February 19

Don’t Try To Play God

Don’t try to play God: It's a beautiful day out in the desert looking out at the state park right now, with the beautiful red rocks, and I'm just sitting in my living room, and there's a problem that happens in most people's lives and they don't realize that it's happening. This is a problem where you actually try to play God, and this is something that people just do unconsciously, and you're likely doing it, and it's likely stopping you from actually getting the power of God to help you in your life, so my name is Jake, and I'm at jakedoozy.com. Make sure you hit the "like" button right over there on this side and right over there on this side, and leave a comment down below that says, "I am one with the universe."

Nameless Energy

Let's dive right into this video, so basically what happens is that people want something so badly in their lives that they start to need it, and they need it in their lives; they create a dependency on needing it to happen, and when that occurs, we try to force things in our lives; we sit there and beg God; we try to force the wrong relationships; we make the wrong decisions; we take a risk we shouldn't take; or we just sit around; we get anxious all day long; and subconsciously we block what we want from coming into our lives now.

It's critical to understand that there is a power greater than yourself; you are connected to it, but it is greater than any concepts, anything you can conjure up with your mind, or anything I can say with words in the Tao Te Ching; they call it the nameless. It's the nameless energy, but you can call it whatever you want: God, divine consciousness, or incomprehensible spirit. The word "water" cannot get you wet because it is on your side, but we all have something called an ego.  If you are enjoying this topic, check out my other blog - Prepare Yourself for the Battle of Good vs. Evil.

Wayne Dyer says the ego is edging God out. It's a part of us that basically tries to edge God out and figure everything out on our own, and this stops us from the ultimate blessings in our lives, so what I want you to do is say these words: "I am letting go and surrendering to God." I am letting go and surrendering to God. comment that down below I am letting go and I am surrendering to God now. What does this mean? Well, what is God? You think about its qualities. It's limitless energy. It's infinite in nature, and it's totally forgiving, loving, and purely abundant. It's total wealth; it's created these perfect rocks. I've been sitting here every day since we moved to this beautiful place, just staring at these red rocks. They're perfectly carved. It looks like a laser did it; they're so perfect and they're so beautiful, and it's the unlimited power of the universe.

Swim Against The Current Or Go With It

Swim Against The Current Or Go With It

The universe can provide for you in your life, but what happens is that ego gets in the way, and instead of letting go and letting the qualities of God orchestrate and govern our lives, we force them and we need them, so we invite the wrong person into our lives, we date the wrong person because we're trying to force a relationship, we sit around and we need money so badly that we start to get desperate on our sales call or a job interview, and we blow it. What I want you to do is consider that there is a stream of unlimited power that is always available to you, and you can swim against the current or you could go with it. 

Most people become so attached to their thoughts that they actually edge God out; they don't allow this beautiful perfection that has created an endless, infinite, amazing universe to unfold in their life, and this is what happens when people try to play God; they're trying to play "I need this to happen," "I need this to happen," but if you can take a breath and say, "I am letting go, I'm letting God," and you can remember that there is a miracle,

People say, "Well, why haven't I seen it yet?" It's because we're unconsciously blocking and trying to play God and control everything. So, take a deep breath and remember that you live in a welcoming universe. God is on your side. The universe is on your side. Instead of saying, "Please, I need some money," thank the universe for blessing my life with unexpected financial success. This is letting go and letting God. This is stepping into the possibility, and instead of needing to figure it out and do everything on your own, it's inviting in this miracle-working presence of the universe to make the miracles for you, so comment down below and thank you, universe, for the unexpected financial success.

Be Thankful For What You Have Instead Of Ranting

So instead of saying, "I really need a relationship," why isn't the right person here? I can't meet the right guy. I can't meet the right woman. I really need a relationship. My time is running short. I only have a few more prime years of my life. Instead of saying that, say thank you to the universe for blessing my life with unconditional love and unexpectedly attracting fantastic romance into my life. instead of saying, "I really need a job." Oh my gosh, I need one, but it's not working out, and please gosh, I've got to work all day to figure it out. Thank you, God, for giving me the perfect, unexpected opportunity of employment. Thank you  for happiness and prosperity.

You see a pattern here. What you're doing is thanking God, and the universe for what you want, and this invites it into your life. This invites the miracle-working presence to say Okay, Jake, let me show you my magic. Let me show you what I can do for you, and then, out of nowhere, you get that email. Oh my gosh, I just got that email for that new job opportunity. Oh my gosh, I just got that phone call from that person that I met, that I was so attracted to, that I met four weeks ago, and then they weren't answering my phone calls.

Oh my gosh, I just met him. It's out of nowhere, perfect romance showing up, the perfect clients coming from nowhere—and it just happens, and you just get that phone call. But it has to come from this point, and I want you to make this statement with me. I am totally open to something unexpected coming my way today that is even greater than anything that I've been desiring. I am totally open to something amazing and unexpected that is even greater than anything that I desire. This is you stepping out of your ego, even greater than anything I desire. This is saying, "God, I trust that there's a higher plan in my life; I trust that my mind is limited, and that I might even be limiting myself."

The Real Magic Of Manifesting

The Real Magic Of Manifesting

And I'm asking the miracle-making presence of the universe to bless and multiply my life in a way that is better than anything I can imagine. Thank you, thank you, thank you. When you do this and begin to have a personal relationship with the universe, similar to having a personal relationship with God, rather than it being some guy in the sky who judges you and forces you to plead with it, you open yourself up to something unexpected and amazing coming your way today—even greater than you could have imagined. 

It becomes an omnipresent force; it becomes always available to you, and you just need to call upon it; you just need to focus on it; you just have to bring your attention to it and let go; you just have to allow it to work with you and through you; you just have to allow it to open doors; you just have to allow it to make miracles. This is the real magic of manifesting, so leave a comment down below. I'm totally open to something unexpected, even greater than what I desire, coming my way, so I just want to remind you that you literally live in an infinite universe. You are a divine being. You're worthy of everything that you want, and you don't have to figure it all out on your own.

You don't have to judge yourself and re-measure and re-analyze yourself every day to see whether you're good enough or whether your dreams or desires are possible; you don't have to sit around and go. Please, please, please. Oh my gosh, I need it. You just have to take a breath. You just have to say, "I'm letting go and I'm letting God." You just have to take a breath and call upon the miracle-working power of the universe. You just have to take a breath and affirm that I live in a friendly universe. All things are possible through the power of God. You just have to take a breath and say, "Dear God, I am totally open to something amazing and unexpected coming my way today."

Invite The Miracles Into Your Life

That is even greater than anything that I could possibly imagine. Don't sweat the small stuff because there's a force greater than yourself, greater than you can perceive, greater than I can even illustrate in a video, and greater than I can describe in a video, and it's always available to you. It makes no difference what color your skin is, what country you were born in, your past, or the sins or errors you committed; none of that matters. All that matters is right now, when you take a breath, when you come into this present moment, when you recognize that you are loved and that you do, quite literally, live in an infinite and always expanding universe.

If you take a deep breath in and out and call on the miracle-working presence of the universe, and you let go and stop trying to control and figure everything out, and you offer up your prayers to God in gratitude, and you invite God, the universe, and spirit into your life, you actually invite them into your life, and you act to invite the miracles of the universe into your life.

So put a smile on your face and go like this and say, "I'm letting go; I'm letting God; I'm totally open to something amazing coming my way today, even greater than I could possibly imagine." Thank you, God, for constantly blessing my life, and thank you, universe, for orchestrating amazing and unexpected blessings into my life today, so thank you for watching this video. My name is Jake Ducey, with Jakeducy.com.  

The Miracle-Working Presence Of The Universe Is Always On Your Side

Say, "I am wonderfully blessed beyond measure by the power of the universe." Take a deep breath and let that sink into every cell of your body, and if you haven't yet, be sure to check out my free success hypnosis. It's jakeshypnosis.com. I made it to reprogram all my limiting subconscious beliefs that I didn't know were stopping me from doing what I wanted. It changed my life, and now I give it away.

About a million people have used it now, which is amazing, and it's a testament to the unexpected miracles that can come into your life, even greater than you can perceive. So every day, I get these incredible stories from people telling me about all the wonderful things that happen when they use it. So it's free, and all that I ask is that you leave a comment and then just let me know of the great things that come into your life as a result of it. Remember, the miracle-working presence of the universe is always on your side and available to you.


battle of good vs. evil, Don't Try To Play God

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