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VERY ADVANCED Manifestation Technique The Secret Movie Didn’t Tell You

VERY ADVANCED Secret Manifestation Technique The Secret Movie Didn’t Tell You

There's one secret manifestation teaching that nobody talks about. Everybody talks about techniques and all of these types of things. They're great and they're powerful for you to use the law of attraction, but there's one thing you almost never see a video on. To me it's the most important thing. If you want to use the secret and you want to actually use the law of attraction to attract what you want.

This one fundamental teaching has allowed me to literally create my dream life from blowing up my Youtube channel and getting millions of views a month to having my dream business, attracting my soulmate. I want to share you one thing nobody ever talks about. You can create anything that you want.

There's one mental shift you need to make. That one shift is that everything is one. What is the big deal about that? Everything is one. Anything that you want, you're already connected with. 

Secret Manifestation Technique
The Secret Movie Didn’t Tell You

Everything that you want, you're already connected with because everything in this universe is simply energy. That's all it is. We used to think that we lived in a physical world and energy was this random consequence of matter. But then Albert Einstein comes along and he goes E equals MC squared essentially saying that there's this independent relationship between energy and matter. So the matter, the physical world, the physical objects is energy. That's all it is.

There's one originating source of energy. Everything is one. You can watch the movie, the secret. You can do all of these things, but it's always focused on getting something outside of yourself.

secret manifestation technique

You are not separate from anything that you want. Everything has an energy field. Everything has an energy field, and when your energy field is in resonance or harmony with another energy field than those two energy fields come together. That's the basis of what the law of attraction is. If you've been worried, am I going to attract this or not? I really want this thing to start. Take a step backwards and start with the thought process and the reality that you're already connected to that thing, 

There's no doubt about it that you're going to manifest it because you're already connected to it anyways. You just have to figure out how to get on a frequency on the same level as that thing, as that experience. If you're trying to attract love, which you find yourself constantly jealous of other people that that have it or mad at your ex, you can't attract the love that you want. Why? Because on an unconscious level, your field is permeated with jealousy or anger at your ex or it's jealousy at other people. Maybe you really liked someone and now someone else is dating them, so your energy field isn't permeated in love. It's permeated in the opposite, and so you cannot attract this thing that you're connected to because you're also connected to the reality of you struggling financially. You're connected to the reality of you struggling with love just as much as you're connected to the reality of prosperity and the reality of love based off of your own energy field dictates the experience you bring in very quickly because you're already one with it in the first place.

If you want to attract love, one of the ways to do it would be to clear any negative energy with your ex. If you want to attract prosperity, one of the clearest ways to do that is to clear any negative energy that you have towards your past, towards other people that are successful towards wealthy people, towards your past struggles. You have to clear that energy out of your field. You have to start being grateful for the money that you do have.

secret manifestation technique

You have to be able to feel the abundance in your experience now because when you do that, you're signaling out of the quantum field the reality of abundance that you're already connected to. That's when the magic happens. You're already one with what you want. You don't need to like beg the universe or try to beg God or plead or manipulate something. You're already one with it. It's just that your energy field has to get in harmony with it, so if somebody got the job that you wanted to get, can you literally go over and congratulate them?

You're already one with everything that you want, so manifestation happens instantly based off of your own energy field, so you can be in harmony with abundance. You can be in harmony with love. You can be in harmony with what you want or you can be perceiving the absence of it. Comment that down below so that really ingrains into the subconscious, and what I mean by that is everything is two things.

Secret Manifestation Technique:
Reprogram Your Mind 

If you listen to my free success hypnosis, everything is stated in the present tense and you can download it down below. Download my free success hypnosis down below.

​Free Success Hypnosis mp3

​Change your relationship with success - Download my free Success Hypnosis mp3

It's all stated in the present tense. Why? Because you have to start to live into the reality before it happens to change your financial programming and the same as so for anything you're already connected to everything that you want.

You just have to expand that energy and feel that energy in your own life. And then you'll see the magic shift.

​This powerful secret manifestation technique will change your life. 

You are the reality you wish to create. 

​You are one with everything. 

That secret manifestation technique will change your life. 

You are one with everything. You are more powerful than you believe. It's time to harness that real consciousness and focus only on what you want. Then you'll see the world shift.

Have a beautiful day. 

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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