Have you ever wondered why is the law of attraction not working for you? Many people have trouble creating their dream life and have trouble with the law of attraction. Some people are skeptical If they believe in it, and they have problems with their goals and their new year's resolutions, and I've totally been there. I remember when I finally learned all this stuff about the power of the mind, and then we can create our dream life. Check my blog about Why Is My Manifesting Not Working Anymore? to discover why.
I wasn't even sure if it was real or not, but I decided to try it out, and it changed my entire life. And so, in this video, I want to break down why you aren't manifesting what you want. I'm going to share with you some of the things I did in my own life that drastically changed my life. So this is Jake Ducey with Jakeducey.com.
So Why Is The Law Of Attraction Not Working For You?

So when I first heard about manifestation in the law of attraction, I thought every single time it would be the easiest thing in the history of the world. So, when you felt that the law of attraction is not working things would just show up, and you didn't do anything. So I dropped out of college, a backpack around the world. I wrote a book about a spiritual inspirational, funny, entertaining book about it.
I was unable to get a publisher. So I thought I was going to contact a publisher. I thought my dream publisher would publish it because I thought that's how everything worked in the universe. Well, I ended up going to the founder, Luis; hey, you know, you might know who she is from hay house. I wanted them to publish my book. And so I put all my energy into it, and I went over to her home through all these synchronicities.
The Point Of A Goal
We sat down outside, her and me on our little dinner table, and we talked about my book, and I told her why I thought she should publish it. Then, a week later, I got rejected, and that was devastating. I was like 21. I thought, you know, none of this crap works. I was depressed for like a week. Then I realized something in the middle of the night, and I got hit by lightning or something.
And this voice said the point of a goal. Isn't what you get. It's who you become. Now, that's a Henry David Thoreau quote. It begged the question in my subconscious, who is my dream asking me to become, say, I thought it was always easy. A lot of people are afraid to get messy in life. They're afraid to get rejected and to be told no. They think everything should be easy. Maybe they feel frustrated why is the law of attraction not working for them at all.
You Need To Erase All Your Fear And Negative Energy

If it's not easy, it might not be worth it because what if you put all your energy into something and it doesn't work out. A lot of people get controlled by this. I said, look, I'm freaking going for this thing. So what I did is I created success hypnosis for myself because I realized I needed to erase all this fear and negative energy and all these, you know, Luis had denied me.
So the thoughts in my head are saying, well, if she says it, then you must suck. This is not going to work out. My, this person says this and that. So I had to erase all that from my head. I had to erase mine into my real identity like that “Men in Black” scene where he clicks the thing. Then you get your memory erased.
I realized I basically had to do that. So I created success hypnosis. You can use it. It's for free it's right there down below it's Jake's hypnosis.com. It's in the description and comments is right there down below, and you can use it for free it's freaking life-changing. So I started doing that, and then I hit the road. I started selling. I self-published my book, and I sold them out of the trunk of my car.
Go To Your Hero’s Journey
I sold them at farmer's markets next to the guy selling kale and on college campuses. I rented $20 tables in the student center during school. I would stop kids and try to sell them my book. I just did anything. I was just like, look. I'm on the journey. Let's see what happens. And what I'm inviting you to do is genuinely go on your journey to your hero's journey.
As Joseph Campbell calls it, this hero's journey is where you leave your comfort zone. You leave your familiar world, go out on a limb, and show the universe that you want it. You show the universe that you believe you can have it despite questions in your head like why is the law of attraction not working. And everyone's journey is different, but you have to ask yourself, are you doing that for most people?
Crazy Things Will Just Happen Out Of Nowhere

They aren't especially very spiritual people that learn about all this stuff. They think if one thing is easy, then it's a sign from the universe that it's not meant to be. No, it just might mean that you haven't shown up. Yeah, and it's fun. Yeah. So I did that. I sold them all over the place. It was glamorous, and I ended up selling 20,000 copies. You know, crazy things started happening out of nowhere.
I got a TEDx talk, random; huge blogs started posting about it. I was on Dan, the man, the life regenerator, his YouTube channel, like when I was 21 in my first book came out, and he sold multiple thousands of copies for me. Like all these crazy things happen. And then that led the Penguin Random House, the number one English publishing company in the world, literally in the entire world, to give me a book deal.
Literally, they paid me money. So I went from self-publishing, where I had to pay for my book, the publisher, to the opposite. They paid me, gave me publicists, all these things. I was only like 20, 23, or something. What I learned from that was sometimes the thing that you want is not what you're going to get. I wanted a hay house, but, in reality, that was a minimal viewpoint.
I went from this tiny publishing company, hay house, which was my goal, to the number one, an English publishing company in the world being published in other languages. See if I have a copy of my book here that I got in South Korea. This is insane. Korean, and I would never have imagined that.
My point is, when you go on your hero's journey, there's ultimately a destiny that's far beyond anything that you can comprehend. Your destiny is bigger than anything you can imagine, but you never realize that unless you go on your hero's journey unless you show up to your life, and most people are afraid to show up to their life. So that happened.
Don’t Be Afraid To Fail

Then the next thing I know, my YouTube goes viral, and all these things just started happening. And I know that it happened because I wasn't afraid to lose. I wasn't afraid to fail and I wasn't scared to get to a point where I felt like giving up, and you have to be able to get to that place. You have to be able to show up to your life.
When you do that in a powerful way and only, you know, that only you can be honest with yourself about that. But when that happens, it's truly the ultimate letting go. Some people say, well, you're trying too hard. No, it's the opposite. I've let go. You let go of the outcome and of what happens in the future. Then you just say, screw it. I'm going to show up to my life. You know, there's a beautiful mantra. And it says, I had to do it anyway.
Let Go Of What Happens In The Future

Oh, what the heck? Just do it anyways. So, when you adopt this attitude, you let go. When you let go, you stop trying to control things outside of yourself and worrying if they will or will not work out; you just do it. You just show up, you just run, you just fly, you just leave. Then that's where the magic of the universe happens.
Also, that's where synchronicities come out of nowhere. Also, that's when miracles come out of nowhere, and that's when you become courageous. So, because you're courageous, you have faith, because you're ambitious full of abundance, you would tract that energy into your life. And that's where the amazing things happen. So, I wanted to share that video with you and see where it lands and where it resonates with you. So this is Jake Ducey would take deucey.com, encouraging youto show up fully.
Once You Wonder Again Why Is The Law Of Attraction Not Working
So when this comes to your head, you will know the answer and you will know how to deal with that thought. Totally. Always remember, you can do it. You're good enough. You're smart enough. It's all about one question. Who is your dream asking you to become? And when you follow that question and get lost in it, money comes to you. Romance comes to you. Success comes to you. Freedom comes to you. Happiness comes from you.
Spiritual enlightenment comes to you; whatever you want, it arrives in your life, in the palm of your hands, but it's waiting for you. So thanks for watching this video. If you haven't yet, be sure to download my free success hypnosis.
In the description and comments right there down below that's, Jake's hypnosis.com right there down below for free. You can use that for a few minutes every day. Amazing things will start to happen because you reprogram your subconscious. All right. Have a great day. Let me know in the comments what you think of this video and comment down below.
I am worthy of what I want comment down below. I am worthy of what I want.