Bible Teachings on Wealth: I believe that the truth of the hidden teachings in the bible has been hidden from us for thousands of years, and that the truth is written in plain sight in the most powerful hidden bible teaching on the planet, which truly has the power to change your life. If you like this, read more here - Hidden Teachings of The Bible That Explain Consciousness.
Raise Your Level Of Awareness To Recognize Your True Self
My name is Jake Ducey, with If you enjoy this video, hit the "like" button and let me know in the comments. Let's dive right into this video. Studying and discussing metaphysics, neuroscience, spirituality, philosophy, and religion over the last many years, I went back to some of the most common adages or things that you hear from the bible. Whether you read it or not, there are a few phrases that are kind of universal in society at large, and one of those phrases that I think very few people understand is the one that Jesus used, where he said that he's in this world but not of it, and it's basically this invitation for us to be able to raise our level of awareness and consciousness to recognize our true selves.
So if you're in this world but not of it, what does that mean? Your true self exists beyond birth and death; you are eternal, and infinite. You're more than flesh, you're more than your past, you're more than what you see when you look in the mirror, you're more than your bank account, you're more than other people's opinions of you, you're more of everything that's happened to you so far, and you're none of it. You're in this world, and you're a spiritual being in a physical body, an infinite spiritual being in a physical body, a divine being in a physical body, and you're using this physical body exactly like a rental car when you fly to London or to Austin, Texas, and you rent a car.
All you're doing is borrowing a car for a short time, and the illusion, like the attachment to ego and self, is temporary, and all of our world's limitations, as the Bible goes on to say, make us think that we're the rental car; that's all; we're attached to selfishness. But when you realize that you're in this world but not of it, you're no longer afraid of the biggest fear of all, which is the fear of death, and you overcome the fear of what other people think of you; you overcome the fear of lack and limitation, as well as the fear of not having enough;
We Are Made Up Of Atoms
You overcome the limitation of not being enough because how could you not have God, the infinite winds of the universe, at your side, moving to and through you so that it truly is every cell of your being? You know, if you look at it more from a practical neuroscience or quantum physics perspective, we're made up of a bunch of atoms, and ironically, in the bible it says Adam and Eve, so if you think of Adam, what's Adam? Adam is atoms, the physical building blocks of matter. Of course, they're spelled differently, but it's the same thing: matter is made up of atoms.
So we thought atoms were particles; There are these physical things in this world; they make up my body, the wall; and this chair; and we thought they were atoms. But we eventually discovered that atoms aren't the only things smaller than atoms; there are things called subatomic particles, which are made up of 99 percent empty space, so an atom is 99.99999 percent empty space. So everything you see in the world of form and matter is actually made up of 99.9999 percent empty space, and so you go, "What is it?" Well, it's spirit energy vibrating at a purity level or frequency level that's beyond the bandwidth of visible light that your eyes can see. It's beyond the realm of visible light, but it's still there. It's just invisible to the naked eye.
But when we realize that we are in this world but not of it, we realize that the world follows the same pattern, which is that spirit is the source of origination and things move from the spiritual realm to the physical realm, and that this energy is always following this path of perpetual transmutation from light frequencies that are unperceivable and invisible to visible, so we move from invisible to visible, we move from spirit to form, we move from thought to thing, and everything follows the same pattern.
Step Outside Of Your Worldly Limitations
So, if you've been transformed by the renewing of your mind, it means that your mind has moved beyond identification with selfish form and is now connected to God and spirit. We've stepped outside of all of our worldly limitations, and when that happens, you start to see it reflect back into your life because of the outer physical world. According to Allan Watts, the word "water" cannot get you wet, so you know I'm not trying to focus on it too much.
Given all of that, I must be like the place from which I came. I must be like that from which I come from; you must be like that from which you come; and where do you come from? You come from this higher power, whatever word you want to use to describe it, and so then you go, "Well, what are the qualities of this higher power?" What are the qualities of spirit? What are the qualities of consciousness? What are the qualities of God? What are the qualities of the universe? They're infinite, first of all, because space is constantly expanding and the universe is constantly growing, so it's infinite in nature; there's nothing impossible about it. It is always making things; it has the power to make things, and its source, or essence, is infinite.
First and foremost, it is infinite, and secondly, I believe it is friendly and loving; it's as if it's saying, "Hey, we're here, and we have this solar system and this atmosphere with oxygen, and these perfect immune systems, and this perfect intelligence that started us from little protoplasms, hopefully into little babies, and then into big old people." So you go, it's infinite, it's friendly and loving in nature, and if I must be like that from which I came, if I'm in this world but not of it, and I'm of God, and God is infinitely friendly and loving, then my life must follow the same trajectory if I let it.
You Are Infinite In Nature So You Are Meant To Succeed
However, if I allow it to happen by surrendering to this higher power and surrendering my mind to myself, I discover that my life follows the same trajectory: it can get infinitely better, I can make infinitely more money, and I can have infinitely more service in the world. In other words, because you are in this world but not of it, you are infinite in nature, and the possibilities that exist for you in this incarnation are infinite in nature, so you are meant to succeed. Its essence is well-being and love, so if you let go of forcing it and allow it to unfold, trusting that it will unfold, how could it not follow the same path? How could your career not follow the same path? You should be able to be very successful at whatever you're passionate about, and you can be because you are like that which you come from, which is divine unlimited success.
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