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55×5 Law of Attraction Ancient Powerful Manifestation Technique

55×5 Law of Attraction Powerful Manifestation Technique

I've been seeing so much information on a powerful manifestation technique that will supposedly help you attract anything that you want. And so I clicked in and watched the video and I started laughing because I've been using it for like four or five years, but I just called it hypnotic writing and it's called the five five, five method. And so in this video I want to break down how you can actually use that to harness the power of universe to attract what you want.

This can be one of the most powerful manifestation techniques that you use to attract whatever it is that you're working on manifesting into your life quickly and efficiently. You're going to distill what it is that you want into a single sentence. Whatever that might be, you turn it into one sentence. It might be I'm grateful that I'm manifesting my true love. I'm grateful that I've healed my back pain. I'm grateful that I'm attracting $10,000 a month. I'm grateful I landed my dream job. I'm grateful that I'm now living in my ideal home situation or whatever it is.

It's distilling it into one sentence. The reason this is important is because your subconscious mind which controls and creates your life is like a command system that receives commands from you. And then it broadcast those commands out. So you needed to steal it. The second part of that is writing that down 55 times for five days. So I've been doing it, I call it hypnotic writing. What it all boils down to is harnessing the power of the universe. You're harnessing the power of the universe and you're using this tool or technique as a vehicle or a medium to do so.

Powerful Manifestation Technique

 You're going to distill it into one sentence and you're going to write it 55 times for five days. If you look at this on the surface level, what's actually happening is you're engaging all of your physical senses when you're doing this. There's a million things happening all the time, billions of bits of information going on, but when you're sitting there writing over and over and over again.

Every time you're doing that, what you're actually doing on a brain chemistry level is you're firing new nerve and brain cells. You're engaging your senses in your nervous system in a very concentrated and focused way. In the same way that like people say, if you hold a magnifying glass under the sun, you can light something on fire because you're harnessing the sun's energy.

attract what you want

And that's what's happening in this instance.

You're centralizing the focus of your consciousness to manifest and attract something. The significance of it all is that the fives are representative of personal power. You're harnessing your own personal power. I call that consciousness your infinite consciousness. When you can harness that and direct that energy consistently towards something, you see the results of that thing. It's also supposed to illustrate the five elements. You're talking about the natural elements of our world. And really what that is, is you're harnessing the real true power of the universe with this.

You have to do it for five days in a row and what you're going to see is you're just going to see stuff start popping up and showing up in your life because everything that you want already exists. It's just that we either are offering resistance to it or our energy field is not in alignment with it. When our energy field does get in alignment with it, things start showing u. You just felt really good for no apparent reason other than you just woke up and felt really good and things were showing up like this great thing happened and then this great thing happened and it was with almost no effort at all. Why? Your energy field was at a different level, so things that were always there but you weren't in harmony with started popping up and showing up in your life.

Whether it's dates, business opportunities, great adventures, amazing relationships, great opportunities.

They've just seemed to be there with little or no effort at all because your energy field was in harmony, so you're using this method to harness your own energy field and direct it towards one thing. You can use this method for many things, but you do one thing at a time that's very important, so for five days is one thing. Then you can move on to something afterwards if you like, but you you're not doing 15 things on that. Once you're writing the same thing over and over,  you're doing it in the present tense.

manifesting anything you want

The reason you're doing that is because your subconscious receives commands in the present tense, so the way that you're going to turn over a desire to your subconscious to manifest it as reality is that your subconscious perceives that it's already happened.

I am so happy and grateful now that I'm making $2,000 a month, I am so grateful now that I've attracted my soulmate. You're writing that 55 times five times a day and see the amazing things that show up in your life. You're going to feel amazing. You're going to feel great, you're going to feel connected, inspired, and you're going to see beautiful things show up in your life.

If you really want to amplify or manifestation while you're doing this, download my free success hypnosis and play it softly. You're doing it just very softly. What's happening is you're accessing the subconscious mind in an even more powerful way. 

You are more powerful than you believe.

See the magic that will unfold in your life. You are more powerful than you believe in. It's time to express that power.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

  • So can I use this to manifest my love back into my life? Even if we had a painful breakup? if so what sentence should I use?

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