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What to do if you have no money

I published a video the other day that actually ended up doing quite well. And there was a video about What to do if you have no money. It was titled, This is beyond evil. What I basically said is that I essentially, I believe that the absence of money, the lack of money is actually evil because it influences everything in your life and it’s an urgent warning. It influences everything in my life. 

what to do when you have no money

I rattled off some stats and there's stats like the average American can't come up with $500 within 24 hours for an emergency, about 80% of people are living paycheck, paycheck. The average individual dies with less than $10,000 and virtually no financial assets. I could just go on and on. It's probably worse now than it was before, because then you know that the go governments declared all these people.

Non-essential, so whatever financial problems people were having before became financially worse now. And I thought about it, you know, the average, the number one cause of divorce is, is financial reasons. You know, and I said, that's evil, you know, money shouldn't ruin love. 80% of people said that they lose sleep over money problems. That's evil, right? What To Do When You Have No Money LeftThere's so many limitations that don't allow us to experience the fullness that is created due to lack of money.

So I proposed that idea. Then I talked about five steps that, you know, you could, that you could do to start to change that. I want to talk about one very specific thing that can bring more money into your life in this video, you know? And so this is a response to some of the comments that I was saying, wow, easy for you.

What To Do If You Have No Money-Turn Your Annual Income Into Your Monthly Income

So what I'm gonna share with you in this video helped me in one very specific way. That very specific way was that my wife and I were broke. She was in credit card debt. We just kind of said things like, at least we're happy. We both believe that finances were this type of, uh, immovable object in the world. You're just kind of stuck that way. I believed, I said things like, you know, the system needs to change, bro.

Then my mentor taught me this very one specific thing and it literally changed our lives forever. One of the challenges that he gave to me was to turn my annual income into my monthly income. And I thought he was ridiculous. It was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. So he said, turn your annual income into your monthly income.

I Had An Open Mind And I Tested These Principles

Why not? I was like, my annual income turned into my monthly income. That's insane. That's impossible. But I had an open mind and I tested these principles that I'm gonna share with you here that are broken down into a simple and easy to implement five step process and my life changed forever. So I'm excited to share that with you. If you're looking forward to this video, I wanted to make this because there's a lot of people that are, uh, broke. 

I think that was taught. Finances are so complicated and so hard and we aren't good enough and we aren't smart enough and wall street controls it, but it doesn't have to be that way. So if you enjoy this video, make sure you get my free success hypnosis. It's right there down below it's Jacob It's my free hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind. 

So there's a whole bunch of comments from people saying like, you don't understand me, it's hard. I'm stuck this way. Kind of. What my mentor taught me to help me turn my annual income into my monthly income is that successful people raise their income to meet their standard of living. Meanwhile, the poor and middle class lower their standard of living to meet their income. So it's about, we are conditioned to live in a state of reaction to finances. 

What To Do If You Have No Money - Shift Your Focus

Then what happens is that we are constantly reacting in lower states of thinking in lower states of mind and constantly trying to conserve and constrain, which makes sense why all the finance stuff that's so popular is like, don't buy a latte, then you'll be rich. You know, if you save $4 worth of lattes for the next 7,412 years, you'll be Richard and Jeff Bezos there, it's all focused on constriction.

The central theme here is successful. People raise their income to meet their standard of living. Meaning that successful people realize the problem is that they don't make enough money and they can control that the problem isn't that they need to constantly constrain and pinch off a corner here or there, they have to shift their focus. But what a lot of people say in the comments is, yeah, but you don't understand, like I can't do that. I can't do that. And those are the people that, you know, they're always going to be broke.

Step 1 - Figure Out How To Earn More Money

Figure Out How To Earn More Money

So step number one was when I realized that my problem was I needed to figure out how to earn more money. My problem was I didn't need a better saving technique or a better budgeting technique. The problem was I was so focused and so attached to my story about how little money I made that I thought it was my destiny.

Step 2 - Ask Yourself How Can You Afford That?

Ask Yourself How Can You Afford That

And that brings me to 0.8. Number two, that rich dad, poor dad, the famous personal finance book talks about. That's, how can I afford this? How can I afford this? So how do you raise your income to meet your standard of living instead of shrinking your standard of living to fit into your little income? Well, the question is, how can I afford that? I remember one of the things that really changed my life and I'm not recommending you do it.

The way that I did was I realized that I was so comfortable in my financial limitations that I needed to bust out of them. There was a house for rent. The first time I moved to Maui and I really wanted it, but it was way too expensive, but it would be my Dreamhouse. I decided that I would negotiate a six month lease instead of 12.

Cause I was like, well, if this doesn't work out and it's 12 months and then it'd be screwed by like the six or seventh month, but I'll give myself six months and I'll tell, ask the power of making more money and see what I could do. So I signed up a lease on this spot for six months and my income blew up to a level that it never had before. That I never thought that it could blow up to. And what happened was I didn't ask my reality to meet me at my little financial ceiling.

What To Do If You Have No Money - I Punched A Hole In My Financial Ceiling And I Demanded Reality

I punched a hole in my financial ceiling and I demanded reality, meet me there. I am not telling you to go rent something that you can't afford. In fact, for most people, it's the opposite. They're trying so hard to bust out of their thinking that they do stupid stuff on like that.

I am not saying that, but what I am saying is you have to ask yourself this question in the book, rich dad, port ad, how can I afford that? And what happens is we get so used to the reactionary state of consciousness, of being broke that we just say, oh, I can't afford it. I can't afford it. I can't afford my dream. I can't afford my dream car. I can't retire. I can't do this. I can't do that. We don't even think about how we could be.

Step 3 - Control Your Financial Life

Control Your Financial Life

So one of the things that changed my life was step number three that I learned from my mentor, Bob Proctor. If you're still with me, a comment down below I'm with you, Jake I'm with you, Jake. The reason I'm talking about these money videos is because I think it's something we can control. I really do. I think a lot of people's lives in the world would change in a lot of ways. If we realized what to do if you have no money we were in control of it and not wall street and not our past and not our education or lack thereof that we really can control it. 

So the next step that really started to change my life and helped me turn my annual income into my monthly income. Far beyond that helped me become a millionaire. By the time I was 27 and a multimillionaire, by the time I was 30. I don't say that cause I'm like, dear, look how cool I am, man. The only reason I say that is because I dropped out of college. I failed junior English class in high school. There's no reason that I should have the reality that I have. You can have the exact same thing happen in your life and probably way more and probably way better.

The intention of this video is to help free people. I believe we're meant to be free and confined to the way that the system was set up. And a lot of people want to argue, we need to change the system we need to ensure we do, but I would much rather take control of my financial life instead of waiting for the system to change. Because if you think the system needs to change or a certain person needs to be president or something, wall street, you need to do this or that. If you believe that needs to happen for your financial life to get better, chances are it's never gonna happen and you're always gonna be broke.

Step 4 - Develop Multiple Sources Of Income

Develop Multiple Sources Of Income

So the fourth step out of what to do if you have no money was multiple sources of income. So in order to raise my standard of living, to meet my income for my income to grow, rather to meet my standard of, and I needed to develop multiple sources of income and start divorcing myself from directly trading my time for money in the step before I'm in my daughter's little, one of my daughter's playrooms, this is her favorite slide right here.

She loves that slide. And in the step before we talked about how can I afford that? So it's a pattern of thinking that we have to start to develop instead of just dismissing that we can't change things. So here's what you can do. Here's what I did. My wife and I just made a list and we wrote at the top of the list, multiple sources of income, ways to make more money. We came up with every single idea that was possible.

He could focus on solving other people's problems. Some people commented on these videos, you know, they're like, well, I can't do it. Do da da, da, da. It's just the subconscious programming that keeps coming up. That's why I always talk about downloading my free success hypnosis. It's my free hypnosis to start reprogramming your subconscious mind and eliminate that old thinking because we're all subconsciously programmed.

Think about the fact that we've just inherited all this financial mediocrity from everyone around us. And it's controlling our actual thinking. So we just go, well, you don't understand. I don't know how, just step outside of your mind, what to do if you have no money is pull out a pen and pad and write out every way that you could make more money. Some of the ways may suck in one of those ways may be a multimillion dollar or a billion dollar idea. It's in you. You have that idea. You have that vision, you have that way to do it. Most people just say no, no. I'm just in a cool video, but I'm gonna go watch cat videos. Doesn't really work fraud. So pull out a pen and pad and see what million dollar ideas come to you.

Step 5 - Program Your Particular Activating System In The Right Way

Program Your Particular Activating System In The Right Way

Then last but not least is to program your particular activating system in the right way. It was a term I had never heard of. It sounds very bizarre, but it actually helped me make a lot more money. It actually helped me to raise my income, to meet my standard of living instead of shrinking my thinking to match my little reality. So your retic activating system is a part of your brain that focuses on the most important things. 

There's billions of bits of information happening at every single second, right? Like your gardener may be doing something and your wife may be doing something well, how do you focus on one thing? That's your reticular activating system. It shuts everything off and brings attention to where attention needs to go. It's kind of like, um, here's my thermostat right here. It's kind of like a thermostat. You know, I set my thermostat to say 68 degrees. And then I open up all the doors and let's say it's 20 degrees outside.

What To Do If You Have No Money - Meet Your Standard Of Living

Well, what happens is the thermostat kicks on to create homeostasis at the temperature that it's programmed and your particular activating system works in a similar way in order to raise your income. To me, what to do if you have no money is meet your standard of living in order to raise your income, to meet your standard of living. What has to happen is you have to give your brain that command. Most people dismiss the possibility before it can happen.

And so your retic activating system controls you. So I'm gonna refer to a couple of my notes here. I said the retic system also known as RA as the RAs system of your brain is designed to solve the problem or create the reality that you program into it saying, it's just the way it is. Money's too hard. The system's unfair. This person needs to be president. Then my life will change that programs, your particular activating system to constantly provide that proof to you.

So you just get proof to yourself over and over. Yeah. Yeah. I am broke. Yeah. They have rigged the system. Yeah. Life is unfair. Yeah, it is too hard. Whatever your reason is, why you don't have the money that you want. We all have those reasons and they seem logical and rational and all those types of things like that. And they are. It's just the question is, are you gonna allow that to control you? Have you ever thought of what to do if you have no money?

There's a quote by George Bernarda. He says that all progress depends on the unreasonable person that the unreasonable person looks around for the circumstances that they want. If they can't find them, they create them. But what the reasonable person does, the logical, the rational, the 99% of us is we look around for the circumstances that we want more money. You wanna make more money, your financial freedom.

You know, you want, you want your life to change, right? This video's about money specifically, or the things that money can buy. You want that thing. But then we're programmed to look around, see, we don't have it and say, I'm broke. And to make us believe we don't have control over it. That's why most people, once they become adults, make the same amount of money every single year, year over year, except for maybe a two, 3% pay increase bonus. 

Raise Your Income To Meet Your Standard Of Living

So that's supposed to be adjusted for the rate of inflation. Why is it? Most people make the same amount of money every single year, over and over and over again. It's cuz the retic activating system gets programmed and then constantly proves that reality to themselves. Once you start to think that you are going to raise your income, to meet your standard of living instead of shrinking your income. That is what to do if you have no money.

Once you decide that you control your financial reality and that you will change it, your retic activating system starts finding opportunities that were always there, right? You find out, you remember you're really good at massage. So you start doing that part-time and you have this special technique that helps people with their neck. So then you realize, oh man, I could actually, uh, patent this. I could actually train other misuses. Oh and Hey, by the way, if I learn how to do online marketing, I could also teach misuses how to get massage leads. 

And oh my gosh, I'm gonna create my own specialized company. That's gonna teach this system. I'm gonna train other misuses. All of a sudden I have this big, huge business. We all have million dollar ideas like JK Rowling was just this lady that had some crazy idea for Harry Potter. We all have a million IDs.

You Don't Get What You Want, You Get What You Are

You have a million dollar idea inside of you, but you have to actually give energy or attention to that idea. You don't go. No, yo bro, this is one of those silly, positive thinking videos. So comment down below. I have million dollar ideas within me. Comment down below I have million dollar ideas within me. And when that starts to happen, the particular activating system gets program to create those opportunities into your life. All of a sudden, even if your current financial reality hasn't changed yet, your thinking about who you are has changed. As Wayne Dyer said, you don't get what you want. You get what you are. You don't get what you want. I want money. No, you get what you are. You've changed who you are. You've started to show up like a wealthy person. You've started to show up like a rich person. That's exactly what to do if you have no money.

You started to show up to your life like a millionaire instead of like a person making 40K a year, you're showing up like a person that makes 2 million a year. And when you show up, instead of reacting to the current limitations in your life, find out that there are no limitations to which you do not self impose, that you can double your income. You can raise your income to meet your standard of living. 

You can turn your annual income into your monthly income, but most people never even try it. So if, if you're down to do that thought experiment, take the rest of this year. As a thought experiment, whatever day it is, you're watching this video say I'm gonna do a thought experiment for the rest of this year and I'm gonna turn my annual income into my monthly income. Or I'm gonna go from making $0 to 2000 a month.

Change Your Income To Meet Your Standard Of Living

I'm gonna go from 2000 to thousand a month. Here's my intention. Here's my vision. Here's what I'm creating and do a thought experiment: you are not going to go back to lowering your standard of living, to meet your income. You're gonna change your income to meet your standard of living. That's exactly what to do if you have no money! And if you want help with that, when the old thought patterns come up, get my success hypnosis. It's Jacob hypnosis. It's right there down below in the description and pin to the comments right there down below. It's my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind because what happens is some of that old programming starts popping back up. Then we start to believe the thoughts in our head. We go back to the same old story and the same old situation and the same old deal. And that's why success hypnosis is so important.

People go like, are you gonna brainwash me? Well, we're all already brainwashed. You're brainwashed financially. You can find out how you've been brainwashed just by looking at the current results that you're getting in your life and knowing that you can change them. And it begins in the subconscious programming. So my free success OSIS right there down below it's Jacob, right there down below wishing you an absolutely great day. If you enjoy today's video, uh, let me know in the comments, let me know you're with me. Let me know where in the world you're coming from, what city, state, country. If you enjoyed this video, let me know.

These were the most common comments I was getting for people looking for videos. But if you have other things that you'd like me to talk about in videos, you could let me know right there, down below and I'll do my best to cover it. In a future video episode, hit the like button, subscribe bell notification on this to send it out in the YouTube universe where people see it. You gotta' make sure you hit the bell notification right there down below. I will see you in the next video.


have no money, urgent warning, warning if you don't have money, what to do if you have no money

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