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Hidden Manifestation Teaching The Secret Didn’t Teach You About

Hidden Manifestation
Teaching The Secret Didn’t
Teach You About

Maybe you've heard of the law of attraction. Maybe you learned about it through the hit movie, The Secret. They're not telling you some very important things, things that are blocking you from manifesting what you want in your life. This hidden manifestation teaching will change your life. This hidden manifestation teaching helped me create the life of my dreams.

I watched the movie The Secret. I made my vision board. I did all those things, but I wasn't getting everything that I wanted. I wasn't really using Law of Attraction the way that the movie said you could use it even though I was following all those steps. What I found is a very important missing link. I'm going to share with you the missing link between what it is that you want and where you are now and how you can bridge that gap to attract what you want a lot faster than you think is possible. When I learned this, things started showing up and it was almost like the floodgates opened and I started wondering, why didn't that happen faster? The same thing is going to happen for you. What you want is going to show up a lot quicker. 

Hidden Manifestation Teaching:
What The Secret Didn't Tell You

I was a 19 year old college dropout. I decided that I wanted to become an author. I had all these dreams and aspirations. I didn't have the resources, didn't have the networking. I didn't have the connections. I sure didn't have the education and I even failed junior English class in high school. I had this idea and what I wanted to be and it wasn't showing up in my life.

Your brain is a living artifact of your past. Your brain is literally a reflection of your past and I was like, that's why I haven't gotten what I wanted because I failed junior English class in high school. I always thought I wasn't very intelligent. My brain had become a living artifact of these low scores and these things that I thought of myself.

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The reason you don't have what you want, whether it's more money, love, happiness or is because your brain has become a living artifact.

Your brain reflects these limiting beliefs you have about yourself - about your reality. About what is possible for you. 

hidden manifestation teaching

Hidden Manifestation Teaching:
Your Brain & The Law of Attraction

I was doing my vision board, I was doing all my things and I was not getting what I want. I did everything The Secret told me to. I did everything that Youtube gurus were telling me to do and sometimes things would work, but a lot of times they didn't. Your brain is an artifact of your past. Every time you have a thought or every time something happens, positive or negative, your brain fires chemicals in your brain and they fire.

Your brain is a bunch of little nerve cells that come together to create the function of your brain. If you watch your parents struggle, if you were in a bad breakup, if you were told you weren't smart enough, that wires into your brain. Your brain is a living record of the past. It carries that and it creates your reality and your thought patterns based off of that. When the nerve cells that fire together wire together, your brain creates a memory and it wires into becoming the general functioning of your brain.

You have an automatic reflex where your brain has automatic reactions to create reality based off the way that it's programmed. I hadn't made any money at all. I was at a point when I was getting this going that my wife, my now wife was in debt because I couldn't even pay for electricity, groceries, anything. I was like, why isn't this working? Why am I not getting what I want?

My brain has become an artifact of my past of not good enough and not smart enough.

The same has probably happened for you because we live in a world where a lot of the outside influences are negative. We're having unconscious chemical reactions in our brain to those things. It creates the way your brain gets conditioned to fire. That's what creates your brainwave states, the electrical currents that move through your nervous system that create your emotions. Your emotions are energy in motion. It's dictated off the way your brain is wired, so if anything traumatic has happened in your past, if you watch other people fail, if you watch other people's struggle, if your dad tried to start a business and he failed, if your parents argued about money or your dad said, money doesn't grow on trees, when you ask them for something or you saw your parents get divorced and, and you saw them argue over love, you got made fun of in school....

Whatever it was, it's wired into the brain.

People will use affirmations, they'll do these things and it won't work. So I invite everyone to join me on the Brainathon. Um, it's coming up this weekend. I'm always sitting there with my pen and bad and I'm gonna. Make my wife sit with me and watch it every single year.

The reason this is important that your brain is an artifact of the past is because you can do affirmations, you can watch these youtube videos, you can visualize, you can do your vision board, and a lot of the times it's not working as well as you would like. It doesn't mean the law of attraction doesn't work. What it means is your brain has been hardwired to a reality that is different than the thing you're consciously trying to manifest.

What happens is people go, I watched the secret, I watch her youtube videos, I'm fired up, and they say, I want this thing more money. Love, happiness that into whatever it is I want this thing, but their brain is wired for a different reality.

It's called incongruent manifesting. Your brain is at a different frequency. It's generating a different reality off the way that it's programmed. The really exciting thing is neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change itself so you can literally rewire your entire brain, and I learned all of this.  

hidden manifestation teaching

Hidden Manifestation Teaching:
How to Reprogram Your Mind for Success

That was how I started changing my life because I said, okay, so if my brain is a living record of my past, it's an artifact of the past and I can rewire that to be the reality that I want, to program it for success, happiness and love, I'm going to create the life of my dreams.

I can wire my brain for success, happiness, love, all the things that I want. If I can do that, I'm going to make my life and experiment to do so. So I spent the next. I don't know, up until now many years working to rewire my brain law brain cells that fire together, wire together, nerve cells that fire together, wire together.

That's why I created my free success hypnosis. I used it every single day to begin creating the life of my dreams. I was like, okay - I can literally rewire my brain for success and abundance. I can completely change my mind and the way that I create my reality. Now, I'm giving it away for free. You can download it down below. Click the button below to get my free success hypnosis.

I started by hiring different nerve cells based off of the techniques and teachings that I had learned from John Assaraf's brainathon and just applying them to my life and what I saw was in an 18 months I made more money than I've made in the previous six or seven years of doing my career. I went from getting like 20 or 30 views on my youtube video to over 300. I think we have like 308,000 subscribers in 19 million views in the last about 17 months.

My life just changed. I found that I wasn't carrying around the same unhappy thought patterns anymore. You can have everything that you want and you don't need to beat yourself up if it hasn't happened. It's just because your brain is wired in a different way.

I'm free from my past.

Start to separate your spirit from the way your brain has been wired.

The importance of the way your brain has been wired affects your life and what you're wanting to attract into your life has often been overlooked.

I'd never even heard of any of this before. I never heard of neuroplasticity. I'd never heard of rewiring the brain, none of that. It changed my life for forever. I created The Second Mind software to literally change the way my brain worked. You can sample it for free below. 

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You can wire your brain to attract everything that you want, but you need to learn the keys and the fundamentals to literally do that. For more information on the BrainAThon products take a look at our Neurogym Reviews.

Have a beautiful day.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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