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Attracting Your Soulmate Meditation Can Change Your Life!

Many people were asking me to make an "attracting your soulmate meditation", like a guided meditation, a guided visualization that is going to help you attract  your ideal relationship and manifest love, attract great life partner, romantic partner into your life, your dream husband, your dream wife that type of thing.

Know That You Are Worthy Of Love  

That's something that has worked out really well for me in my life, but I didn't really use an " attracting your soulmate meditation" Wasn't how it happened. I think how it really happened was even though I'd never found the right person, I believe that I was worthy of it. I think that life hits us so many times that most people eventually don't even feel worthy of love on the way that they imagine it. 

So they set lower standards for themselves in their lives. So then they end up being stuck with someone that really isn't the person of their dreams, or they've been burned so many times or hurt so many times where they've just never met the right person that they, their outer reality starts to control their inner state, their inner feelings, their perception about the future and about possibilities about who's out there and who's available. For whatever reason, I just felt like if I stayed open to it, that eventually it would happen.  I think that it comes down to feeling 100% worthy and, and complete within yourself and worthy of love as well, being, feeling worthy of what you desire.

So in this blog, I'm going to do an attracting your soulmate meditation. That's going to help you to feel 100% worthy, 100%, whole and 100% complete within yourself within your heart and feeling worthy of what you want, feeling worthy of love, feeling worthy of an ideal relationship or improving the one you have or attracting the perfect person that you dream about into your life.

Attracting Your Soulmate

Attracting Your Soulmate Meditation Is About Feeling

This is going to be something that's going to be very powerful. I advise you to do it every single day. Without further ado, whether you want to sit down, I'm sitting right now, outside here in nature, you could sit, you could lie down, you could do it in bed. Whatever feels best to you. The goal here is the feeling,not, wether or not you are doing it properly. Or worry about if you have to have your fingers in this moodra the whole time, right? It's just about feeling a 100 percent worthy of love, feeling it within yourself, and then feeling worthy of attracting that into your life. That's what our goal here. And that's what the intention of this attracting your soulmate meditation is. And so thanks for joining. Thanks for being and let's do it

Relax And Get Comfortable: Learn To Feel 

Take a seat, lie down, just lie yourself, to get comfortable.
And as you allow yourself to get comfortable, see wearing your body, you hold your tension. Some people hold it in their jobs. Some people hold it in their butts. Some people hold it in their toes, their fingers. Some people only hold it in their left butt cheek set of the right one. Maybe in your neck, maybe just smile a little bit. Just allow yourself to lighten up. And as you find yourself starting to not take yourself so seriously, you feel good. And when you feel good, you can feel your breath expanding. Your breath moves from being constricted to expansive. 

I want you to just feel what it feels like to know that you're worthy of love, what it feels like to know that you're worthy of higher standards and not settling. And that it's okay to be alone. If those standards aren't met and it kind of feels good, right? It makes you just kind of smile. It's like, ah, man, it makes me want to stick my chest out a little bit. It makes me feel more confident. It gives me the permission to love myself and just taking nice breath in and out. Noticing is your breath warm? Is it cold? See if you can feel it on your nostrils, your lips breathing in and breathing out.

Attracting Your Soulmate Mediation Matches Your Soulmate's Energy

And as you breathe in and out, think about this. You're not creating your soulmate. There's nothing you need to do. They already exist. I don't know what country they're in. I don't know what city they're in. I don't know what they look like. You don't know what they look like either or where they are, but they're out there. You could feel them. And I want you to invite that feeling of knowing that they're out there. You don't have to worry about it. You don't have to try to figure it out. You don't need 18 dating apps. You don't need your friend to set you up. It's just going to happen. Once you feel it, breathing in, breathing out. See if you can hear your own breath... I'm outside. I could hear birds. See if you can get outside of your mind and just hear what's happening right now. And as you hear what's happening right now, you're totally present. You could feel yourself as, as energy and just ask yourself, is there life in my hands right now? And see if you could feel the energy in my hands. Can I feel the energy in my hands?

If It Doesnt Serve You: Let It Go

If you could feel the energy in your hands, see if you can feel the energy in your feet. And if you can feel the energy in your feet, see if you can feel the energy free flowing as you let go, letting go of your ideas that maybe the right person isn't out there letting go of your ideas of the past, letting go of your beliefs about love. Love is pain. Love is hard. True love doesn't exist. Just letting all of those ideas go. How could true love not exist? If we all come from one originating source, that source is love and we are one with it. It's every cell of our bodies.

Attracting Your Soulmate Meditation Allows You To Feel Love Energy 

Remember, as you feel the energy in your hands, that's just the vibrating frequency of a hundred trillion cells. That's what you are. 100 trillion cells. Guess what? It's 99.9% empty space breathing in breathing in that space. The vastness exhaling your community of a hundred trillion cells. Every cell is 99.9, nine 9% empty space. It's just energy. And there's only one energy here. And that energy is love. God is love. Therefore, we are love breathing in and out. Sometimes the mind gets in the way or other people get in the way. And we kind of move on the path to fear or harm or trauma or stress, but that's not your destiny. Your destiny is love. See if you could feel that love for yourself in this moment. What does it feel like to truly feel love for yourself? Breathing in, breathing out it's okay. Breathing in, breathing out. It may have been hard. They may have treated you bad. Feelings of anger or sad or pain or loneliness, depression as you breathe in and out, just letting them go. Just letting them go.

As you breathe in and out. Imagine that this loving energy of the universe is taking that pain is taking that loneliness and you're upgrading the love. What does it feel like to feel the love of God? It feels good, right? Maybe it makes you smile a little bit, breathing in nice and expansive breathing out and expansive. And just sitting with that feeling. You're not creating love. Love's already here. You're opening yourself up to receiving it, to feeling it, to becoming aware of it. You're not creating it. Love is already here. If you can feel it, see if you can give it form, you know that the person's out there, you know, your ideal relationship, your soulmate, you know, they're out there. All right, that's a question. You know that, right? They do exist.

Soulmate Meditation

Match Your Soulmates Energy And Attract Love!

Now. See if you can meet their energy right now, ask yourself, what does it feel like to know they exist? Find Your Twin Flame. What does their energy feel like breathing in, breathing out and see if you could bring your attention right to the energy of your heart. And when you bring the attention to the energy of your heart, just imagine that it's a big, beautiful white light. And as you breathe in and out each time that white light is sending out of your body, it's getting expansive energy that you are projecting, kind of like a lighthouse, projecting energy. As you breathe in, you bring that energy up. And as you exhale, you project that energy out of your heart. As you breathe in that energy comes up through your spine. As you exhale, you project that energy out as you breathe in, you imagine that energy coming up from the center of the earth.

Upgrade Your Energy With Love And Heal 

You imagine that energy coming up from the center of your, of your spine. That's just pure energy. It's pure love. It's pure God energy. And as you breathe that in, as it cleanses replenishes updates, upgrades, every cell of your body, you exhale. You project that out through your heart, breathing in, breathing out, breathing in, seeing that energy up your spine, breathing out, exhaling that beautiful white golden energy of God, of the universe breathing in and out. Love breathing in, breathing out, exhaling that energy out. Now, sit and just feel all that energy it's upgrading. Replenishing, re enlivening. Re-imagining rewriting every cell of your body. You can feel it tingling in the frequency of God tingling and the frequency of love can feel your energy rising as you breathe in and out.

Feel The Energy: That Is What Attracts Your Soulmate Using Meditation 

Now before when you could feel the energy in your hands. Now you can feel yourself as an energy field projecting so much upgraded energy, so much upgraded strength, love confidence, happiness, peace that it's extending beyond your body, glowing energy coming from every cell of your body, moving beyond the contours and lines where your body ends and just sit in that energy. Imagine it's cycling as you breathe in and out, it gets bigger and more expansive. And then ask yourself again. What does it feel like to know my soulmates out there? What does it feel like to know that love is out there?

What does it feel like to feel the love that's right here, the energy that's right here and just say, thank you. They, your soulmates out there coming. Just say thank you that you feel the energy you cultivated in this moment. The love, the presence, the peace, all the healing. Say thank you now with a slight smile on your face, just wiggling your fingers and your toes. Maybe turning your neck, feeling all the energy in your body, feeling great, feeling, love, feeling happiness, feeling grateful, maybe flattering your eyes open and closed. A couple of times in Buddhism, they call it having a light eyes I'm outside. It was very bright. So maybe I'll open and close my eyes a few times. And maybe you do the same, but staying in that feeling, staying in that feeling.

 So I want to thank you for coming on journey with us today. I invite you to come back again later today or tomorrow and practice this attracting your soulmate meditation every day, practice reentering the state of being every day. So thank you for joining us. Let us know if you enjoyed this episode and we'll see you next time.


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