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This Manifestation Technique Will Change Your Life

This manifestation technique will change your life. I'm so happy you're here. Let's dive right in! 

This manifestation technique can absolutely change your life. This is what allowed me to go from my wife being in debt because nothing was working out in my career to living in our dream life.

If you can tap into your consciousness and the power of your consciousness using this technique, you can also manifest not only anything that you want, but the crazy thing about it is when you really use this technique, it's beyond what you can imagine. Those are the things that you manifest. It's like "Man, I never would have imagined it would've got this good this fast." That's what this technique will do. It's Time To Transform Your Life.

I was talking to someone and they were saying "Okay, so I just got to convince myself that I already have the income that I want." I said "You have the entire thing a little bit off. You're not trying to convince yourself mentally of anything. 

You're trying to feel as if you've already attained what it is that you want to obtain." The reason that I carry an index card that has my goals on it and they're written in the present tense and it's all crumpled up and I carry it with me everywhere I go.

this manifestation technique will change your life

 The reason I do that isn't to convince myself that I already have it. It's to feel as if I already have it, which is going to send a different signal to my subconscious mind.

The reason that I created my software The Second Mind using all of these amazing advances in science and basically the most powerful manifestation technique I think that exists in the world is my technique The Second Mind. It's free to demo. Over 100,000 people from all over the world have used it.

The reason I do that is because you have to start feeling differently. When you do, everything changes. The way that you do that isn't by trying to mentally convince yourself. The goal is to actually get out of the mental plane. It's to get out of the mind. The goal is to get out of the mental plane and into the spiritual and emotional clans because you exist on three planes.

What is feeling? It's your own energy. It's your own awareness. What is that doing? Every time you feel something, it's signaling new nerve cells. As you start feeling a certain way for a while, what happens?

 You actually build new neural connections. New brain synapses fire and wire together so your brain gets conditioned to a reality or a feeling that doesn't exist in the physical realm yet, but your brain thinks that it already exist. Your subconscious mind picks up that energy.

this manifestation technique will change your life

You walk into a restaurant and maybe it has like good vibes or bad vibes. You can pick up the energy field of it. You can feel that about certain people.

People to stay away from, people to get closer to.

You could feel the positive or negative, the resonance or incongruent in alignment energy.

You're an energy field too. You're emanating a certain frequency. When I call my mom, my mom is a certain frequency. It's called a telephone number. You're a certain frequency. It's called a telephone number. I am a certain frequency. It's called a telephone number. Similarly, my reality is a certain frequency. My bank account is a certain frequency.

My love life is a certain frequency. All of reality is existing simultaneously, but based off of your own frequency, your own feelings, your own emotions, your own energy, your own vibration.

That's what determines what things, what other energy fields you pull into your experience. Everything has an energy field to it. Every single thing does, whether it's money, whether it's a job, whether it's a house, whether it's the car, everything is energy.


So your energy field is interacting at every moment with every other energy field, and that's what's determining the most resonant energies are the things that come into your experience. They call that the law of attraction. 

Like energy attracts like energy, but everything has an energy field. Everything is even, I mean they've even proved, they proven that that physical matter isn't, isn't actually physical, it's 95 to 99% empty space, but also everything is emitting in EMS and Emf, electromagnetic frequency.

Even a car is emitting electromagnetic frequency. Everything does. So the goal is to feel it. So I said to him, look, instead of trying to convince your mind that you have something that you don't have because all your old programming's going to come up, start feeling as if you already have it. This was an individual that was wanting wanting to turn their income into $100,000 a month.

This manifestation technique will change your life

I said, Ask yourself the same question over and over. How does it feel to have financial freedom? What would it feel like if you achieve that goal? If you accomplish goal, if you did this thing, what would it feel like? What would it feel like if you are walking on the beach with your soulmate, What would it feel like you had your dream car and you saw yourself driving around on your favorite road in it or you are in your dream home.

I had to start, what would it feel like for the beach to be my view at my house? What would it feel like? I was renting a room in Oceanside, California, out of somebody's house and nothing was really working out in my life yet. And I put all these vision boards, on my walls.

So when I was lying in bed, it was all I saw and I had like a hundred candles in my room and I would light all these candles and the candle flames would, reflect really pretty off all the wood in the room. And you know, all my roommates would, would be out doing their thing or whatever.

 And this was right after I dropped out of college and wrote my first book into the wind.

 I would start feeling as if I already inspire millions of people all over the world and was financially successful donig my dream.

this manifestation technique will change your life

What would it be like to be a world renowned thought leader? Inspiring millions of people from all over the world every day, getting these amazing messages from people's lives being transformed. I didn't ask myself what it looked like. I asked myself, what does it feel like? and I would just start reverberating.

I would start projecting this energy of excitement and gratitude and being so humbled by the universe in the power of God. Then it manifested all of my dreams, but if you are looking in on it, you'd be like bro open your eyes, you know you're not living the life that you want. Look where you are. You're not there, but I thought I was there because I felt as if I was there.

So my brain thought that it actually had happened. It started firing new nerve cells. It's sort of firing new brain cells and my brain started getting conditioned to this reality and then it built enough steam and things start happening.

All of a sudden, out of nowhere, I get invited to do a Tedx talk. All of a sudden I get a book contract with Penguin Random House and my book sales start going up and now I go from a college drop out to being published with the number one publishing company in the world, Penguin Random House.

 All of a sudden, next my youtube channel takes off. Things just start happening and it's like, wow. Oh my gosh. That's why I said at the beginning, this technique, when you do it, it's like your mind is blown by the potential that the universe has to offer by really what's available in the destiny of your life, what's in store for your future.

But it all comes down to feeling it. So you keep asking yourself this question, what would it feel like? If it's difficult for you to really feel what it would be like I have something that will help. that's why I invented this manifestation technique in order to recondition your mind, your nervous system. It's called the Second Mind. Maybe you know about it already. But if you haven't make sure to use it! It's absolutely free for the first 30 days!

Manifestation technique

So every cell of your body is vibrating in harmony with what you want and you can't help but manifest and attract the things that you want because your brain, your nervous system, every cell of your body, your subconscious mind has all been trained to a certain feeling, whether it's your soulmate or money, new job, more freedom opportunities.

Make sure to use The Second Mind. What would it feel like? What would it feel? Because when you ask yourself that question, then you fill in the blank.

 What would it feel like to attract my soulmate and be watching the sunset or be way up in the mountains and our beautiful dream home in the middle of Colorado or whatever it is. What would it feel like if I finally achieved this or this?

What would it feel like if this happened, if I experienced this, if this thing was here, whatever it is, it's fill in the blank based off of your own personal desires for your own spiritual experience here in a physical body.

manifestation technique

What is it? And then what happens is you can keep asking yourself that same question.

You get out of your mind. You get out of your mind and you get into your body. You get into your soul, you get into your spirit, you get into your emotions.

 If you say, what would it feel like?

 And You keep asking, what would it feel like if I was finally making $100,000 a month? What would it feel like if I had financial freedom and I achieved all my career goals? Oh my gosh, it feels so good!

Like it just like this overwhelming sensation. It's hard to describe. It feels so good. That's the technique. That's how you change your vibration. That's how you reprogram the subconscious. And that's how you rewire the brain.

And that's how you pull any energy in the quantum field, any energy in the universal energy field. That's how you pull it back into your experience in manifest quickly into your life. So give this a try.

If you have not yet used my software, The Second Mind that's designed to retrain your mind. Designed to change your feeling. Designed to change your vibration.

I'm really excited to hear about all the great things that are headed your way today.

Can you feel them? Not. I think this is possible. "I feel already" And then it's creates the shift. So have an absolutely beautiful day.

Aloha from the beautiful islands of Hawaii! have a fantastic day. Grab your index card.

manifestation technique

write down what you want, and use that as a prompt. That's easy to do throughout the day. You're walking through the grocery store.

You stick your hand in your pocket. Oh yeah, I've got this in my hand. And then it prompts you while you're doing anything to start feeling as if you already have what you want. Thank you so much for reading this blog. Wishing you an amazing day filled with prosperity and love.


Miracles Are Normal 


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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