March 22

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Discover A Healthy Morning Routine

In this video, Discover A Healthy Morning Routine that is so powerful you can attract anything you want in life. This is an easy to implement process that can truly change your life forever and make the next year or the year where everything starts to unfold in your life in a powerful way. Learn this powerful Law of Attraction morning routine to manifest what you want in life. So my name's Jake Ducey with And if you're excited about being alive today, make sure you hit the like button on this side, right over there, and this side right over there. And let's dive right into the video. 

Discover A Healthy Morning Routine by Going On A Gratitude Rampage

Discover A Healthy Morning Routine by Going On A Gratitude Rampage

Step Number one is to go on a gratitude rampage. When you wake up in the morning, just look around, Oh my gosh, I woke up in a comfy bed. Maybe you live in the winter and you woke up and it's warm because you have a heater. There's a lot of people that still don't have heaters in the world. Speak these 6 Miracle Morning Routine and you will discover its effects to transform your life.

Think about the amazing things that are still available and within your control in your life today, think about them and go on a simple gratitude rampage or go on a gratitude avalanche. You should try to learn the Natural Ways To Increase Dopamine and you will truly be amazed. What this is doing is immediately hooking you up with the infinite supply of the universe. It's immediately getting you onto the subject to possibilities and on the subject to abundance, it said that to those that have more is given into those and that don't have even that, which they have is taken away from them. Having does not mean possessions. It means consciousness. When you immediately find something to be grateful for, you start to have the world work on your behalf. 

Discover A Healthy Morning Routine by Reprogramming Your Mind

Discover A Healthy Morning Routine by Reprogramming Your Mind

Number two, reprogram your mind. And this is in a few parts, really. So it's really a two way to be et cetera. So this is so important because what happens in the day is we wake up and a lot of times we do a lot of stuff throughout the day. I want to share This Morning Routine Checklist Works Like Magic.

Sometimes it's things we don't want to do. And so we get on autopilot and when your body gets on autopilot, when you wake up in the morning, roll out of bed, you do the same thing as the day before your mind also gets on autopilot. Now we know that 95% of all of our thoughts and our actions are subconscious and sub means below. So this is below conscious, like 95% of everything you do when you wake up in the morning is habitual. 

And so it's very important that we deliberately take time to suggest the images, energies, and realities that we want into our subconscious. Otherwise we play old habit patterns out throughout the day, over and over and over. And so I do this in a few parts and I've done this in a few parts for a very, very, very long time. Now, the first part that I do, what I call hypnotic journaling or hypnotic karate.

Write About What You Want In The Present Tense..

And this is where I write what I want in the present tense in my journal as if it's already happened. And I'm writing to my diary, dear diary. And I just write about it. I write about the amazing things that happen. I read about what happened in with my finances, with my relationships and I just go and go and go and go and go. And it becomes fun. And my only rule is I can't pick the pen off the pad. I have to continually writing.

So I start to drop into a trance and I knew this for five, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, depending on the mood I'm in, depending on how much fun I'm having. And once I do my hypnotic writing, the next thing I do is I practice visualizing what it is that I was writing about. And I do this through kind of a process of a hypnotic visualization.

Use Success Hypnosis To Turn What You Wrote Into Reality

I have my own success hypnosis that now about a million people, which is crazy in and of itself have used it's right there down below it's Jake's right there down below it's Jake's It's right there now and below in the description and comments. And you could start to use that. So I turn that on. I like to use headphones, but you don't need them. 

So I turned my hypnosis on and I practice entering into the reality that I was just writing about. Like sometimes I might write just about finance. Sometimes I might write just about my mood and then I practice entering that state practice, going to that home. I practice going to that place. I practice celebrating that great thing happened in not only do I see it in my mind, I feel it in my chemistry. I feel it in my physiology.

And what this is doing is this is starting to train my subconscious, to bring these experiences into my life. So my hypnotic or my reprogramming is two-folds first. It begins with hypnotic writing. And second, I turn on my success hypnosis and I practice visualizing and entering the spirit of what it is that I want. If you want to use my free success hypnosis, it's Jake right there, down below in the description and in the comments next, 

I always exercise in some way, shape or form. I like to do exercise that makes me sweat and it's hard. But if for whatever reason, I'm not able to, I at least want to move around. I think one of the biggest problems that we have with a lack of energy in our lives is a lack of movement. We know that what happens when you don't move a lot is you aren't getting oxygen.

Discover A Healthy Morning Routine By Treating Depression Is Best Through Exercise

Discover A Healthy Morning Routine By Treating Depression Is Best Through Exercise

You aren't getting oxygen to replenish your brain. First of all, and you certainly aren't getting it into the muscles and tissues and fat cells of your body that have become lethargic. This can make our body not feel as good and vital as it should in overall. We now know from the amazing studies, we've seen all over the world, all over universities, across the world, that one of the best ways to uplift your mood, create serotonin, create dopamine, even treating depression is through exercise. 

You increase your self esteem, you increase your vitality. And of course, more than anything, you get into your body, into your day, into your life. And you find something to feel good about yourself and about the day very early on last but not least. I like to send a little simple prayer to the universe with whatever it is I have working and going on on that particular day.

And this might be as simple as you offering a prayer of gratitude for good things to head your way. This might be as simple as you offering a prayer of gratitude for this challenge, you're going through to be resolved. And you're thinking the universe that it has been resolved, and you have the answers and the people and the resources. It might be that you pray to be an instrument of joy and that your, your life is full of joy for the day.  

But it's you offering your intentions to the universe. This connects you to something larger than yourself. It gets you outside of your own meat suit. A lot of times we wake up and we get so habitual through the live, through our lives that we get attached to this idea of being a little meat suit. You aren't a meat suit, your spiritual being in a physical body.

You Are A Spiritual Being In A Physical Body

You Are A Spiritual Being In A Physical Body

You aren't a body. You have a body that you use for your physical experience, but you are a spiritual being. And it's important to offer this gratitude. It's important to offer this prayer to help us simply remember who we really are. You are a spiritual being in a physical body. So comment down below. I'm a spiritual being in a physical body

Last but not least. And this has been my tradition for a very long time. I grabbed an index card and I write my affirmation in the present tense. I write my chief definite aim for my life in the present tense on an index card or a post-it. And I carry it with me throughout the day. So it might be, you know, about money. It might be about getting a job. It might be about happiness, whatever it is, that's important for you to manifest in your life.

Condition Your Brain For New Realities

You write it in the present tense in one to two sentences on an index card, and you carry it with you throughout the day. Every time you stick your hand in your pocket and you feel it, even if you aren't consciously aware of it, you're activating brain cells. You're starting to build new neural networks. You're starting to condition your brain for new things, for new realities, for new horizons.

I've been doing this for, I don't know exactly how long, but a very long time I've been making these index cards. And the amazing thing is universally. Every time I've written them down on an index card, they've ended up happening, whether it was crazy financial goals that I thought were ludicrous, whether they were goals with YouTube, whether they were people I want to do attract into my life. 

And I wouldn't overly focus on these things ever, I would just write them down, set, set them in a clear, in a clear state of consciousness. And I would allow the universe to unfold itself in beautiful and powerful ways. And so if you haven't yet, I invite you to write your goals down and more specifically, put them in the present tense on an index card and started carrying that index card around with you, and then watch the amazing things that unfold in your life.

I wanted to let you discover a healthy morning routine which is powerful that you can implement into your life to reprogram your mind, uplift your energy and attract fantastic things into your experience. If you've got your own morning routine, let me know in the comments right there, down below what it is or what parts of this video you're going to adapt and add to your own morning routine. 

Thanks for watching this video, I truly believe is going to be an absolutely fantastic day to be alive. If you're excited to have maybe your best day ever so comment down below best day ever. Thanks for watching. And I'll see you next time.


Discover A Healthy Morning Routine, healthy morning routine, morning routine

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