Neville Goddard teachings will indeed make you rich. According to Neville Goddard, in order to create all the money you'll ever need, it starts with this teaching from him, and I quote, "There is nothing God cannot do." Do not think that someone who is fabulously rich has an influx of spirit that differs from yours. The Neville Goddard Technique will help you understand. He's imagining wealth either wittingly or unwittingly, but you can do it knowingly. " So, what he's saying here is: do not underestimate the power of your unconscious mind and do not underestimate the power of God.
Neville Goddard Teaching Says If You Need Money, Claim It

If somebody else has the success you want, you can have it in your own way too. What I love about Neville, especially when it comes to money techniques, is that he doesn't just tell you in theory. So check out this epic story: Neville's writing in his book, and he's talking about a time he was giving a speech, so here he is giving the speech in front of the audience, and while he's talking, he tells this story. This guy wanted to attract two hundred and fifty thousand dollars into his life, and he needed it for his business. This was during the terrible, terrible economic downturns of the 40s and 50s.
This guy wants to get money, but every day the stock market's dropping, everyone's freaking out. Maybe it reminds you a little bit of right now. This guy needs $250,000 for a manufacturing business, so Neville tells him to start imagining it. The guy comes back later, and he says, "I am not doing a good job." This is not working out. I don't know what to do. I feel like I've got so much bad news happening that I can't mentally detach myself from it. '' So Neville tells this guy that he's going to change the mental rehearsal of the conversation. So, instead of this guy wanting 250,000, Neville and this guy imagine he already has it, so they do an exercise where the guy calls Neville and tells him he's got the 250,000 instead of telling him he wants it, and after they hang up, what Neville and the individual do is neither of them move on to their next task of the day.
There Is Nothing God Cannot Do
Even though they've hung up the phone, they still pretend they're on it until they feel the feeling of having that 250 thousand dollars. Then Neville leaves the conversation, acting as if the guy just called him and told him that he had got 250,000. So after that, some crazy stuff starts to happen, and this guy writes Neville later to tell him that, out of the blue, after he had started to mentally rehearse in his mind, that he already had the 250,000 that he had a successful phone call and somebody wanted to give him the money. He randomly got a phone call from an investment broker that had heard about the new business that he wanted to start.
He researched it extensively and was calling to ask if he had already gotten the money that he needed, and if not, this individual could invest the $250,000 into his business and just like that, boom, $250,000. But it doesn't stop there. After he gets the 250,000 dollars, he starts to get momentum. Then he has friends who call and end up investing another 100,000 dollars into shares of the company. Just like that, 350,000 dollars. So let's repeat that Neville Goddard teaching: there is nothing God cannot do. Do not think that someone who is fabulously rich has an influx of spirit that differs from yours.
He is imagining wealth either wittingly or unwittingly, but you can do it knowingly. Now, if you're still with me and you are ready to start wittingly, consciously imagining wealth in your life, I want you to pick a scenario just like that individual who reframed that phone call that Neville writes about, and he started imagining that on the calls he was being given the money. Big idea number two is to create all the money you ever want, and I quote from Neville here, "To be conscious of being poor while praying for riches is to be rewarded with that which you are conscious of being, namely poverty."
Prayers To Be Successful Must Be Claimed And Appropriated
Prayers to be successful must be claimed and appropriated, assuming the positive consciousness of the thing desired. That one's so good and so simple, but so hard to understand. " He says to be conscious of being poor while praying for riches is to be rewarded for that which you are conscious of being, namely poor. To be successful in your prayers, you have to claim and appropriate it. So think of money as two things: the presence of money and the absence of money. As Neville says in a quote, "If you judge after appearances, you will continue to be enslaved by the evidence of your senses."
So to move this out of the abstract, Neville can sometimes be such an incredible metaphysical teacher that sometimes it might be a little hard to just kind of make sense of it. So when I applied this to my life, the reason this is so important to me is because when I wanted my YouTube channel to blow up, I did visualization, I did the law of attraction, I read Neville Goddard, and I worked hard. I didn't just sit on the couch and burn incense. I worked really hard, but I was always thinking about the lack of money, even though I wanted it. I was thinking about the lack of my YouTube channel blowing up, even though I wanted it to, and this is what habitually happens.
It might be happening to you because everything is two things: what you want and the absence of what you want. You can want money but be focused on your lack of success and then move towards it. "I hope it happens." What I did is start to create what I call the "record player technique" based on Neville. He calls it the "congratulations technique," where you pick an event that would occur if you got the money that you wanted and think about someone congratulating you or having a huge celebration. It's a specific scenario that moves you toward what you want. So you're living from it as opposed to hoping you arrive towards it.
Assume The Feeling Of Wish Being Fulfilled

Number three is a powerful one: all you need is to assume the feeling of the wish being fulfilled. That's all you need to do to assume the feeling of the wish being fulfilled. The reason for denying it Though your senses deny it, don't waver in that assumption. You assume it persists in the assumption and that the assumption will harden into reality if you call reality these concrete things in the world, but really these are shadows. So what's he saying that your bank account is just a shadow? That's not the concrete thing where your attention goes and creates a feeling, and often that's one of disempowerment, which creates lack, but if your awareness starts to go to the shadows, instead of going to the limits of your bank account, your attention starts to go to your inner world.
It creates a new feeling, one of confidence, one of empowerment, one of excitement—and this shift is what mirrors your outside world. As you attract new business partnerships, you attract bigger checks, and you attract more opportunities because this shift comes from the inside, not the outside, and the shift basically has to do with your self-image. Neville says—and I quote, "change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live." Do not try to change people; they're only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change. "
So what I invite you to do is pull out a pen and pad and discover your current conception of yourself. What do you believe about yourself? What memories, what traumas, what things were you told when you were growing up that have built the basis of your self-identity that you think is concrete? Remember, Neville just called them the shadows, and if you want an easy way to do this, find your financial image. Think about it like this: what early memories do you have of yourself? Your capabilities and money ultimately create assumptions or beliefs that you hold. For example, I was not the brightest kid in school. I didn't do very well, and I thought I was stupid.
Using Your Imagination To Reimagine The Past

I was prescribed and diagnosed with ADD. I barely passed my classes when I would study. I'd get really bad anxiety, and even if I knew the answers, I'd still mess them up. So, from a young age, I had many memories of all this trauma and anxiety and feeling stupid. So in my adult years, I developed the self-conception that I had a bad memory. I was stupid. I had ADD, and then this became an issue, even though it became subconscious. I didn't think about it much because then I was trying to build a career as an author and all these old crappy belief systems came up. You can't focus long enough to write. You're not smart enough to be an author.
You're too stupid to be an author. And all of these silly ideas started popping up. But by chasing what I wanted, by pursuing my goals, they popped up like whack-a-mole. I could see what they are now. Ask yourself what those self-concepts are and then reverse them in your life. Use Neville's revision technique to reimagine them. I've talked about the revision technique in another video, but basically it's using your imagination to reimagine the past. So instead of imagining myself failing all these tests and being described as having ADD and ADHD and being told that I was stupid, I started imagining that I was successful.
I started imagining I was this great author. I imagine that I did great in school. So you can do the exact same thing to recreate your image of yourself financially. Like Neville Goddard said, there is nothing God cannot do. Do not think that someone who is fabulously rich has an influx of spirit that differs from yours. He is imagining wealth either wittingly or unwittingly, but you can do it knowingly. So I invite you to not underestimate the power of God. I invite you to not underestimate the power of your mind once you get it focused on prosperity. Do a simple challenge to yourself for the rest of today to think only of prosperity.
If you're in debt, don't think about debt, don't think about the bills you have to pay, think of prosperity. Don't look in your mind, find the image of your sorry bank account and all the debts. Focus only on prosperity; see the house, see the check, see the bank account growing and growing like a stopwatch, and the stopwatch or the timer just keeps going further and further. The same can be said for the financial numbers in your head. Do not underestimate God.
[…] I would ask God for something I didn't have and I would plead and I would try to ask nicely and I would try to do it all the time in hopes that I would get what I wanted. Then something pretty crazy happened. I stumbled on that quote from Neville Goddard. “Prayer is recognizing yourself as that which you now desire as opposed to petitioning a God out there” for that which you desire. At that moment, I realized everything I was doing was wrong. I was not following the hidden teachings of Jesus, which I'll share with you in just a minute from the hidden gospel of Thomas. But what happened was that I started thanking God that my video was going viral and that my channel was going viral. This is one of the Neville Goddard Teachings That Will Make You Rich. […]