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Why Am I Constantly Unhappy?

Why Am I Constantly Unhappy? Is it possible for us to always be in a position to be happy? That doesn't mean we're always happy, but we're in a position to always be happy. To me, that's possible as soon as we know what the root cause of unhappiness is, and in order to find that root cause, I'd like to take you on a journey into what it's like when we're born and grow up in this world.    Read more to learn more - How To Get Rid Of Anxiety and Depression.

This body, which is actually a bunch of cells, is actually vibrating. When we look at it under an electron microscope, it's actually not solid; it's not something that's static; it's something that's just simply vibrating. This form comes in through my mother, and this form is born immediately upon birth, and everything—the doctor, my mother, my father, the society—begins to call me Jake. 

This is Jake. This is Jake's experience. This is what Jake is feeling right now, and soon I will begin to develop this idea within myself because all over the world there are all these things that are calling me Jake, and this vibration of sound is beginning to define this vibration of my body as shake, and soon it will keep going, and soon it will start to become this callus in our minds where there's a certain limit to how far we can go as an individual, and this is where Jake ends.    Read more to learn more - Free Yourself From Toxic People.

We Feel That We Are Defined By This World

We Feel That We Are Defined By This World

When this happens, we feel that we are defined by this world; all of who we are is in this world. What ends up happening then is that when we get to an experience that is challenging, we believe this experience is real. So the primary cause, in my view, was just a vibration. My view is just not real.    Read more to learn more - How To Stop People Pleasing And Just Be Happy.

Either the primary cause of what's making us unhappy in this world is that we believe that it's actually real, that this is actually Jake and these are actually my problems, or that this is actually even my success; we believe that this is real and that this is all that there is.


free yourself from toxic people, How To Get Rid Of Anxiety and Depression, how to stop people pleasing and just be happy, why am i constantly unhappy

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