In this video, I am going to share the Neville Goddard technique to pray the hidden bible prayer to get what you want. I'm going to share with you the most powerful hidden bible prayer technique for you to pray for what you want and get it using the power of the mirror. My name is Jake from If you haven't yet, be sure to get my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind so you can attract what you want quickly and easily. Just remember, feeling is the secret to this technique. If you want to learn more, check this out - Neville Goddard Bible Study
Prayer Is Recognizing Yourself
Neville Goddard technique includes “prayer is recognizing yourself as that which you now desire as opposed to petitioning a God out there” saying "please please please help me" and it is summed up pretty well in John 10:30. But Jesus says, “I and my father are one," but you might be saying, "What the heck does that even mean?" So I'm in my early 20s and I'm trying to blow this YouTube channel up, so I started praying to God and I would say things like, "God please help my YouTube channel go viral." "God, please help me to reach millions of people.” "God, please help me to grow my business and my financial success." God please, and I would do it like that. This blog will enlighten you more Neville Goddard TechniquesTo Get Exactly What you Want.
I would ask God for something I didn't have and I would plead and I would try to ask nicely and I would try to do it all the time in hopes that I would get what I wanted. Then something pretty crazy happened. I stumbled on that quote from Neville Goddard. “Prayer is recognizing yourself as that which you now desire as opposed to petitioning a God out there” for that which you desire. At that moment, I realized everything I was doing was wrong. I was not following the hidden teachings of Jesus, which I'll share with you in just a minute from the hidden gospel of Thomas. But what happened was that I started thanking God that my video was going viral and that my channel was going viral. This is one of the Neville Goddard Teachings That Will Make You Rich.
I stopped pushing it into the future and asked God to please help me. I stopped saying, "God please help me make my channel go viral." I started saying, "God thank you for making my channel go viral." It feels freaking amazing that my channel went viral, that I have hundreds of thousands of subscribers, and that all of these crazy things are starting to happen in my life.
Neville Goddard technique - How Are You Praying?
I started doing that in my prayers and a crazy thing happened. I went from about 5,000 YouTube subscribers to over 250,000 YouTube subscribers, and the crazy part is I didn't learn a new YouTube technique or a marketing technique. They were old videos that were already published that randomly started going viral in sync with me changing how I was praying. Now this mirror gets pretty important here and it starts to make sense in the gospel of Thomas verse 22. When you make the two into one, when you make the inner like the outer, there's one thing I noticed is that there's only one capital in that whole statement there, and it's only on the one, not on two.
Two are lowercase, one is capital. When you make the two into one, then that's when the prayer happens. Think about it. How are you praying? Most people are praying as two, just like I was doing, "God please help me make my YouTube channel go viral." That's the two, and then I switched it to "Thank you God my channel went viral, so you don't pray like this." God, please help me with the money. God, please help me with the job. God, please help me fix this health ailment. God, please help me get out of debt. God, please help me meet new friends. God, please help me sell my house. Please God. This is what I want. Can you help me? Don't do that. That's the two. You go to the one.
All Prayer Is A Mirror That Reflects Back To You
This is the Neville Goddard technique. Now think of a prayer like this one here. What does this mirror do? Now seriously, what does it do if I look at it? It reflects back to me what I see. All prayer is a mirror that reflects back to you, your inner consciousness, and that's why in the bible it says to those that have more is given. That's where it's summed up perfectly in prayer. To those that have, more is given. That's the mirror effect. That's the mirror technique of prayer. Whatever you hold in consciousness, the outside world mirrors back to you what you hold and what you do during your prayer. The mirror reflects back to you. Your life circumstances are just a mirror.
So my YouTube channel results were the mirror that was reflecting back to me. I looked at my YouTube results and they mirrored back the state of consciousness I was praying at. To those that don't have even that which they have been taken away. I didn't have the YouTube I was asking for. But to those that have more is given all of a sudden, I thank God for it and the mirror reflects back to me in my own life, so ask yourself, what are you holding up to the mirror of God? What are you holding up to the mirror of prayer? And here's what Neville Goddard said about prayer. “Do not command things to appear by your words or loud affirmations." Such vain repetition is more often than not confirmation of the opposite.
Neville Goddard Technique - A State Of Being You Possess
Decreeing is always done in consciousness, repeating the words. “God, please help me." "God, please help me.” It's often confirmed that the opposite prayer is said in the decree of consciousness. That's why those that have more are given. What is consciousness? It's the state of being you possess. Do you have a state of being where you have the money? Do you have a state of being healthy? Do you have a state of being or having a job? Do you have a state of having a home? Do you have a state of having family and love? or do you have a state of being lacking it? And you're asking God, begging him to help give it to you because that's a consciousness of lack, and then the mirror reflects that prayer back to you.
So I'm going to give you a prayer technique and a mantra or a prayer to say, but before I do, it's important to understand that Nobel Prize laureate Eric Kandel showed that when new memories are formed in the brain, the number of synaptic connections in the sensory neurons doubles, but unless that original learning experience is repeated over and over and over again, the number of those synaptic connections is cut in half and falls back to 1300 in only a matter of weeks. He won a Nobel prize for this, so what is it saying?
What you repeat emotionally will actually build entirely new neural networks in your brain, but if you stop doing it, those synaptic connections you built will fall apart. So what does that mean? I want you to use the following prayer mantra or affirmation for the next 30 days. When you use this prayer technique that we've discussed in this mantra that I'm about to give you every day for the next 30 days, when this happens, you're going to shift your consciousness.
Bring Miracles Into Your Life
The mirror effect of prayer will bring miracles into your life, but when you do it for the next 30 days, you're also scientifically proven to change the synaptic connections in your brain, which is going to change your life for the long term. So step number one is the mantra. Just say this, “I am one with God." "I am one with all." “I desire.” “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Then number two is to call the picture of what you want onto the screen of your mind and deliberately say thank you for it mentally, like me calling onto the screen in my mind my YouTube channel going viral and deliberately thanking God that it's already happened in my life, and then number three is to proceed without wondering when it will come.
Remember, make the two into one and then it will show what a lot of people do. They pray correctly, but then in their waking hours they wonder when it's going to come. But that's moving out of alignment with the mind of God. It's making the one into two, hoping the future arrives, but the future doesn't exist in the mind of God, so you don't worry about when it's going to come. You know that it's already on the way, so say it with me. You can comment down below. I'm one with God. I am one with all I desire. That's all you say when you're in your prayers.
You call onto the screen of your mind that which you want to attract, the house, the car, the money, the health, the relationship, and you say, "I am one with God." I am one with all I desire. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and you continue to repeat it until it's not a string of words and until it becomes a state of consciousness, a state of being, an emotion, and you actually feel the energy of gratitude in your body that it's happened.
Neville Goddard Technique Is To Always Say I Felt Genuinely Thankful
I knew I was done with my prayer not when I hit 2 minutes and 11 seconds, but when I felt the shift. I felt genuinely thankful that my YouTube channel had gone viral. You know you're done when you genuinely feel thankful to God that the money came, that the love came, that the health happened, that the miracle showed up in your life, and boom. That's when you end the prayer, so be sure to try this for the next 30 days. It's scientifically proven to change your brain.
When you do, continue it, and if you want to amplify it, make sure you use my success hypnosis. It's right there down below. It's my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind, and if you listen to it while you pray softly, it's very powerful because you start to enter into the subconscious. 95 of your life is subconscious, and 95 of all your prayers are subconscious. They're habitual, but you can access the subconscious mind and reprogram it to attract what you want quickly and easily.