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Free Yourself From Toxic People

Free yourself from toxic people so you can stop attracting these distractions in your life. So let's talk about negative people, how to handle negative people, how to free yourself from negative and toxic people, difficult people, and how to stop attracting them into your life. Quite frankly, there are a lot of negative people in the world. There are a lot of unhappy people in the world, and I'm going to help you free yourself from their energy. So first of all, let's see it for what it is. It's not your job to get other people to like you.

You have to be okay with people not liking you, with other people being negative, and with other people talking crap. It doesn't mean you put up with it; it doesn't mean you allow yourself to be abused, but when you free yourself from the mental energy of figuring out why someone doesn't like you. When you free yourself from toxic people and the mental energy of figuring out why someone is mean or negative, you literally move off their energy plane. Read more on my previous blog  How To Deal With Negative People and Never Get Upset so you can understand more. 

Free Yourself From Toxic People - Negative People Are Just A Frequency Pattern

Negative people are just a frequency pattern. When you don't like who you are and you don't like the choices that you've made in your life, you're overwhelmed with stress and don't know how to get it out properly. You don't know how to talk to people about it, and you know you don't watch positive videos. You don't see therapists. You don't journal; you have so much pain inside of you that you project it onto other people.

Because you're so uncomfortable, you have to create drama and project energy onto other people just to feel less miserable momentarily, and that's really what a truly negative person is. So first of all, you have to see it for what it is, and when you're able to see it for what it is, you can almost have compassion for them because this person is also miserable. Out of those two things, when you realize that, what's the point in arguing with them? What's the point in allowing it to negatively affect you? And what was the point of being mean to them or making them wrong back then? Free yourself from toxic people so your life will improve.

Why Are You Attracting This?

They have issues as well as problems. And this leads me to the second point that I want to talk about, which is, "Why are you attracting this?" I believe everything happens for a reason, and I believe that lessons repeat until we learn them. So a question to ask is, "Why are you attracting this energy?" I remember earlier in my career on YouTube, I used to see so many negative comments, and I used to really engage with them. I'd either argue with them or explain why they were wrong, and it bothered me.

Like, I'm trying to do something positive. Why are you so mean? Why are you such an a-hole? It would bother me. I don't know if there's a voice in my head, but it said, "Why are you attracting this energy?" I thought about it. Why am I attracting people who are attacking me? and I found my answers. So ask yourself, "Why are you attracting negative people?" Why are you attracting toxic people? What is it that the universe is trying to show you? 

The Lessons Repeat Until We Learn Them

Negative people are just signposts that are trying to teach you something. It might be teaching you how to love yourself; it might be teaching you how to let go; it might be teaching you how to have self-respect; it might be teaching you how to stop seeking validation from people because it might be someone you used to love and respect. Maybe you still do love them, but they've got issues, and they don't know how to deal with them, so they come at you constantly. Free yourself from toxic people so your life will improve. Maybe it's the universe trying to teach you how to let go.

You only know what it is, but the lessons repeat until we learn them, and often they'll repeat with new people. The lessons repeat until we learn them. So what might it be trying to teach you? It might be self-confidence, it might be self-respect, or it might be to go somewhere new and do something different. What is it trying to teach you? Another way to look at this is as life happening to you or for you, and a lot of times when we meet with negative people, we actually become victims of it in our own minds.

Free Yourself From Toxic People - We Actually Become Victims To It

So when life happens to you, you're a victim. Why is this happening? Why do they keep doing this? Why don't they be nice? Why don't they change? Why don't they get better? We end up falling for it, which is resistance. When we resist, we keep it going and stay on its vibrational pattern. Free yourself from toxic people so your life will improve. So we continue to attract it rather than allowing life to happen to us. So, none of this would have happened if that negative person hadn't come into my life, and my healing would have taken longer.

I was so naive and ignorant that I couldn't see it. I realized the point of that person, that negative person, that toxic person, that bad person—the point of him wasn't to steal from me on an ordinary level of consciousness; that's what it looked like, but actually the point of it was to prosper me, to increase the quality of my life drastically, to give me my dream house and do it on my own terms.

Free Yourself From Toxic People - They Appear In Your Life For A Reason 

They Appear In Your Life For A Reason

It changed my life; I didn't have to play by the rules anymore, and so this negative person was actually the most positive person and one of the most positive people that ever came into my life. So I invite you to consider that because once you're able to let go of your resistance to the people who keep showing up in your life, that's when you free yourself from the hold they have on you, and that's when you discover why the universe is bringing them into your life because it could be that this negative person keeps showing up in your life because the reality is that you're at a job you despise and the universe is trying to make you happy.

It might be that you keep settling into romantic relationships but you're too afraid to be alone, and so you keep having these negative people in relationships because the universe is trying to finally make you say, "Come on, go on your own for a little," while finding out who you are. Even when negative people appear, the universe is conspiring on your behalf. Free yourself from toxic people so your life will be transformed. 

Free Yourself From Toxic People - Why Is This Happening?

Negative people don't come into your life out of nowhere; they come from the universe for a higher purpose, and in order to complete the cycle of karma, you have to ask yourself, "Why is this happening?" "What's the best reason that this is occurring?" Because, believe me, there is a good reason why it's happening. I don't know what it is; it might be just to help teach you compassion; it might be about kindness; it might be about letting go; it might be about forgiveness; it might be about walking away; it might be about moving to a new city; it might be about starting a new job; it might be about leaving this very toxic person.

I don't know what it is, but there's a reason that it's happening, so basically, negative people are like quicksand. When you're in it and you try to fight it, that's when you sink faster, and you're supposed to essentially let go. Negative people are similar to quicksand in that if you continue to fight it on the surface level and argue, you will just try to stay where you are and deal with it. The longer you stay there, the more deeply you will sink into their vibration. Free yourself from toxic people so your life will be better.

It's Happening For A Spiritual Reason

Once you detach from reactionary consciousness and realize that it's happening for a spiritual reason and that it's actually not trying to harm you, you realize that this person is just a conduit of God; they're a conduit of the universe, and the universe is trying to help you. It's trying to teach you something; it's trying to help you in some way. They may be the type of person who needs to be right, and that's so toxic. Why do you need to be right?

They have issues; they have problems, and you're not going to solve them. By trying to be right and arguing back, you are trying to validate yourself by trying to explain yourself. There are just some battles that aren't worth fighting on this level, and the only way to really win the battle is to disengage from it. Move from reactionary consciousness and find out what god is trying to tell you or teach you, and when you find that answer, this person will either disappear from your life, you'll move in a new direction in your life, or the person will change entirely because you've realized the higher purpose behind it, so the energy in the relationship will shift.

They Don't Need To Change For Your Life To Improve

They Do not Need To Change For Your Life To Improve

So take a deep breath like this and another deep breath, and when you remember to take a deep breath and remember that other people can't take away your own happiness, freedom, or joy, and when you free yourself from toxic people, your life will improve. Wayne Dyer has a quote that he used to say, "If you think other people are the problem, you're going to have to send the whole world to the psychiatrist before you can get any better."

So if you think that this negative person is your problem, you're going to have to duct tape them. Put them in the back of the car and drop them off at the psychiatrist until they get better; otherwise, your life's never going to get better; they're not the problem; they're the teachers, and I don't know what they're trying to teach you, but take a deep breath and just remember you're loved, God loves you, and life is good.

Free Yourself From Toxic People - You'll Change Your Life Forever

If you haven't yet, check out my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind because there are a lot of negative people in the world and a lot of negative belief systems that people have, and if we aren't careful, we often inherit other people's negative belief systems. So I created a success hypnosis to reprogram my subconscious because when I dropped out of college and decided I wanted to be a successful author and all these things, very few people agreed with me, very few people thought it would work out, and I found myself inheriting other people's belief systems. Free yourself from toxic people so your life will improve. 

That's what's happened to you as well. You've inherited other people's belief systems your entire life, and you don't even realize it because they're subconscious and subliminal. So they're below the conscious level; they're unconscious. All you have to do is reprogram them, and your life will change forever. the subconscious mind, you're able to reprogram it very easily. So check out my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind. Just listen to it for a couple minutes every day. People think it's like magic, but it's not magic. Some hypnosis can seem like magic, but it's just basic psychological law. If you reprogram the subconscious, you'll change your life forever.


free yourself from toxic people, how to deal with negative people

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