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Let Go of This One Thing to Attract What You Want with the Law of Attraction

Let Go of This One Thing to
Attract What You Want

There's one thing that you must let go of to attract what you want into your life. When I was finally able to grasp this, I was able to double my income, attract my soulmate, and feel totally stress free while creating the life that I want.

You are infinite. Don't worry about the how. Move confidently in the direction of your dreams.
attract what you want

Attract What You Want: Release the How

You have an analytical mind and an infinite soul. It's part of the duality of this life. We have an infinite soul, an infinite consciousness, and then we have our mind. A lot of times our mind helps us, but a lot of times your mind doesn't help you. We want to create what we want, but then we get lost in the how’s.

The number one thing that you must let go of is worrying about how, how is this going to work? How am I going to have this happen? How am I going to attract my soul mate? How, how, how, how, how?

We get stuck in the mental realm. We look at the world around us and analyze it, trying to decide whether our manifestation is possible. You're getting feedback from the past to decide the future, which is only going to limit you.

What you see with your physical eyes and what you've seen in your life is merely a representation of the way that you thought up until now and the actions that you've taken up until now. You can't look at your present reality to decide what you can create in your future unless you want to create your past again.

Get rid of the how. Get the clear image of what you want. Move confidently in the direction of your dreams.

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attract what you want
attract what you want
attract what you want
attract what you want

Attract What You Want: Take Bold Steps 

Take bold steps and see what happens. I didn't know how I would be here today. I just knew my vision was that I wanted to inspire millions of people a month and I wanted to be able to do what I do for a living. I wanted my books out in the world, my videos. I wanted to help raise the consciousness of individuals to create the lives that they wanted.

I didn't know how that was going to work. I went through so many stages in my career. I didn't know how and now, today, it's happening. A couple million people are watching the YouTube videos a month and it’s building

I wasn't worried about the how.

I saw ways that I could take inspired action and I followed those steps. I used to think that the way I was going to do it was being a high school speaker. Then I thought I'd be a college speaker. Then I thought I'd write a book every single year and then I got inspired to take YouTube seriously. All those other ways didn't exactly work out, but YouTube did. In a lot of ways, I speak to high school and college students, just not how I imagined. You're going to take steps.

Take the steps.

attract what you want

Attract What You Want: Remember Your True Nature

Think of what you desire in your life. Don't worry about the how. Take inspired action today. That's what starts the energy in motion so the universe can respond to you. Let go of how. Spirit never manifests itself other than perfectly. There's one divine power. Trust it. You deserve abundance, love, happiness, joy, adventure, prosperity. But if you analyze how it's all going to happen, you're going to block the flow. Take inspired action toward today to create what you want. Hold the image of what you want confidently and know that when you do that, when you show up, the universe will respond to you.

Don't worry too much. Don't overthink it. Move confidently in the direction of your dreams and know that you are an infinite being.

You're an infinite being.

You're totally divine and you're guided by a higher intelligence. Trust that. Trust that you're working with the universe to create what you intend to create. Have an absolutely beautiful day.

Download my free success hypnosis. When your mind wants to get lost in the how's, focus on the what. Focus on brainwashing yourself so the negativity doesn't creep in. Use my free success hypnosis to brainwash yourself with positivity, to train your mind for abundance and possibility and opportunity.

Free Success Hypnosis MP3

Download my free success hypnosis. It's the one I used to train my mind for success and abundance. I used it to create the life I want. You can use it to attract what you want into your life, to create the life you desire. You will notice massive shifts in your consciousness and experience the upgrades in your life. 

I am infinite.

Have an absolutely beautiful day. 

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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