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  • SPEED UP YOUR MANIFESTATION + Attract A Quantum Leap Using The Law of Attraction

SPEED UP YOUR MANIFESTATION + Attract A Quantum Leap Using The Law of Attraction

Using The Law of Attraction

Does it look like nothing's happening yet? Let me share with you how to attract a quantum leap in your manifestations to attract what you want quicker and faster than you may think. You will be shocked when you learn how to attract a quantum leap and the technique of quantum jumping manifestation..

+ Attract A Quantum Leap

I was talking to my friend the other day. He has a project and it hasn't made money in over six months. He was starting to get a little bit nervous. He was starting to feel the nerves. Then, he made more money in ONE week than in six months combined just last week, more money than the previous six months combined. I call that a quantum leap and you may think that what you want might not be coming as this working.

It's called a quantum leap, and the quantum leap is a nonlinear growth. The intellectual mind thinks of growth in a linear fashion. But the growth my friend had? It's a quantum leap that you can't explain. It's miraculous growth that occurs and that's what happens on the manifestation process. Most people get in reactionary consciousness to the limitations around them and they block the quantum leap from occurring, meaning they're there listening to the evidence that their senses are telling them.

attract a quantum leap

When you react to the world around you, the limitations of the world get embedded in your own consciousness and you project those limitations out in the world. You stay in that frequency of limitation. Instead moving into creation consciousness by affirming all I want is here now.

The Chinese bamboo tree, a certain type of bamboo, you put it in the ground for one whole year. You water it, you nourish it, you do all the things. You don't see any visible growth. You didn't even see it. Same thing happens the next year. Same thing happens the next year, and it's not until the fifth year and guess what? In six weeks on the fifth year, it grows 80 feet.

For five years, nothing happens, and in six weeks after five years of nothing happening, it grows 80 feet. Now for you, it might be three weeks. It might be one year. I don't know.

It all depends on what you're manifesting and how your subconscious might've been preprogrammed, but guess what? What you want will come. It is here now and you have to keep affirming that. You have to keep connecting to that.

Keep focusing and then boom, in one week, the best financial week he's ever had in his entire life. That's called a quantum leap. You can attract a quantum leap by not overreacting, by staying in the energy of possibility.

attract a quantum leap

The universe wants to reward you. Sometimes you have to push past the challenges, the times when nothing's happening, but there are good things on the way for you because you're a creator. You live in a friendly universe. There's more abundance than there could possibly be needed for everyone in this life and that's you included. You're deserving of what you want. There are great things on the way. You're worthy of everything that you desire. There are great things on the way.

It's going to happen today. It's going to happen soon. That's amazing. That's exciting. Keep hope. Keep faith. Stay competent. Move confidently in the direction of your dreams. Keep affirming and being grateful that what you want is already here. I'm not wishing that it happens. I'm so grateful that it is happening.

It has happened. 

Have a beautiful day. 

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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