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  • NEVER Do This Again If You Want To MANIFEST MORE MONEY Into Your Life (Law of Attraction)

NEVER Do This Again If You Want To MANIFEST MORE MONEY Into Your Life (Law of Attraction)

NEVER Do This Again If You Want To MANIFEST MORE MONEY Into Your Life (Law of Attraction)

If you continue to do this, you will not be able to attract money. You're literally blocking it and this is what society has programmed you to do. It's very important that you quit doing this if you want to attract abundance into your life.

NEVER Do This Again If You Want

Here's what I used to do when I did not have any money and I was at a place where it was so bad. My now wife was in debt because I couldn't pay for anything, couldn't pay for groceries, I couldn't even help pay for our electric bill. I had no money coming in. And if you were to sit down with me as my friend and we went out to lunch, here's what I would have said. You know, "money's just not that important, I'd rather be happy and all these people are so stuck on trying to get money and they're not even happy." I would use that as a rationalization to the fact that I didn't have it.

Your mind works wants to protect you from failure. It conjures up this whole story that money's not very important. Believe me, if you don't have money, it's very important.

manifest more money

No one that has money says money isn't important. Believe me, one of the greatest things you can do in the world is begin to have money because the world needs more people who have a positive outlook on life AND have money.

That's what it needs. The world needs people who are good at heart and have money,  

You can't do that if you believe that money is not important. Imagine if you told your friends that your girlfriend or your boyfriend wasn't very important. Heck, imagine if you told them that they weren't very important. They wouldn't be around for very long.

You deserve to live an abundant, fulfilling, rich life that expresses all of your desires so they can come true. Money is a means for you to do that.

Your brain has been wired for a constant reality of not having enough and not being able to attract enough.

Demo my software, The Second Mind, right there down below. Begin to use that to start to retrain your brain so that you can attract more money in your life.

Free Success Hypnosis MP3

It's science. The brain gets wired to a certain fundamental reality and it becomes extremely difficult to change it. You can change it with my software. You can demo it for free.

Love money because it comes to you when you call and then it's just going to make you more of what you already are. If you're generous, you're going to be more generous with money. If you have a lot of energy, you're gonna have more energy when you have money.


Because it's just making you more of what you are because money is just energy in and of itself. Remember, I love money because it comes to me when I call.

Start to notice the way that you think about money because your relationship with it is going to attract or repel it. See the good that it can do, and you will start to see more of it flow into your life.

You deserve abundance. You're worthy of abundance and heck, there's more money printed every single day. You live in an abundant world. Twelve months from now, your life can change forever.

​Free Success Hypnosis mp3

​Change your relationship with success - Download my free Success Hypnosis mp3

Affirm that you love money and deserve to experience life's abundance to manifest more money in your life. You can manifest more money into your life by changing your mindset.

You deserve to be rich.

Start affirming it.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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