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The BIGGEST BLOCK to Manifest Anything You Want In 24 Hours!!!

In this blog im going to talk about the biggest block to manifest anything you want in 24 hours!!! I'm so happy you're here. When you apply the lessons in the material today, your life will surely change for the positive. Let's get into it! 

This is the biggest block for you to manifest anything that you want in 24 hours. I've made a few videos on how to manifest anything you want in 24 hours and the testimonies and things people shared from using it are incredible. And I want to share with you the biggest block to manifesting anything you want in 24 hours and not just in 24 hours but in life in general.

When you read this blog, you are allowing the block to release out of your mind. And what's going to happen is you're going to open up the flood gates and you will attract what you want into your life. let's dive right in!

One of the things that people always say when I make these types of videos is, "you can't manifest what you want 24 hours! That's stupid!"

But you just have to understand basic science. Albert Einstein told us that time doesn't exist. And if time doesn't exist, then it's the illusion that time does exist that stops people from manifesting things quickly into their life.

The biggest block to manifest anything you want in 24 hours

Your entire life, you've been programmed by our world to believe that time exists and these things that you want in the future may or may not be attainable. Hopefully one day I could get there and it'd be so great.

 It becomes elusive. But that is a construct the mind created. The separation from the future is a construct the mind created and has been programmed to believe over a long period of time.

So when someone crazy like me tell you that you can manifest things into your life very quickly, it sounds stupid and foolish because we'd been programmed for so long to believe that time exists.

So comment down below, all I want already exists.

You may ask, "how does all I want already exist?" Energy is never created or destroyed. This what science tells us, energy is never created or destroyed. So what is time? Time is an energy construct. What is reality? It's an energy construct.

The Wall is just energy. My body is just energy. Your body is energy. So energy is never created or destroyed. Then what you want exist but it's at a frequency of visible light that is beyond what your eyes can perceive. So what that means is what you want exist.

If energy is never created or destroyed, it's not that you're hopefully creating something in the future. Let's say you want more money to come quickly in your life. You want a new job opportunity. You want new friends, soulmate, some awesome big break, a phone call, a text message. You want something to happen.

time isn't real

It already exists because time doesn't exist. All the energy that ever was and ever will be is 100% evenly present in all places at all times. It's all happening now. It's just that your consciousness determines what you will experience. Your consciousness is so powerful that it rearranges subatomic particles. What does the Subatomic particle?

We used to think Atoms were the building blocks of the physical world. But then we found out that there were subatomic particles that make up atoms that are like even smaller than an atom. Then we found out that the subatomic particles actually sometimes exist and sometimes don't exist.

 When I say don't exist, they still exist, but they're in an energy state. They're in a nonphysical energy state. When you say physical versus nonphysical, nonphysical doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just means that your physical senses are only programmed to pick up a certain bandwidth of energy.

Just like you go to channel 46 on your television, your television is only able to pick up that bandwidth of energy. Does it mean channel 49 isn't happening? No, it's happening. Your television is just a broadcasting one frequency only and it projects that frequency onto the screen. I. E. Channel 46.

But channel 29 exists. Channel 47 exists. All of the other frequencies are happening simultaneously. It's just that you programmed the television with the remote to only broadcast that one frequency at one time. Similarly, your senses are programmed for only one channel. That channel is called third dimension.

The Biggest block to manifest anything you want

But there's higher dimensions of reality that exists. There's energy systems that your senses can't pick up. You blow a dog whistle and you cannot hear the dog whistle. What does all of this mean? This should be so inspiring because what it's telling you is that not only is everything that you want possible, but it's already existing.

In a higher dimension, but your consciousness is what determines what you experience in third dimension. So when I say you can manifest anything you want in 24 hours, it's true. Science says that already exists. If energy is created or destroyed, but what's blocking it? It's the belief in time.

If you're thinking, "I hope I get this thing in the future, it'd be great if I get this thing in the future." What do you think happens?

Have you ever noticed that we try to rationalise our goals and desires by saying things like, "this is a big thing to manifest, this might take seven years and hopefully I'll get it in seven years."

The good news is there is no such thing as big or small to the universe.

The universe is a giant energy system that is constantly expanding and everything already exists.

 But human consciousness comes into play 


and thinks that maybe I could get this thing in the future but defintely not right now and that's going to be impossible for me to double my income this year.

It starts to profect its rationalizing, justifcation, and sense of society that you know, that's going to take me 25 years. We build this construct of time that actually limits us.

But the reason that we use time is because it's hard for us to even understand the idea of infinity. So we build this construct of past, present, and future to be able to comprehend reality easier. but the truth is, it blocks you.

The easiest way to understand reality is by using analogies and metaphors. In another blog, I use the metaphor of phones and how the different phone numbers are all just different frequencies. Same with the television or radio.


They're all broadcasting all the time, but you have to tune into that frequency using the remote by going to that channel.

It's still happening. What I invite you to do is stop looking at it even like a channel. Just for the moment you can use this analogy. You can be in the presence of what you want or the absence of what you want. You can be in the possibility and the reality that your financial life is changing right now or you can be in the frequency of, "I wish it was changing.

I think it's going to take me two to five years for my life to ever get any different. I really hope and wish it would change, but right now that's just not feasible. That's just not possible because I'm limited by this thing.

I'm limited by that thing unlimited by this thing. I have this problem. I'd really like my soulmate, but it's very hard to find them and I'm probably going to have to move to a different city because I've already found out that there's no good guys and no good women in my city."

you can be in the presence of what you want

or the absence of what you want.

 You could be on the channel of what you want or the channel of what you do not want.

cup half full

you can be in the presence of what you or the absence of what you want. You could be on the channel of what you want or the channel of what you do not want.

Your brain is a television that's broadcasting the frequencies. Your consciousness is broadcasting to one frequency, but instead of you watching it on the television screen, the television screen is your entire life.

Your eyes are picking up right in front of your face. Your brain is the television screen broadcasting it out and then you're watching it happen in real time. The frequency of lack exists! But so does the other frequency and it all changes when you go from, "I wish" to "I have".

If you put your dream into the future and hope or wish for it, you're creating a future construct that you may or may not obtain. You have to move to having it now in consciousness. Just like you would never sit in front of the television and go, you know, I really wish I could get to channel 46. Maybe I could get there sometime in the future. But right now I don't have the right qualifications. I don't have enough money to get there. You'd be like, Bro, just switch the clicker. It's right in front of you.

Then the typical response would be, "It's easy for you to say that. You know, Billy, it's easy for you to say that, but you don't understand the things that I've went through in my life. Besides, the rich people control all the other stations.

It's not as easy as just flipping the switch. You can't just do it like that. These things take a lot of time. These things take a lot of time. You don't understand." Does that sound familiar? Maybe you know someone like this. Maybe that someone is you? or maybe not 🙂

I'd be like, give me the clicker. I'll change the channel for you. You have to switch the frequency. When you do, what projects onto the screen of your life changes because time doesn't exist. Everything is just energy.

All the energy that ever was and ever will be is one hundred percent evenly present in all places at all times. You're manifesting it by shifting your consciousness.

TV signal

What I'm inviting you to do is start perceiving reality as if it's all a bunch of different television channels. It's infinite bandwidth, it's infinite frequencies, and you get to choose what frequency an channel you tune into.

So for the rest of the day, can you tune into the channel that you already have? That channel of what it is that you want. You already are the person you want to be. You already are the person with the amount of income you want. You already are the person with the job you want. You already are the person who has finally attracted like minds.

If you don't want to watch CNN, if you don't want to watch fox, if you don't want to watch basketball, if you don't want to watch football and you really want to watch a cartoon on Disney, go to the Disney station. You have to be in the Disney station. You've got to flip the channel to the Disney station. Right?

And that's what allows reality to shift. You're moving through parallel dimensions. You're moving through parallel realities, and then boom, the Disney station comes on and you say, "Hey, I'm where I want to be".

Reality is the same way.

I had to shift from looking at my youtube analytics, getting no progress on it, looking at my bank account year after year, struggling. My girlfriend at the time, she's now, my wife, was in debt. I was on the channel of this isn't working out. Maybe it's not meant to be. Hopefully sometime in the future I can get there and finally I was like, dude, I have to start having it now.

I started saying and believing, "I already have it". I shifted the channel to already being a world renowned thought leader, inspiring millions of people. My youtube channel, getting millions of views and being a millionaire, having the life that I want, influencing the world in a positive way. I went from I wish I could get there. to I have it now. And what happened was something incredible. I made that shift. My wife, my girlfriend at the time, and I went camping. When I got back into service to go to a cafe to publish a new video, my videos had went viral. It happened overnight. Quickly.

Why? Because my consciousness shifted. 

the biggest block to manifest anything you want

It doesn't take six weeks in order to go from the Disney channel to the baseball game. It takes a couple seconds.The consciousness shifts. The projection of the energy frequency shifts and then reality changes.Isn't that exciting? 

So that's the biggest block to manifesting what you want.

Comment down below, I am an infinite being!

Start talking as if you're already on the channel that you want.

Imagine that you already stepped into this to the reality that you want and you're already on that channel. How are your thoughts? If you're already on the channel of having the money, the love, the job, the happiness, the life that you want, what's the channel like?

 Go on a walk and start talking to yourself as if you already have it. Once your consciousness gets rid of wish and gets rid of hope and gets rid of, maybe I'll get there in the future, but right now it's this unattainable thing and unlimited right now by my body, by my present circumstances, by my resources.

Once that's gone, the things show up fast into life. Why? Because time doesn't exist and it's all a projection of consciousness anyways, and we live in a world of free will. So the universe doesn't give you what you want until you embody it in consciousness.

ask believe receive

Because we're all here to learn certain spiritual lessons, most namely that we're all co-creators in our life with the universe, and the universe isn't going to give you something that you hope or wish, and maybe you'll get there in the future because then you're not learning the lesson of being a co-creator with the universe.

So forget about what your physical senses are telling you. Forget about what your bank account is telling you. Forget about how your last dating things haven't worked out.

Remember, lack of evidence is not evidence of lack. Why?

Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not happening. If energy is never created or destroyed, it's just existing on a frequency beyond what you can see. You can't see love, can you? I'm talking about the actual frequency of love. But yet, pretty much everyone believes in it!

If you're on channel four watching the news, you don't go, oh my God, this is evidence that channel 46 doesn't exist in the, in the baseball game doesn't exist anymore. No, you understand, you just got to flip the channel.

I started vibrating in harmony with what I wanted. My consciousness changed my cells. I started vibrating in harmony with having the money, having the love, having the job, having the life I dreamed up, and then reality matched that by polling the people, circumstances and situations that match my ideal reality because it already existed.

My consciousness just had to go from here to here and match my reality. That was always waiting for me. But my consciousness was down at a lower level. I was busy believing in my physical senses, being limited by it, being limited by the time.

But then boom, my consciousness went from I wish to I have, I have this reality. It's so exciting and at the same time is the very thing that blocks and stops most people from manifesting what they want.

So look at reality for the next day and if it works for you, look at it for the rest of your life. Look at it like you're changing the channel frequencies. When you go from I wish to I have, then you manifest it.

flood gates

It's like you have a dam on the river and then you open up the dam and all of a sudden all the water starts flowing. All of a sudden the universe starts flowing towards you. The abundance of life starts flowing towards you. Remember, you're an individualization of God.

You're a child of God. You're connected. Everything is energy. You're an individualization of that God, of that source, of that spirit, of the universal consciousness. You're one in the same with it. You're an extension of it. Therefore, you're already connected to everything that you want because that same God energy, that universal energy, that spirit energy is in everything else too.

But it's just vibrating at different frequencies. So it appears to be separate. It appears to be different, but it's not. It's one in the same, so it's already in the money. It's already in the job.

It's already in the house, it's already in the car, therefore you're one with it. But you must have it in consciousness. And when you have it in consciousness, then it projects onto the screen of your life as reality.


So let's see what amazing things you can manifest in the next 24 hours with the shift in consciousness. Come back and share your success story right there down below.

If you want to amplify your manifestation power, go ahead and use my software. The Second Mind.

I invented a software to rewire the brain because the biggest problem is the brain. It Gets wired to old fundamental realities and all the neurocircuitry and synapses all get wired and programmed out of our control as we are raised in our family and society.

There's a term in neuro science. It's called Hebbs Law.

It says that nerve cells and brain cells that fire together wire together. Every time you have an emotional thought, you are firing nerve cells in your brain and what happens is when you have similar emotional patterns or similar thought patterns or similar beliefs, they start to wire together and it creates your neurocircuitry.

Just like when you build a home and you flip the electrical switch. If you haven't connected all the circuits through the home and you flip the switch, the lights won't come on.

You need the electrician to build the electrical circuitry throughout all the rooms. And once that happens, you flip the switch and the lights come on. Similarly, you have to rewire the brain.

And then when you flip the switch for the reality, It shows up in your life.


​So I created a software to take advantage of the way the mind works. Use it to program yourself to attract what you want and to step out of your first mind which is the limited mind by society.

Every day we hear some amazing success stories. I'm so grateful it has impacted my life and changed the lives of so many others as well.

All of your desires already exist. Some great things are about to unfold for you. I can't wait to hear about them. Come back and share them down below. Have a beautiful day and I'll talk to you soon.


Miracles Are Normal


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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