a credit card and I can go swipe it super easily and I can go get the food that I want because I'm not in the mood to cook anything. I think the world's better. I think it's far better than it ever was.

Most often it's the media and then people that are addicted to what the media is telling them. Psychology has shown that the most viral and addicting content is negative, fear based, aggressive, violent content because your brain is addicted to it and so that's what the media perpetuates because they want you to stay on because then they get paid by advertisers.

If you're addicted to whatever they're spewing, you'll stay on for when the advertisers come. If you stay on for the commercials and they can go back to the advertisers and say, "We get this many people that watch the commercials", they get more money. It's all designed like that and then we keep watching it and then we get ingrained with their ideologies, their negative based ideologies about how the world's going bad when it's not. They win.

I have meal plans. I get farm made 100% organic foods and they get delivered to my house. It's high quality chef meals delivered to my home. I got a bunch of them yesterday. I couldn't do that 700 years ago. I couldn't do that 200 years ago. I couldn't go on Google and find a hundred percent organic all from the Hawaiian islands that I live from ingredient meals.

They come to my house and I just give them a little plastic card, and then they transfer the money and they gave me the value for it. I couldn't do that. I'm so grateful that I'm alive. I'm inviting you to affirm that in your head right now.

Comment down below: I'm so grateful I'm alive right now

I'm grateful you're alive right now. This is the best time in human history and besides the past doesn't exist. All that exists is right now, so we might as well make the best moment we possibly can.

3 Things No One Tells You About The Universe #2 

Number two, I am grateful that more money is printed every single day. A lot of people complain about the fact that more money is printed every single day because it actually causes the devaluation of the US currency, but I'm actually grateful for it. Guess why? Because money is just a medium for you to buy the experiences you want.

You want a certain type of car, you need money to buy it. You want a certain house, you need money to buy it. You have kids and you want them to go to a certain college, you need money to buy it. You want certain types of health insurance that will allow you to be safe because you have other people in your life? You've got to buy it.

I've always been someone that's like "I'm healthy. Nothing's wrong with me. I don't really need like all these different things that they say that I should buy." 

3 things no one tells you about the universe

Now that I have a wife and we're going to have kids soon, I have a multi-million dollar health insurance on my life. I would've never done that if I didn't have Ashley. I want her to be safe just in case. That costs money. I'm grateful I have that. I'm grateful that I have clean water to drink. That costs money.

It's easy to forget how amazing life is. Maybe life has beat the crap out of you. You're in debt. You failed at school, somebody cheated on you, your last relationship failed. You just got fired from your job or everyone treats you like crap at your job. You don't love yourself. You look in the mirror and you don't like who you are. You don't feel comfortable in your skin. You feel like you're overweight.

You feel like you don't fit in with other people and you can't find the right friends. You feel like you can't find the right resources. Everyone's saying no to you. You can't get on a date. You can't find your partner. I don't know what it is, but guess what? You're alive.

I'm not trying to fill your tail with fairy dust and positive woo wooey. You're alive. Do you know how many souls wish they were still alive? This is such an amazing gift to be alive. Just to be alive is such an amazing gift. If what you're into is travel, you should be so grateful. Most people that are into travel that don't like material things and just like experiences and adventure say "I wish we didn't have a world with money."

Why would you even say that? If what you want is to travel and you want to go to New Zealand, you want to go to Australia and you want to go to Thailand, you want to go to America and you want to go to San Diego and Los Angeles, and New York and you want to go to Iceland and you want to go to Hawaii and you want a beautiful home and you want a car that makes you feel excited about life and it's fun to drive.

Why would you ever say that? In this reality, like it or not, money is a tool for you to have that. That's all it is. It's a piece of paper that allows us to exchange value more easily.


Let's say you wanted me to coach you and your value was horses, but I don't like horses. But you had like 75 thoroughbred horses and I think those things are like really expensive, right? Personally, between me and you I actually love horses but let's pretend I didn't. You say "Please coach me, please help me build my horse business to a multi-million dollar business." I say "Yeah, I can help you with that. Here's the cost." You say "No, no, I'm not going to pay you in cash. I'll pay you in horses."

"These horses are $10,000 a horse. These are super expensive. Everyone wants to buy them." I'm like "Yeah, but I don't like horses." We'd have a problem. Right? That's how we used to be. We had a barter system, so we had problems because we couldn't exchange values easily, right? Let's say that you wanted to buy my course The Second Mind. It's my master course that is designed to rewire your brain.

Let's say you wanted to buy it and you were like "This thing is amazing. I demoed it and I want to buy it. It changed my life. Just the demo changed my life. " I was like "All right, cool. Here's the link. You can go ahead and you can purchase it." You say "I don't have any money. I have a bunch of Nike shoes. They're each vintage. They're Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant."

Kobe is my favorite basketball player ever, by the way. Let's say you said this to me. Kobe Bryant gave me every single shoe he ever wore in a game and they're all signed and they're worth probably, if I auctioned all these, they're worth $5 million. Let's say you said that to me. You and I are sitting down right now.

Let's pretend that. But I was like "Yeah, but that's just inconvenient way for me to have money. What should I do with all that Kobe Bryant gear?" You're like "Sell it." But I say "Yeah, but that's hard. Then I have to sell it and work for it. I just prefer to have some paper that says that my second mind program is worth this much money. I can take the cash and then I can exchange it for whatever I want. It would be a lot easier than you giving me a bunch of shoes. Besides, I don't even know where I would put the shoes. I don't like stuff. I'm a minimalist. I only have a few shirts."

3 things no one tells you about the universe

Honestly, I only have a few shirts. My wife makes fun of me because I have like six shirts. I almost never wear a shirt. If you saw me in Maui, I generally don't wear shirts. I don't need to. I live in Hawaii so I don't even have very many shirts.

What am I going to do with 87 pairs of Kobe Bryant shoes and Michael Jordan shoes that are worth a quarter million dollars? What do I do with that?

Honestly, I only have a few shirts. My wife makes fun of me because I have like six shirts. I almost never wear a shirt. If you saw me in Maui, I generally don't wear shirts. I don't need to. I live in Hawaii so I don't even have very many shirts. What am I going to do with 87 pairs of Kobe Bryant shoes and Michael Jordan shoes that are worth a quarter million dollars? What do I do with that?

It's so much easier to have money. I'm so grateful for it. I'm so grateful that we have a very convenient world today that allows us to be in the world of commerce. You love lollipops. Cool. You can get lollipops easily, right? It doesn't matter what you want. You might like cars, you might like fixing cars. You might like guitars, you might like trumpets, you might like painting, you might like hiking and let's say you wanted to hike every single day.

You're going to need money to afford to hike every single day. For instance, I hike all the time. I don't really hike necessarily because generally when I think of hiking, I think of a trail paved and you're going up an incline in a mountain. What I do in Hawaii is drive down the roads and then I find river beds and I pull over on the side of the roads.

I hike up riverbeds so no one's there and I can go for hours like as far as I could possibly imagine. I'm literally in the middle of a jungle and I can stop and sit on these huge rocks in the middle of the river. I can meditate, I can just sit there and appreciate life and connect with God and I can do all these beautiful things that make me feel happy.

If you wanted to do that professionally like Alex Honnold, he climbs all the way up to Yosemite. He free climbs and uses his fingertips to climbs up things that are like thousands of feet in the air. That guy needs money to do all that stuff. If you're grateful for money,

The Second Mind will program your subconscious mind to attract more of it into your life. It will train your subconscious mind to have a positive relationship with money and that's going to allow you to attract more of it into your life.

Psychologists say 95% of your life is subconscious, which means 95% of your life is habitual and other people have programmed our subconscious minds. It's very important you rewire your subconscious mind to attract success into your life.

I'm grateful that more money is printed every single day and that we live in this beautiful, convenient world that allows each and every single one of us to express our own unique passions, interests, and I am grateful that we're alive. It's a beautiful thing.

3 Things No One Tells You About The Universe #3

Number three, I'm grateful for you. Why? I'm grateful for you because you read this blog all the way through. If you read this all the way through, you truly care about creating the best life for yourself, being the best version of yourself, being the most positive version of yourself, and you care about creating positivity in the lives of everyone that you're around. You care about that. Otherwise you wouldn't read my blog in the first place so I'm grateful that you exist. I'm grateful you exist. Thank you for reading this blog all the way through. 

Share with me the number one reason you're grateful that you're alive. I'd love to know. I just shared with you three reasons I'm grateful and three things that are fantastic about the world that nobody talks about because so many people are too busy talking about what's bad with the world.

Comment down below one thing you are grateful about.

Have an absolutely beautiful day. I love you, I appreciate you. I'm sending you positive energy and great intentions. I'll put you in my prayers when I read your comments down below.

Have a beautiful day. I'll see you next time.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

  • Good Morning Jake, I live in East Sable River. Nova Scotia Canada and thanks to your videos i have bought a little piece of heaven right here on earth.i love it here. ty

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