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The Most Powerful Technique To Raise Your Vibration

Welcome! In this blog we will learn the most powerful technique to raise your vibration. I'm so glad you're here. Let's get into it! 

Hey, I'm grateful that you came across this blog. No, I'm seriously grateful for it that you're on here right now. What are you grateful for? What's something right now that you're grateful for?

Maybe something bad happened today or you had a rough year or you've been distracted or you just been really busy today. There's a lot of things going on. What if you just press the delete button on that right now? Just press the delete button instead. Think of one thing.

Matter of fact, feel one thing that you're grateful for. I'm grateful for the Internet. I am truly grateful. There's so much media slant on the negativity of the internet, social media, all these things. I'm so grateful. At the same time that there's you and there's me and there's millions of other people out there that are just like out to grow their mind, grow their lives, grow themselves.

That makes me feel good. It makes me believe that there's good people in the world, lots of good people. It's easy to think that there aren't good people left. The way that you know that the types of things that go viral, you can forget that.

What are you grateful for? It's also the quickest way to attract more of what you do want into your life. What happens is, you might feel stress for so long or you can't do it financially or your last relationships haven't worked out in. You're harboring that old emotion of it and what happens is the law of attraction responds to your energy.


It doesn't respond to what you consciously want. It responds to what your subconscious energy is. There's a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson and he says "Who you are speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you're saying."

I can't hear what you're saying because I can feel your energy. That's what the universe is saying to you. The universe doesn't speak English. It doesn't speak Spanish. It doesn't speak Indian or French. It speaks frequency, and gratitude is just like that. That's how you practice it.

Comment one thing you're grateful for.

I'm asking you to comment it because every time you have a thought or emotion, you fire brain cells. Those brain cells start wiring together and you engage your brain in a new way. My intention of this blog is to basically just be this little like chamber where your vibe instantly raises, your vibration instantly raises because when you go out into the rest of your day, you're going to carry that energy with you.

You're going to attract a new financial opportunity, a new romance or something great is going to start to move in the direction all from right now, expressing gratitude. It's changing it. I think that's hypnotizing yourself. That's why I always talk about my success hypnosis --

It's free to use and it's a success hypnosis that's designed to get you feeling success, feeling grateful that that money's flowing to you, feeling grateful that you're confident, that you're excited about life, that you're attracting the ideal people, circumstances and situations.

It's accessing the subconscious to start to train that. ​

If you haven't yet,

I always say brainwash yourself before the world brainwashes you. Right now we're brainwashing ourselves to think about the amazing things like the gratitude and appreciation that we have for life and the instant habit to immediately get the mind focused on all the great things that are out there for you.

Great things that can start to unfold, the exciting opportunities, the fact that you're an individualization of God and that the universe is conspiring in your highest and best interest, that you're worthy of everything that you want.

Great things are on the way now. When the mind starts going that way, you just start bringing all these new experiences back into your life. What I'm inviting you to do is take the gratitude train out there with you today. When you go and speak to someone, maybe your husband or your wife or your coworker or whoever it is, instead of "Hey, what's up?" Be like "What's one thing that you're grateful for today?"

If they feel like it's a weird question to ask because we're not used to asking questions like that, they probably won't. If they do, then say "Look, I'll go first. I'm grateful for..." What about you?

Send that energy out. What's going to happen is you're going to notice some great things -- an unexpected email, phone call, opportunity coming, new person coming into your life. Why?

Because your frequency has shifted. When your frequency shifts, you start to pull new circumstances and situations, better circumstances and situations, more in alignment with your goals into your life. You become like a planet. The Earth keeps the moon in its orbit. You start to pull things into your orbit that match your frequency. Upgrade your frequency today. Share that with someone.


Remember, that's the big takeaway today. Share that. Be like "What's one thing that you're grateful for today?" 'I'm feeling good today." "What's one thing you're grateful for?"

As you do that, you also begin to notice that you can take conscious control of your mind and you could actually use that same gratitude to express a feeling of gratitude to the universe that you're grateful that money's coming to you, that you're finally attracting your soulmate, that you're finally getting the promotion or the new job opportunity you've really wanted or you're finally overcoming this thing and you're feeling grateful.

It hasn't happened yet, but you're feeling emotions of it. You're sending the signal to the subconscious mind that's "acting as if". As you do that, your subconscious starts to think it's real and then things start shifting.

You attract the money, the love. The new opportunity starts to show up into your life. You feel that shift starting to amplify in your life and it all begins with gratitude.

Comment one thing that you're grateful for down below.

If you haven't yet, make sure that you download my free success hypnosis --

It's designed to retrain the subconscious. I made it for myself five years ago. When I learned about the subconscious mind, I said "Look, I need a system design to rewire my subconscious so I can start to attract the things that I want into my life." It worked like magic and now over a quarter million people from all over the world have used it.

Comment down below: I'm worthy of all I desire.

You're going to see some great things show up in your life as you begin to use it. Thank you for reading this.


Miracles are normal


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

  • How do I keep this good feeling most of the time? I have a problem with negative thinking and creating problems..Thank you Terry Jabert

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