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What Is Blocking The Law Of Attraction?

In this blog I will talk about what is blocking the law of attraction! This is what no one is telling you. I'm so happy you're here. Let's get into it! 

Have you ever asked yourself, what is blocking the law of attraction? What is blocking me? What is stopping me from manifesting what I want? How can I speed up the process to attract the money, the job, the love, the adventure, whatever it is that I want. It's a beautiful day out here in the beautiful islands of Hawaii and this blog is going to change your life.

 This is something that just happened and it's really gonna open up the floodgates. Life is meant to flow. The Universe is conspiring on your behalf, but you're blocking it from happening and you don't know it yet.
My good buddy started their own business and I just saw them. I was just talking to them and they just got their first main client and they were so excited and I said, "you're going to have 10 before you know it", and they say back, "yeah, if I could just pay my rent, that'd be great." And I said, "that'd be great.

But also don't set it too low. Don't set the bar too low." You know, Michael Angelo had a beautiful quote and he said that essentially "most people's problem isn't that the aim too high and don't reach it. It's that they aim too low and they do reach."

My whole life I settled because I didn't think I was that smart. I failed junior English class in high school. I dropped out of college and then I had this idea that I was going to write books and be published.

What is blocking the law of attraction

But I had set such a low bar that I didn't even think it was possible. I was working my butt off working easily 12 hours a day. I had a work problem, had a sleep problem, cause I would work all the time trying to get my career off the ground after I dropped out of college. I kind of felt like I was drowning.

Nothing was working out. My girlfriend was in debt because I couldn't pay for anything. Then I stopped going from trying to survive and saying if I could just pay my rent. And I started saying if I could just be financially free.

And it only took two years to make this beautiful hawaiian view my yard instead of an apartment that I hated and that I couldn't pay anything for because I was struggling so much.

what is blocking the law of attraction

So my question to you is, what are your real sights set? Where are they truly set? Because societie's programming wants to convince you,

"Oh, you're not good enough. You're not smart enough. That's only this much possible because you're not one of them. You're not one of the lucky people. You're not from the rich families. You're not from the smart families. You don't have the right genes."

You were born in the wrong place. You don't have the right resources. Besides you're too fat. No, no, no, no, no. You're too skinny. No, no, no, no, no. You're too old. You're just stupid. You're not very good with numbers. You're unlovable. You're very difficult in relation. No, no, no."

You press the delete button right now. Get this. You were meant to experience. Why on earth would the universe create us if we were supposed to live and not have very much? We settle We settle in our goals. We settled in our career. We settle in how people treat us because we just started to think that's only what's possible because we've been bogged down from the past, the emotions of the past and the energy of the collective consciousness of society where most people really haven't achieved their dream life and it influences us. Past emotions might be considered destructive emotions so you have to be careful.

What is blocking the law of attraction

And I'm inviting you right now to take control and charge back of your mind back of your expectations for your life. Like if there's however many 8 billion people in the world, don't you think you're meant to have a truly fulfilling relationship with someone that treats you great, they're exciting, they're a great person, they have a great personality. 

You're learning together, you're being challenged together, you're growing together, you deserve that.But if you set your standard too low, then you can never hold the space to attract that type of relationship into your life. That's what I use to do and that's why I never attracted relationships into my life. And then finally I shifted that and then that's how I attracted Ashley. Who's now my wife. And this the same thing with money. It's the same thing with where you live. What I'm inviting you to do is remember this. You're a divine being.

This isn't even who I am. This isn't who you are. You're more than just this body, but we get convinced of the story of who this body is. Well, it's only capable of this or that. It went through this, therefore it can't achieve this or have this and i'm not smart enough for this or not deserving of this.

You're not even this body. You're a spiritual being in a physical body, you are spirit and the spirit energy that's created everything has intended for you to experience the fullness of what this universe has to offer.


The abundance you desire, whether you want to travel or you want to stay in the same spot that you want to live in a certain type of home, you want a certain type of career. You want to make a certain amount of money. You want to be able to give to your community, to your friends, to your family.

You can. You want to attract amazing friendships, relationships. All of those people are out there. Albert Einstein, and I'm paraphrasing here, essentially said that the most important choice you'll ever make is to decide whether you live in a friendly or hostile universe. By hostile I don't just mean that you're going to turn the corner and someone's going to attack you.

 My friend said, if I could just pay my rent because we're convinced that the truly amazing is impossible for us. And why do we think that? Oh, because I have this problem. I'm limited by this. Dreams really aren't possible. Because we've heard from so many people who haven't achieved, but the only reason they haven't achieved is because they've been programmed by society. That's why I started hypnotizing mysef. It's why l talk about it on every video.

what is blocking the law of attraction

You can get my hypnosis for free right here.

Essentially, it's going to brainwash you for success. The world has brainwashed you for setting your standards only so high. Remember when Michelangelo said, he said "the biggest tragedy isn't that people are aiming too high. The biggest problem is not going to be that you aim too high and don't get it's that you aim too low and you reach it. That's what happens at the end of life.

Then we go, Dang, I wish I would have lived a life true to myself. I wish I would have lived the life that I truly wanted and was inspired by. So here's what I'm inviting you to do. Pull out a piece of paper and write your big goals down on piece of paper. Write your ideal life. Just put pen to pad and just write it out. What do you want your life to be like? How much money do you want to make? Where do you want to live? What kind of house? What kind of car? What kind of relationships, what kind of friendships? What's your day to day life like?

I set my standard higher. That's how my life changed. What I noticed is a lot of other people set low standards too because society has brainwashed you, society has programmed you.

the beautiful universe that you are, an individualization of everything is made up of energy. Everything is made up of the spirit or God energy and so are you!

You are connected to the thing that created this planet in this world. It's part of your spiritual right to experience the abundance of this whole world.

what is blocking the law of attraction

But the thing is what do you really want? Most people get so bogged down by those limitations of the world that they start to convince themselves that this very low standard is what they really want because they think it's what they're truly capable of.

Shake that out of your head and say to yourself, "I'm a divine being. All that I want comes to me. Now I'm meant to experience in reaching relationships by natural freedom, happiness, health. In fact, God's energy, abundance, love, and happiness is vibrating through every single cell of my body.

I'm coming in harmony and in alignment with the powers of the universe. The universe conspires for my highest and best interest every single day, every single moment. My life is getting better and better. I'm attracting more and more amazing things. Every single solitary day. I deserve it.

It is my right to be rich. It is my right to be happy. In fact, I am rich. I am happy. I am healthy. I am energized. I am inspired. I am surrounded by amazing people. Everyday life is getting better. Thank you God. Thank you universe for bringing all of these amazing things I desire into my life, into my experience every single day.

It's getting more and more exciting. I'm getting more free. I'm attracting more money. I'm attracting more health. I'm attracting more happiness. Something great is going to happen to me today."

Some people hear me say that and they say well that's wishful thinking. Or you're a dreamer, right? That's when you've set your expectations too low. If you heard me say that and your response to that was, "oh, that's a dream. Oh, that's wishful thinking. Oh, easy for this guy to say that's a sign that it's time to set the expectations high."

Then that is a clear sign with where you are at in your thinking and reality. And I know it's scary. I remember saying, here's my goals. Oh my God, this is scary. What if I don't achieve this? What if I don't accomplish this? The brain has been programmed for us to survive and to not face extinction.

We all deserve the universes favor! Most people think that's a silly concept. I deserve the universe's favor. Yes, because you're an extension of it. You're an individualization of that God energy and that spiritual power that's created everything, the trees, the ocean, our bodies, everything.


what is blocking the law of attraction

It's been created by that energy and you're an extension of it. Therefore you deserve it's favor in the same way that the trees don't get in their own way. The favor of nature that eventually grows the trees, creates all the resources and turns this little seed in the soil that attracts all these things and becomes a big tree. It's inherent in the seed to have the natural support of nature of the physical universe in order for it to become what it's meant to be and to give fruit or whatever it's meant to be.

You're meant to experience the fullness of the fruits of this world. And that seed is within you. It's just that we've set our expectations low. So we've essentially canceled out that seed where the universe is supporting you every single solitary day. Great things are coming your way and you truly grasp, man, I am worthy.

 And you may be like, yeah, but I did something really bad four years ago. Something bad happened to me years ago or last week or you know, all my life, this has happened. But you're not your body. Remember, you're a spiritual being in a physical body. This is like your rental car.

But let's imagine you were very adventurous and you wanted to rent a car inNew York City. It's not your car. You're just renting it for the experience of New York City. This isn't me. I'm just renting this for the experience and it's easy to get attached to it. And then starting to think I'm separate from God. 

I'm separate from what I want. I'm separate from other people. I'm separate from other things. I'm little old me. And here's my story. That's not who you are. Youre a divine being meant to experience all that life has to offer. And when you really set your standards and you move on with your day I want you to actually pull out a piece of paper and write out what do you really want?

what is blocking the law of attraction

Notice the fear or limitations that come up. We're carrying the emotion of the past with us and how things have always been and I'm afraid to fail. I don't really think it's that possible because of this reason and this reason. If I could just pay my rent and my place that will be great.

I'll just continue to live in this palce I don't like to live at really and drive the car I don't really like. I'll just hang hang around the people that don't really serve my highest... I wouldn't say that I'm madly in love with my friends or my relationship. It's just, it's, you know, it's copacetic. It's all right...

No, no, no, no, no. Shake that out of your head right now. Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Smile really big and say, "My dreams are possible".

Say it to yourself out loud if you can right now or say it in your mind with emotion. My dreams are possible, my dreams are possible, my dreams are possible. Say it and feel it. My dreams are possible and so much more is possible than that. I realized I had all this negative social conditioning.

95% of my life was controlled by my subconscious. So I created a success hypnosis for myself because I was I was struggling! I was setting my sights too low, my expectations were too low. I Didn't even know what I truly wanted. I was just focused on what may be possible based off of my past and present day. Then all of a sudden I realized I needed to hypnotize myself.

I created this special new success hypnosis to rewire my mind and the results were incredible. I started to really believe these things that I'm saying right now and my life changed and this became my view.

Jake Ducey

 And what I'm saying to you is that it's possible for you too. I didn't know that 300,000 people from all over the world would download my success hypnosis and use it. You don't know what's really possible for you. If you want to use my success hypnosis, it's free to use.

After I had my own amazing results, I had to share it with the world. I shared it with a few friends first.

They were getting amazing results and I was like, I'll just put it up online. And here we are 🙂

Ask yourself, what do I really want financially and career in health in my every day to day life. When I wake up in the morning, what do I want out of my relationships? Where do I want to live?

 Am I even living in the town or the city or the state that I want to live in? Here's what I wanted to mention earlier. Think about it like all of our greatest ancestors. They had to worry about the elements. They had to worry about animals that eat them. If it was going to be too cold, were they going to have any food? And so the brain got super focused on trying to preserve itself and that's what allowed us to be here today.

But think about it today, you don't really have impending threats on your life. If you're watching this video and you're blessed to have the freedom of having a piece of technology and the time freedom to, to listen to this you're probably one of the people in the world that doesn't have to worry about giant animals, right?

So the brain has evolved through the years and we don't have those problems. But the brain is still convinced. Now it's decided that failure is just as bad as the extinction. It used to focus on preserving us from extinction.

Now it's afraid of failure. Because failure is extinction of our ego and our self image and it's so damaging and so automatically and unconsciously the brain wants to protect you from that.

what is blocking the law of attraction

So it sets your standards low unconsciously. It doesn't want you to fail. And by doing that, we actually truly failed by setting our standards so low. Not because you set a big standard and you miss it. Michelangelo said that the biggest tragedy isn't that people aim too high and they don't reach it.

Your problem isn't going to be that you decide what you really want and you relentlessly pursue it and focus on that and create that life for yourself. Your biggest problem is not that you're going to aim too high and miss. The biggest problem that we have is that we aim too low and we were each it. I'm inviting you now to create new standards for yourself.

if you haven't yet, reprogram your subconscious mind. Brainwash yourself for success to realize that you're truly a divine being and there's so much available abundant success, Opportunity, love, happiness, joy and freedom out there that is waiting for you.

I'm wishing you an amazing day. Aloha from the beautiful islands of Hawaii. If this helped you and resonated with you today, please share this blog with who ever may be in need to read these words.

I can't do this without you. Thank you so much. You're capable of so much more than you can possibly imagine. 


TS Elliot said, "only those who go too far can know how far one can possibly go". And remember these beautiful words by Michelangelo as you now write down all the things that you really want out of life. The biggest problem isn't that we aim too high and we miss. It's that we aim too low and we reach it. Have a beautiful day. Enjoy living with new standards!


Miracles Are Normal,


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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