July 31

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Ways To Raise Your Vibration Instantly

There are over 10 ways to raise your vibration instantly, to get a high vibration so that you are magnetic and you're attracting amazing things and people into your life and just kind of gliding on that cloud. So here are over 10 ways to raise your vibration instantly that are often overlooked. My name is Jake with jakeducey.com. wishing you an absolutely fantastic day. It's a good day to be alive here on planet earth in case maybe you or I forgot, just as a reminder. I also have a free success hypnosis and 2nd Mind Demo to help reprogram your subconscious mind. So let's dive right in. 

Become Conscious Of Your Thoughts A Means To Raise Vibration Instantly

Just real quickly becoming aware of our own thoughts is the first of the over 10 ways to raise your vibration instantly.  What am I thinking in this moment right now? Is this making me feel good? Is this making me feel bad? Is this giving me a high vibe? Is this giving me a low vibe? Is this something that I can actually easily change just by shifting my thoughts to easily raise vibration instantly, more uplifting doing an affirmation, or just getting myself out of that pattern that I find myself in, where I'm looking at, what's missing, I'm looking at what's wrong. I'm looking at what's frustrating or complaining or blaming, and just very quickly shifting my thought.

What are in the Foods We  Eat And The Chemicals In Them A Step To Boost Your Vibration Instantly?

Becoming observant of the foods we eat is a way to raise vibration quickly. More specifically, the chemicals that are in them. It's incredible the amount of chemicals and GMO additives and products that are at the end of ingredients lists that we literally cannot even pronounce. If I walked up to you with one of those ingredients and I said, Hey, do you want some "epinephrine zoltan"?  You'd be like, not really. What is it?  Well, I found it at the end of this ingredient list and I was just wondering, do you want any of it? You would never do it. So looking at the ingredients list, it's amazing. The things that even say they're natural and healthy, how the last ingredients is, are some type of chemical or additive that when you Google it, it's known to have different health effects. So asking ourselves, is this something that uplifts me after I eat this? Do I have energy? Do I have clarity? Do I feel grounded? Do I feel good? Looking at the things that we are consuming and making sure that they're at least uplifting our energy.

Forgiveness: Its A Manner To Raise Vibration Immediatley

Think about somebody you're mad at right now, similarly think about somebody that you were mad at 10 years ago. Instead of forgiving them, you've pushed it deep into your subconscious mind and went on to live your life. We're carrying around so much old energy. Forgiving someone doesn't have to mean that they become your roommate again, and you invite them over for dinner in, in a cuddle party. Instead, it's alchemy of the soul that restores possibility back to the human spirit. The longer we carry around our inability to forgive, we limit the possibilities of our own soul of our own spirit and forgiveness is an easy way where we can free ourselves of trapped energy that we don't even know is consequently being stored. 

Ways To Raise Your Vibration Instantly

Be Spiritual, Not Physical: A Plan To Boosting Your Vibration Rapidly

Firstly, view yourself as a spiritual being rather than a physical being, Secondly, you are not your body!  I repeat, you are not your body. Look at your hand right now, touch it. That's not who you are. In fact, that thing is actually 99.999% empty space. Anyways, you aren't your body. You would never, have your coworker call in and say, " Hello. Yeah, hi. Uh, I was just letting you guys know that body is not coming into work today. Body is sick"! You would never do that because you aren't your body. You aren't your body, any more than your fingernail. You're a spiritual being in a physical body recognize that! Who you are transcends every story about reality that you have ;your past, your future, your fears, your worries, and connect to the eternal part of you. Your true-self, which goes beyond death itself. You are a spiritual being here in a physical body just to learn some lessons and have a quick trip around the sun a few times. So comment down below," I am a spiritual being!"

Meditate: Its Alchemy For The Soul A Important Step To Boost Your Vibration Immediately!

Find time to meditate and sit in the stillness of God. You know, they say, what makes music is timeless between the notes.  What raises our awareness is the silence of God, the silence of the universe. For most of us, we're so busy that we never stop and connect to our true self therefore, we get trapped into the body, we get trapped into the matrix. With meditation, we already know since there's so much data on changing depression, creativity, stress with meditation. Moreover, the number one cause of illnesses is stress, and stress-related illness.  Meditation's one of those ways to increase your vibrational energy instantly. More importantly connects us back to the previous point about being a spiritual being. Because, if we are able to connect to the transcendent nonphysical part of ourselves, which then aids us. We can call on that energy to guide us and support us through the rest of the day.

 Fine Tune Your Inner Circle : Don't Fear Change Its A Phase To Boost Your Vibration Quickly. 

Ways To Raise Your Vibration Instantly
Are the people that we interact with raising your vibration instantly? What's really funny about that is because it becomes a habit and we stay around with someone so long that it just becomes just like when you say, well, why do you put your left leg on first? Well, I've always done it. Why do you put your right leg of your pants on first? Well, I've always done it. Why do you hang out with that person? If they're so negative? I don't know. I've known him forever. I've always been around and we always hang out on Fridays, but they're negative. They're not uplifting us. We've all heard that adage. You become like the five people that you spend the most time around. Why do we all know that adage, yet very few of us ever live it. One of the surest ways to pick up your own vibration is just to be able to take self-inventory about how my energy, my mind, and my life is affected by being around certain people. One of the quickest ways to uplift our life and a way to raise vibration immediately is to have the courage to set new standards of the types of people that we want to be around and the types of conversations and energies that we want to create in our everyday life

 Do Not Fear Being Alone: An Act To Increase Your Vibration Instantaneously! 

Most of all do not fear about being alone. Once you figure out that it's actually fun to be alone and you then use the time constructively, right?  You're not just like doing some weird things in your private life. You're actually using the time constructively and you find out that it becomes great. So many people are afraid of being alone, they go into crappy relationships, whether it's crappy friendships or crappy romantic relationships, that really don't serve their highest and best good, but it kills the time. It's better than being alone, right? This stops us from making more money. It stops us from being more productive. It stops us from being happy. It stops us from going to the gym. It stops us from spending that quality, spiritual meditation time alone, don't be afraid to be alone. 

Ways To Raise Your Vibration Instantly

Make Time To Love Yourself: An Important Measure To Advance Vibration Right Away!

What about taking time to love yourself? We're taught to kind of think that that's egotistical and to put all of our attention on other people. It's no wonder so many of us suffer from lack of self-esteem, and lack of self worth. We're taught to think that we're egotistical. If we think about ourselves in a positive light, so it becomes this habit where so many of us have very negative  self-talk what do you love about yourself? Make a list, pull out a pen and pad right now and actually make a list. It's one  thing, by being open-minded and interested in watching a video like this. That's fantastic. One of the ways to raise your vibration instantly, is to actually stop, hit the pause button, grab a pen and pad, and you actually very quickly write out five things that you love about yourself.

Ways To Raise Your Vibration Instantly

Cutting Back On Social Media A Wonderful Way To Directly Bump Up Your Vibrations! 

Getting rid of my Twitter account and quitting Instagram was tremendous for my mood, and my happiness.  Many of us spend, we say, well, we watch all these videos then we say, "It's easy for you to say...", but then we spend 2, 3, 4, 5 hours a day on Facebook and 2, 3, 4, 5 hours a day on Instagram, just following people's lives that we wish that we had. One of the reasons I've always focused on YouTube is because I think it's different than other social media platforms, because it's a way where we can learn. We can teach, we can share ideas, you know, maybe in a more succinct and in-depth way than other platforms, but just ask yourself  "Am I spending too much time on social media"? Should I enable do not disturb on my phone right now? Turn my iPhone off today. Throw my computer into the pool today and get off the internet?

Check Water Quality: A Measure To Boost Your Vibrational Pulse Immediately It Is the Energy Of Life!

Knowing about the quality of water that we're consuming is important not only to your vibration but health as well. I made a video just earlier talking about fluoridation, chlorine, and water. I went to Washington DC one time and my friend warned me right away. Do not drink out of the tap water. It's in some areas you literally cannot drink it. It's got a birth control in it. It's got all types of crazy chemicals in it like dozens and dozens and dozens. We're drinking this stuff.  Forgetting that the Nazis put fluoride in the water to subdue their prisoners. Think about all these different chemicals. You would never drink out of pools? Would you? Yet most of us drink, tap water that has chlorine in it. People say, "Well, they have to keep the water sanitary. unless there's chlorine in it, you probably shouldn't drink that water. Right?"  So maybe making the extra investment into yourself to have some natural alkaline spring water delivered or just doing a little Google search and finding some of the highest quality water in your town is a great way to uplift your own energy, and take control of your health. If you take it a step further and you understand that water is life force, then this is an important component to uplifting your energy and a very easy way to raise your vibration instantly.

Self Hypnosis: Free Your 2nd Mind!  A Great Way To Boost Your Vibration Instantly!

This is one of the most powerful things above all, and it gets easily overlooked that can raise your vibration instantly. When we think of a hypnotist as the person that makes you bark like a dog. When I count down from two, you're going to have one to bark, like a dog, and the person thinks they're a dog. In some ways it's bastardized the power of hypnosis. Let's look at it this way, psychologists tell us 95% of our life is subconscious. "Sub" means below, like a submarine below water, so that means that Subconscious is below conscious. In other words, below awareness.  95% of our life is subconscious, not just our thoughts. We have 65,000 thoughts in a day though. We know for a fact now, that thoughts affect cells, which affects mood, which affects immune systems, which affects our happiness and on and on and on. 

2nd Mind Demo 

Technology made to reprogram your mind! 

Subconscious Thoughts Manifest Reality An Important Way To Raise Your Vibration Rapidly

We know that thoughts affect cells, but your subconscious also controls all the habits of your life from little things like which leg you put in your pants first to what you do with money. Do you spend it all right when you get it? What you do in relationships when they get uncomfortable and it gets frustrating, do you just blow up and sabotage it? Right? Like our subconscious controls everything in our life. And one of the most powerful ways to upgrade and change that that can uplift their vibe quickly is self hypnosis. And I've been doing this for at least 11 years now, and I've been obsessed with it. It's changed my life forever. And I have a free success hypnosis. It's right there down below ready to be your first step.  That's one powerful way. You can start to reprogram your subconscious mind is to check that out!

Bonus Step: Take Actionable Steps And Raise Your Vibration Immediately! 

Raise Your Vibration Instantnly
Want a bonus step on raising your vibration, then what about writing your goals down? Have you ever done that? Have you ever pulled out a pen and pad and actually wrote your goals down on a piece of paper? You know, most people, uh, are not self-directed. When you ask them why they're doing what they're doing and they don't know why they're doing it because they think they're supposed to, because their parents told them or because their society told them, friends told them. That is simply what they were told to do to be successful. And this is what you need to do, or they've been doing it so long. They don't even know why they are doing it or why they started in the first place.

One of the cornerstones for happiness is progress on purpose, meaning progress on purpose towards our own. Self-directed aims that we believe are important for our own self actualization in the limited time that we're here on planet earth. So if you want a bonus, pull out a pen and pad now, right? We've been saying in the blog recently, it's not just about watching our YouTube videos, YouTube videos, and I'm a YouTuber. I want you to watch my videos, but I'd really prefer rather you maybe even stopped right now reading this blog go and pull out a pen and pad and maybe knocked out a few of these things on this, raise your own vibe list. So if you enjoyed this blog, make sure you give us a comment down below and put a smile on your face think of one thing that you're grateful for and we'll see you next time.


Miracles are normal!



robert fletcher

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  • Jules from Australia – love your blogs Jake, so insightful & thought provoking. Can’t wait to read & learn more 💜

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