Okay. In this video, I'm going to actually break down exactly How To Manifest What You Want Fast. This is going to be a practical guide. That's going to show you. Step-by-step how the law of attraction works, how consciousness creates reality, how the process of manifestation works with your thoughts, with your own energy and perception and how to manifest money fast.
It's Time To Learn How To Manifest What You Want Fast
I'm going to give you a bunch of visuals for this. I want this to be the best video you've ever seen on the law of attraction, the pictures, the images make it. So you easily understand exactly how this works. We get away from esoteric concepts. We'd get away from new age. And this just is the day, the video that changes your entire life forever. So my name's Jake Ducey with jakeducey.com. It'll send it out to more people and we can help wake up as many people as possible.
You Are Just The Energy
First things first, you are just the energy. That's all. Anything is. So, um, right now you're seeing a picture that this picture is essentially you as an energy field. This is what you look like. If your eyes were tuned enough to see higher spectrums of energy and higher spectrums of light, you're just a field of energy. You extend beyond your own body. As you see on the picture here, it's basically an orb or some type of a, of a field of energy....
This is the flow of your own cheek. Now we know, matter of fact that everything is energy because an Adam is 99% empty space. So an Adam, my hand right here, right here, right now, that thing right there is 99% empty space, 99.9. And so what is the empty space? That empty space is energy. That vibrates at a frequency that is beyond the realm of visible light, that our ears, our eyes, our senses are able to perceive.
Your Brain Is An Electronic Switching Station
So this is much more of what you really look like. I want you to start imagining yourself looking like this. So then you go, Whoa, what decides my field of energy? Well, that comes down to your own subconscious, your own thoughts and your own emotions. So this picture that you're seeing now kind of summarizes the idea of brainwaves. So what's happening is your brain is an electronic switching station. That's all it is.
It's taking infinite energy. It's taking cosmic energy and it is actually manifesting it through your nervous system, in your physiology, in your cells, that gets your cells vibrating at certain frequency levels, different amplitudes of energy that you perceive as emotions, but all emotions are energy in motion. That's all an emotion is an energy and emotion is an electromagnetic frequency that is vibrating through your nervous system. Now, every time you have a thought, you activate brainwaves.
Electromagnetic Frequencies That Are Coming Out Of Your Heart
You activate cells in your brain as well. Now we know this for a fact, because when you go to the hospital, you can do two things. One, you have that up and down, you know, beeping thing. Well that up and down beeping thing is measuring your heart rate is it's measuring the electromagnetic frequencies that are coming out of your heart. Now you can also do the same thing for your brainwaves, and you can actually see the patterns of electromagnetic frequencies that are emanating from your own brain.
Now, every time you have a thought, you send these electromagnetic frequencies, just like this through your brain. Now, some of them are positive. Some of them are negative, but they're all activating parts of your brain, whether it's your amygdala and the electromagnetic frequencies, activate fear, or whether it's activating your own genius. Your brain becomes an electronic switching station that controls the frequency pattern that your energy field called your body vibrates in.
Apply What You've Learned How To Manifest What You Want Fast
Now, as you will see on the screen here, right now, there is a bunch of different brainwave States. This is essentially the electromagnetic frequency, the, the different vibration that your brain begins to operate on in the same way that, um, your radio station, it operates, you turn the knob and it sets the bandwidth Quincy at 91.1 to produce a reality. That is a station of projection of energy.
Similarly, your brain has different frequency patterns. As you'll see here at the top and blue, you have gamma, which is insight, peak focus, expanded consciousness. You have beta, which is alertness concentration in cognition. Then you have alpha, which is relaxation, visualization, and creativity. You have data, which is meditation, intuition, and memory. And then you have Delta, which is detached awareness, healing, and sleep. Now, most people spend almost all of their time in basically the beta energy state.
The Process of Creation
They're in a frenetic rat race, always busy stress response, stress response state, and they spend the majority of their time reacting to everything that's happening outside of them, as opposed to being in a creative state of consciousness that will allow them to project the energy that they want to create their own. I'm going to show you how to do that. Now, now here's how I like to think of the law of attraction and the process of creation.
This is an image here that shows your brain and it shows energy that is essentially being transmitted. Now it doesn't come from your brain. Your brain is really a projector that projects, energy or consciousness out into this giant energy field that you experience as your quote unquote reality. But I like to think of it like this, because as you can see here, there are different frequency patterns, energy, or a little orbs of energy that are essentially transmit from your mind.
That's, what's essentially happening here is you are projecting reality based off of your own consciousness. And more specifically based off of your own feelings. I feel good about the money coming into your life, or do you feel worried? You feel like this stupid law of attraction doesn't work.
Emotion is Energy in Motion If You Know How To Manifest What You Want Fast
Do you feel good about your opportunity to meet your soulmate? Or do you believe there's no good guys left? You can't trust anyone, love is pain. There's no point it's just hard work. You're never going to meet the right person. Do you believe that you can become rich and financially independent? Or does that sound like a pipe dream? You spend most of your energy being jealous or angry or frustrated, or you think the rich people ruin the world. It all comes down to the subconscious feeling because remember feeling this emotion, emotion is energy in motion.
So it all comes down to the subconscious energy emanating from your own energy field, which in turn brings back to you, similar circumstances and situations that match your own frequency pattern. So right now I'm bringing back the first image that I originally showed you, because I want you to get a clear picture. So as you see from the crown Shakur, from the tip of the head, there is a white light coming out.
This is the overall frequency pattern that you're emanating, that controls the current, that controls the amplitude of vibration. That's your overall frequency pattern. Your overall field of energy vibrates in this orb of energy extends far beyond your body. You can sense that in people, when they come into the room, someone has really bad energy. Someone else has great energy. You can feel the energy on a subconscious level because by nature, you are a spiritual being.
Sending Your Frequencies Into The Quantum Field
You are energy, you can pick it up. So this field of energy is what sends signals or frequency patterns into the quantum field and the quantum field, which holds all possibilities because time doesn't exist, it holds all possibilities. And when you send these frequencies into the quantum field, you in turn, attract back to you, or you in turn manifest into your physical experience, frequency patterns that match you, just like whatever frequency you're on.
You generally attract those types of people in your life. When you're in a self-harm negative situation in your own life, you're frustrated. You're, self-defeating the types of romantic relationships, max, that person struggles with the same problems in your, in their own life. Right? So what this is saying is similar frequencies attract back to one another, okay. So I might be losing you right now. If you think this is getting a little bit too new age and new and kind of airy fairy, I want to make sure you stay with me.
First of all, that's why I always talk about my free success hypnosis. You can start reprogramming your subconscious mind. So it's right there down below for free Jake's hypnosis.com. But what I want to say here is this is important to understand outward Einstein talked about this same exact concept.
He talked about how E equals MC squared and the whole point of B equals MC squared was that essentially matter and energy were one in the same thing. And we now know that for an absolute fact, because this, like I said earlier, this is just energy. It's 99% empty space. It looks solid, but it's just a massive energy moving at a very high speed of vibration into our eyes that are conditioned to see this as a physical object we do. But if you get a powerful enough microscope, this is just empty space.
How To Manifest What You Want Depends On How Reality Works
That's all it ends up being is pure empty space. And so we always thought based off of the Newtonian model of physics that we lived in a physical world in energy was an unexplainable side phenomena. Albert Einstein disprove that. So now which we're seeing here is a pretty interesting example of how reality works. So in the center, you see that it says E equals MC squared on the image. Now on one side, it says matter.
On one side it says energy. So the way that reality works is energy is never created or destroyed. We know that scientifically science proves that energy isn't created or destroyed all the energy that ever was and ever will be already exists because time doesn't exist. It just exists. That frequency patterns that are beyond the third dimensional, visible light world that we experience as reality, quote unquote, but it's not reality.
It's just one little fragment. So all energy is really doing is following the law of perpetual transmutation, which is that energy is always moving into different forms. So right here, I have a glass of water. This water can be steam, it can be ice, or it could be water. All it is is changing through different States. Well, your thoughts, your emotions, and your dreams follow the same process. They can be fantasies.
Your Energy Turns Into Matter And Matter Moves Back Into Energy
They can be, um, idle things in your mind that you don't believe are possible, or they can be physical material things in your life. You could be holding hands with your soulmate. You could be a millionaire. Your life could be substantially different in the physical realm, but it all begins in the energy realm. So you are always transmitting energy. As this graph illustrates your energy turns into matter, and matter moves back into energy.
It becomes a perpetual straight state of transmutation where thought energy, emotional energy, consciousness, and perception are always moving into matter and they're moving and forth and back and forth and back and forth. What begins to occur after a while is that people start to believe that matter creates reality, that you live in a world of being controlled by your outside environment, but what they don't realize, because they can never get outside of the rat race, brainwave state.
They can ever get into a creative, spiritual state of awareness, into a spiritual state of being that allows them to recognize that it is them. That is sending frequencies that are attracting physical matter experiences back into their life. Okay. So another way to illustrate this is with something called the observer effect. And the observer effect was something in quantum physics. That's very bizarre, but it summarizes everything that we're talking about here.
Perceivable Particles
Basically what they found out is that the scientists that would observe there's something smaller than atoms. There's something called subatomic particles and subatomic particles are all these little weird things. They're new towns in their quirks in there, all these weird little names, but they're even smaller than an atom. Then eventually it turns into literal nothing less and the empty space, but what they found out when they would observe these things is sometimes they would appear as particles.
Meaning literally uh, observable little subatomic particles, and sometimes they would be nothing. Sometimes they wouldn't exist. You couldn't see them. Then what they did, what they realized is that they could be energy, meaning they could be non-physical or they could be physical. They could be perceivable particles and get this what determined whether they existed or not was the consciousness that was observing them. So now I'm flashing this image up on the screen, and it's very interesting.
And so the top part says before observation wave spread out over space and time. So wave means energy. It means it is non-physical. It is not perceivable as a point in space and time. Now at the bottom, it says at the time of the observation particle localized space time event. So when you observed this thing and you intended to observe the subatomic particles, they would become particles.
And they would localize in space and time, meaning they would exist as a perceivable point in space in time, they would no longer be non-existent in an energy field that you could not perceive. They wouldn't be a wave. They wouldn't be energy. They would be a perceivable measurable particle that was located in space and time. So all of this is to say one powerful thing. Your consciousness is your own thoughts in motion. It's your own energy in motion.
Free Will Over Your Own Consciousness
Now you have free will over your own consciousness. Most of us spend the majority of our time in subconscious programming sub means below. So below conscious programming, that is habitual. It's kind of like a robot in a place itself, out our whole life, but we can change that. And that's why I always talk about my free success hypnosis to begin brainwashing yourself for what you want.
So you automatically create the reality you want, as opposed to the old crappy reality that we've been programmed to create. So in this image here, I think it summarizes everything best. It says everything is energy. Your thoughts begin it, your emotions amplify it, and your actions give energy momentum.
I want you to think of yourself, liking energy field. I want you to think of yourself like a mini deity and this mini deity has freewill and as dominion over its own mind. It has the ability to think anything that it wants to think more importantly, however you feel about what you think controls your energy and your energy controls, your brainwave States and your brainwave States control the electromagnetic frequencies that send through your nervous system. And that controls the vibratory frequencies of the cells of your body.
You Can Manifest What You Want Fast
This creates your overall field of energy or more laymen your vibe, bro. Your vibe is what sends a frequency pattern, a code of information to a quantum field of energy that controls all possibilities in return. The quantum field matches back to you. The reality that most suits your own energy, that you're transmitting, meaning you now apply how to manifest what you want fast in your life.
Meaning you can attract your soulmate, meaning you could have your dream job, your dream career, you can be financially free. You can be rich, happy, healthy, and successful, but it all begins with an image. You have something called an image, making power. This is the ability to imagine this is the ability when your bank account has $28 in it. You can imagine 280,000 so much. So every day you can rehearse it, that you feel it, it feels real. You feel excited about it. You feel grateful about it.
You know, like, you know, like, you know, your business is going to take off soon and you're going to get a bunch of clients. You can have the image making power in your mind so much so that you've imagined every day, waking up with your beautiful soulmate after a great romantic night, and you're walking on the beach and you're holding hands and you're looking them in the eye and it feels freaking amazing.
Mentally Rehearse The Images You Imagined
You're so grateful for love that you always knew existed. You could make it that your frequency pattern that you send to the quantum field, you don't have to send your old crappy story about how the last four relationships didn't work out. You could send a different frequency pattern. It all begins in your imagination. And it begins with mentally rehearsing, the images that you've imagined.
As you mentally rehearse the images that you've imagined, you begin to chalk up that emotion. You begin to chalk up that frequency pattern. Then as that begins to occur, your emotions begin to start to be the decider of your own frequency pattern and you in turn pole situations that match your frequency. So last but not least, I want to show this last image to you. This is how I want you to think of yourself. I want you to think of yourself.
You see that white orb that emanates, that is you. That is the frequency pattern. You are always emanating, a frequency, positive, negative. You're emanating a frequency of jealousy or abundance of wealth and financial success in certainty or of fear. And we're always sending these frequency patterns off. I want to remind you, you are a powerful creator. Your thoughts are powerful.
Always Imagine All You Want Coming To You Now
You're a spiritual being in a physical body and you have the ability to always manifest whatever you desire into your life. But you must remember it already exists in the quantum field. So comment down below. All I want comes to me now, comment down below all I want comes to me now. All right.
Make sure that it truly starts to shift your own consciousness and your own paradigm. Now last but not least be sure to download my free success hypnosis. This is my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind. All you got to do is listen to it for a couple of minutes. What'll happen is you'll start to reprogram your subconscious.
So automatically you'll start to change the vibration you're in. You'll start to become a magnet for success. You'll start to be a magnet for opportunities for money. Things will just start showing up in your life because subconsciously you change the frequency pattern that you're vibrating it.
Thank you so much for this big opportunity that you have given me Sir .I’m from Phils.