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Manifest Love & Find Your Twin Flame

Manifest love, using the law of attraction. What I'm about to share with you allowed me to attract my soulmate. We in fact got married in July, about six months ago. I used a specific technique to attract her into my life. There will always be a Gut Feeling You’re Meant To Be With Someone so trust that.

I know there's a lot of videos out there on the subject and I wanted to share our take on how we did it quickly and fast. This is Jake Ducey with JakeDucey.com. You can find and attract love. You may think you're not worthy of it, and you may think there's no good guys left. You may think you can't find the right woman. Let me tell you, you can. You will. They're out there. It's part of your destiny. Here's how you do it. This is Jake Ducey with JakeDucey.com. Let's dive right into this video.

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What I did is I pulled out a piece of paper and I wrote out all the characters, qualities and things that I wanted out of that individual. For some reason, I felt very attracted to being with an artist. 


I never dated an artist. I didn't really know any. I grew up as a jock and now you know, at this time, I was building my career as an author.

I wanted to meet someone creative, and I didn't want someone that was doing quite the same thing as me. I wanted something slightly different, so I wrote out that I wanted to date an artist, super fit and great shape, played sports growing up. I had all these things that I wanted out of it and lo and behold, that was exactly what Ashley is. She's a professional wood-burning artist, highly successful at it and has these fantastic pieces that are sold all over the world.

She grew up playing soccer, extremely fit. Something we super connect on is we go to the gym and exercise pretty much every single day together and it blew my mind. Literally, almost to the T on this piece of paper is what Ashley was.

The first thing you do is write all of that out, what it is that you want.


Now, most people don't even do this. What they do is they say "Well, I mean, if it was that easy, I'd already have it." They say "Yeah, but you don't understand the last seven years, the last 14 years, my whole life, it's never worked out. There's no good guys left. I'm unworthy of love. This won't work." They don't even do it.

When you go to a movie and you watch Brad Pitt and he's playing a character and you sit down, you don't yell out to everyone "Hey everyone, everyone, hey, uh, do you guys realize this is fake? That's Brad Pitt right there. That's not the character in the movie. That's Brad Pitt. This isn't even real. This isn't real. This isn't real."

No, you suspend your disbelief and that's what allows you to get emotionally involved in the story line that allows you to have an emotional experience to a movie.

You suspend your disbelief. What you have to do is suspend your disbelief and write out what it is that you want out of a loving partnership of whomever and whatever it is that you want. That's step number one. 

Step number two, find your purpose, your goals, and your meaning in life.


Attraction is a magnetic factor. When you're connected and comfortable with yourself, you know what it is that you want. You have a magnetism to you that other people pick up on. People call that charisma, magnetism or attraction. The question is, what do you want out of your life? If it takes one year, may take tomorrow, but let's say it takes one year for you attract your soulmate.

How can you fulfill yourself now? See, nobody likes needy. Needy is creepy, and when you find and you live from your best life without needing somebody else to validate and fulfill you and fill your cup, what happens is, when you do meet people that you are attracted to, your cup is already filled. Therefore, on an unconscious level, you are a magnetizing energy to the other people.


Most people are trying to find love with an empty cup. They're going to the people and they're saying "Fill my cup. Please, fill it for me. Fill it for me, please." It's not attractive. You have to fill your own cup.

The question is, what would have to happen in the next 12 months for you to have the best year of your entire life? Then do those things, and write them on a piece of paper.

What would have to happen in the next 12 months for you to have the best year of your entire life? What would have to happen in the next 12 months for you to have the best year of your entire life? What are you living for? What are your dreams? What are your goals? How can you go out there and live purposefully now on those things? What are your dreams? What are your goals? What do you want?

 See, that is a powerful energy when you know those things because you already have your cup full. All of a sudden, you're an attractive human being to whoever it is that you start to date, meet, network with, because your cup is full and they love that. Other people want that. They want to be with someone like that.

People always say, "A relationship is two halves coming together to make a beautiful whole." No, that's not a relationship. A relationship is to absolutely full cups that get poured into another cup and then it starts a fantastic waterfall because it's overflowing because the two cups are totally filled.

What happened to me was I thought someone was my soulmate and ended up not working out. It was really heartbreaking. I finally said to myself, "I guess this wasn't meant to be. If I never attract my soulmate, fine, I'll be happy. I'm going to go and make a happy life for myself instead of thinking that I need someone else to validate me."

That's when I started taking my happiness seriously, my purpose seriously, and my career seriously. I started focusing and putting energy into these things that would fulfill me spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and I was on that path.

Then I met Ashley, who's now my wife, and when I met her, I was in that energy already. It was magnetizing. She was in that energy already, so it was magnetizing. Then it brought us together to create a more powerful energy for two people that already had that.

That's step number two and it's very important that you don't miss that step because even if you do attract the right person, at some point, the relationships gets hiccups if both people are needing each other to fulfill them. It's about you finding your purpose, your goals, your passion, what fulfills you, and then the two of you come together and the energy is stronger.

Number three, let go of needing it to happen.


If you need it to happen, what you're really saying to your subconscious mind is "This is not happening, and it might not happen. I really need it to happen to be fulfilled."

Your subconscious excepts the energy of lack and limitation. Psychologists say 95 percent of your life is controlled by your subconscious mind.

That means that 95 percent of your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, and your results of your life - the circumstances of your life - are controlled by your subconscious.

Sub means below, so it's below conscious. It's habitual. You don't control it unless you reprogram it, and that's another story.

Unless you can let go of needing it, then you're programming it with lack, so the subconscious mind matches that energy in your reality and it brings circumstances and situations that confirm your own lack and limitation. Then you say "See, there's no good guys left", because you really need it, and you're like "It's not happening."

You're programming your energy with lack, and then when it doesn't happen, you say "See, there's no good guys left. I told you this doesn't work. There's no good guys left." Men say "There's no cool women. I mean I can't find a cool woman. They're either really pretty or they're really cool and they're not both and I can't find the middle ground."

If you program your energy with that, then that's all you're going to get. It goes back to step number two, which is in step number one, which is writing it down, getting clear on it, knowing that already exists, and now you have to get in vibrational harmony with it to attract it into your existence.

That comes from letting go of it, trusting that the universe will bring it to you on divine timing, and now you have to walk your hero's journey.

You have to walk your path. You have to live your truth. You have to live your best life. You have to pull the greatness out within you because when you're king or queen, whoever it is comes into your life, you're ready. You're already there. You're present. You're fulfilled. You don't need it, but you desire it to experience more life.

That's what makes attraction work and that's what makes relationships powerful. Let go of needing it because you already have all the keys to fulfillment within yourself. In The Bible it says, "Seek the Kingdom of Heaven first."

Seek that Kingdom of heaven within yourself. Seek the fulfillment, the joy, the God energy. the fulfillment, the purpose within yourself.


Write all the things you want out of a relationship, but don't be needing it.

When you find that Kingdom of heaven within yourself, it's going to come to you at the perfect time. For me, how I attracted Ashley was absolutely out of nowhere. I had wrote and all that stuff down and whatnot. I was living my life, but I, I wasn't dating anyone.

I got a call from someone who said "Hey, it's my birthday up in Santa Barbara", which is about five hours from where I was living at the time. One of my friends has a really cute daughter and I want you to meet her."

I was like "Five hours, I'm not going to drive. I don't really want to go there." He said "Come on, just go." So I just decided "Hey, what the heck. I've let go. I'll surrender to whatever life brings me."

I went, boom, we met. It was magic. Game over, and you know, my life's never been the same sense. That's what it's about.

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The essence of who you are is pure love, and when you find that Kingdom of Heaven within you, and you find that truth within yourself, you don't get what you want.

You attract what you are. You don't get what you want. You don't attract what you want. You attract what you are. You attract your own energy. 

When you have that love within yourself, love for yourself, love for your life, you're living purposefully, all of these great things, you know what it is that you want, but you're living it internally, then your energy field brings those people into your experience. I am love. I attract love.

Share this video with someone you think will dig it. If this speaks to you, please make sure you watch this back through. It's very important that whenever you find videos that speak to you, you watch them back through because that's how they implant the subconscious mind.

If this spoke to you, watch this back through for a second time, take some notes on it. Make sure you actually do all of these exercises. Extra points to anyone that comments down all of the steps from this video.

You are a powerful creator. You are worthy of love. You're deserving of love, and the essence of who you are is pure love. Have a fantastic day. I'll talk to you soon.

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About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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