Imagine yourself in Egypt, 1945, discovering a box containing the Lost Gospel of Thomas. This profound discovery unveils secrets in the Bible, providing insights into hidden spiritual teachings.
Believed to date back to the first century A.D., the Gospel offers transformative knowledge that was likely excluded from the canonical Bible to control its influence.
Why is this gospel so significant? Some scholars say the Gospel of Thomas could change spirituality. Its teachings might shift spiritual power and understanding.
These ancient texts hold wisdom that challenges old beliefs. They enrich our view on spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Exploring Ancient Spiritual Teachings
In this segment, I will break down the Lost Gospel of Thomas, revealing some of the most profound secrets in the Bible that date back nearly 2,000 years. A passage that particularly stands out is line 21. In this line, Jesus says, "The people of the Kingdom will be thrown out into outer darkness; there will be weeping and grinding of teeth."
His disciples, clearly confused, asked, "When will this happen?" Jesus responded, "It has already happened, but you didn't notice it."
This dialogue shows a mysterious spiritual event. It also questions our view of spiritual awareness. It implies that significant events in the spiritual realm may occur unnoticed, a concept that resonates deeply with the teachings found in the Gospel of Thomas.
These insights encourage us to look beyond the obvious and question our perceptions of reality, suggesting that deeper truths are often hidden in plain sight.
The Depth of Our Existence and Secrets in the Bible
In my view, Jesus's teachings offer a revealing insight into our spiritual condition. He suggests that we have all incarnated as souls who have forgotten their true essence.
Trapped in identities tied to our physical selves, we experience profound disconnection. Jesus warned of "weeping and grinding of teeth." This metaphor resonates today. We face widespread issues of depression, addiction, anxiety, and poor mental health.
Our sick society often turns to drugs, porn, and alcohol. We seek escape in consumerism and entertainment to avoid our suffering. This shows the harsh truth of being spiritually displaced. It means being cast from a world of spiritual understanding into a chaotic one. The harsh journey has a purpose. It is to rediscover ourselves, reconnect with our souls, and realize our oneness with God.
Through these secrets in the Bible, we are guided back to spiritual wholeness. If you like this, read more here - Bible Teachings on Wealth
Awakening from Our Mindless Slumber
They questioned Jesus, "When did all this happen? When were we thrown into this outer darkness?" He responded, "It's already happened, but you didn't notice." This statement sheds light on our conditioned, mindless slumber.
It reveals Bible secrets about our true nature. We are spiritual beings, yet find ourselves trapped in physical bodies, not fully aware of our spiritual origins.
This concept flows into verse 3. There, Jesus challenges beliefs: "If those who lead you say, 'The Kingdom of Heaven is in the sky,' then the birds will precede you."
If you claim it's in the sea, then the fish will precede you." These words urge us to look beyond the literal. The Kingdom of Heaven is not a distant, physical place. It is a state of being within us.
Discovering the True Kingdom and Secrets in the Bible
"Rather, the Kingdom of Heaven is inside of you, and it is outside of you," Jesus teaches. This insight is a profound revelation. It shows that our world of illusions is designed to keep us unaware. It reveals secrets in the Bible about our spiritual nature.
Jesus critiques the widespread misbelief that the kingdom can be found in externalities such as the sky, the sea, social media, television, and politics. He highlights the false allure of dopamine and deceptive knowledge propagated by institutions that encourage rampant consumerism.
The world's false teachings encourage a materialistic chase for social status. They promote a godless life and seek salvation in illusions. This, along with a lack of spiritual awareness, is dangerous. It shows the need for a personal relationship with God.
In the Bible, Jesus urges us to find the true Kingdom of Heaven. It is not in external sources but within ourselves and our connection to the divine.

Navigating the Cosmic Game and Secrets in the Bible
Through all this vanity and addiction to dopamine, society often reassures us that it's acceptable to remain in this state of distraction. However, it's not until we truly awaken and realize why we're here that we begin to see the world for what it really is: an intricate, beautiful challenge.
You chose to come into this lost world, a place rife with distractions and false promises, specifically to navigate your way back to your soul. It's like a cosmic game of hide and seek, where the stakes are nothing less than our spiritual awakening.
That's why Jesus's words in verse 4 of the Gospel of Thomas are so pivotal, "When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will realize that you are children of the living father. But if you do not come to know yourselves, then you exist in poverty, and you are in poverty."
This statement from the secrets in the Bible serves as a powerful reminder of the spiritual impoverishment that comes from not understanding our true essence.
As we peel back the layers of societal conditioning and distraction, we uncover not just our individual identities but also our collective role as parts of a greater whole.
This journey is not merely about finding personal enlightenment but about rediscovering our oneness with God. Every challenge and distraction along the way is an opportunity to delve deeper into our spiritual practice, to find clarity amidst chaos, and ultimately to reclaim the divine connection that is our birthright. If you like this, read more here - Don’t try to play God
The Journey of Spiritual Discovery
And that’s why Jesus emphasizes the importance of seeking in verse 92, saying, "Seek, and you will find. In the past, however, I did not tell you the things about which you asked me then. Now I am willing to tell you, but you are not seeking them."
What Jesus implies is that prior to our earthly journey, we were aware of the truth. Echoing the sentiment of a famous rock classic, we are like lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year. We find ourselves ensnared in an illusion of existence.
Further deepening this concept, in verse 2, Jesus advises, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds it, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over them all."
This progression from seeking to finding, being troubled, and ultimately ruling, encapsulates the transformative journey of spiritual awakening. It suggests that the path to enlightenment is fraught with challenges and disturbances that ultimately lead to profound understanding and empowerment.
These teachings, part of the secrets in the Bible, invite us to reconsider our perceptions and urge us toward a continuous quest for deeper truths. They remind us that our spiritual journey is not merely about discovering hidden knowledge but about undergoing a transformation that allows us to transcend our perceived limitations and embrace a more expansive, divine reality.
The Awakening to Inner Truth
The beauty of this spiritual awakening lies in the initial discomfort it brings. When we genuinely look within ourselves, we are bound to become troubled as we recognize the dark illusions presented by the world's prescribed paths. This realization of the world's often demonic nature can be unsettling, but it is a crucial step in the journey towards enlightenment.
Once troubled, the natural progression is to seek a deeper, personal relationship with God. It's a profound act of humility and desire getting on your hands and knees, earnestly seeking to connect. The astonishment comes when you discover that the Kingdom of Heaven was not somewhere remote or external, but within you all along.
This revelation, a key part of the Bible's secrets, challenges our views. It also changes us within. It compels us to rethink our spiritual priorities and realign our lives in pursuit of true spiritual wealth, which has been within us from the very beginning.
Unveiling the Divine Promises and Secrets in the Bible
And that's why in verse 5, Jesus teaches us, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you. For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest. You are one with God; the Kingdom of Heaven is within you.
There is nothing that you cannot ask for with sincerity, and it will not manifest. Nothing you ask will not manifest. It will all come to pass. It is all waiting for you, the kingdom of God, all of its glory, solving your financial burdens, your depression, your car problems, your health issues, your marital and relationship problems."
This powerful assertion encapsulates the core of the secrets in the Bible, revealing that our sincere desires and prayers have the power to manifest in reality. It underscores the profound connection between us and the divine, affirming that the Kingdom of Heaven is not just a metaphysical concept but a tangible presence within us.
The assurance that all challenges whether they are financial, emotional, physical, or relational can be addressed through this divine connection offers a profound source of hope and empowerment. If you like this, read more here - Prepare Yourself for the Battle of Good vs. Evil.

Realising Your Divine Nature
When you remember who you really are, a divine spiritual being inhabiting a physical body and seek to deepen your relationship with the divine, that's when your external world starts to mirror this realization. Anything you sincerely ask for will manifest because your spiritual DNA is perfect.
This aligns with the secrets in the Bible which teach us that though we live in this world, we are not solely of it; our essence is of perfect spiritual DNA. You are not defined by your past mistakes, your problems, or even your physical body. Think of your body as just a rental car for your soul.
It shows our true identity is more than just the physical. It's also beyond the temporal. It reminds us that by reconnecting with our spiritual selves, we can transform our life experiences, aligning our reality with our divine nature and bringing forth the fulfilment of our deepest desires and needs.
Embracing Your True Self and Secrets in the Bible
Look within yourself and remember who you are. Call on God. That beautiful energy will then permeate every cell of your body and your outside world. It will reflect who you really are. So, I just want you to take a deep breath in and out.
Take a deep breath in and out, and realize this meat suit that you have, that you can touch, it's just a rental car for your soul. This realization is one of the profound secrets in the Bible, teaching us about our true essence beyond the physical.
Understanding Your Spiritual Journey and Secrets in the Bible
You chose to come into this world for a very specific reason: you are a spiritual being temporarily housed in a physical body. Each challenge you encounter be it depression, financial struggles, health issues, or marital difficulties is not random but chosen. These hardships serve a divine purpose; they push you towards a deeper introspection and closer connection with God.
They are catalysts, encouraging you to discover that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, and to realize that your external circumstances are reflections of internal states.
So, hold onto this crucial insight: your spiritual DNA is perfect. It is untouched by earthly struggles and remains pure and powerful. Delving into the Lost Gospel of Thomas, you will find profound teachings that many remain unaware of, teachings that can unlock new dimensions of spiritual understanding.
If you are intrigued by these revelations and want to dive deeper, consider accessing my free success hypnosis. It's designed to tap into the 95% of your life controlled by your subconscious mind, as noted by psychologists.
These secrets in the Bible and additional insights from texts like the Gospel of Thomas provide a foundation for not just coping with life's challenges but transcending them, turning every obstacle into a stepping stone towards your true spiritual essence.

Transforming Your Mind Through Subconscious Reprogramming
Did you know that you have approximately 65,000 thoughts in a day, and 95% of them are subconscious? Unfortunately, many of these thoughts have been shaped by the unhealthy, often destructive influences of our world.
These ingrained thought patterns can dominate your life, but there is a way to break free. By reprogramming your subconscious mind, you can start to reflect your true nature and the Kingdom of Heaven within you.
You are a divine being, deserving of financial freedom, health, loving relationships, and true love. When you stop seeing yourself merely as a physical entity just a rental car for your soul you open the door to profound transformation.
This change is rooted in the secrets in the Bible, revealing our divine essence and potential. To aid in this process, I encourage you to check out my free success hypnosis at www.jakeducey.com.
This tool is for you. It will help you replace old, limiting beliefs with affirmations that align with your spiritual truths. If you like this, read more here - Hidden Teachings of The Bible That Explain Consciousness.