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Powerful Law of Attraction Mind Power Technique

Here's a powerful Law of Attraction mind power technique to instantly manifest whatever it is that you want in life.

So your brain and your mind is a cybernetic mechanism which essentially you would liken to a thermostat. So if you set the thermostat for 75 degrees and you open all the windows and it's 28 degrees outside, what happens to the thermostat? The thermostat kicks higher even though it's set for 75 degrees, it'll start shooting now, 90 to 95 degree air to combat the cold air coming in so we can keep the room regulated at the set temperature.

It's the same way that maybe you set your 
gps system that gets you to San Francisco.

You're driving from the opposite side of the United States in New York, but you make a detour and you started going up into Canada. Constantly the GPS will give you new routes and new routes and new routes to get you on course to San Francisco. It's the same way that a pilot flies a 747.

Powerful Law of Attraction Mind Power Technique

They're not actively steering the whole way. Actually, what's happening is every time they're hitting turbulence, all of these types of things, let's say the plane is going from Los Angeles to Sydney Australia, all the way around the world. They're not actively steering it. The plane is set for the coordinates, the cybernetic mechanism which is essentially a machine like functioning that works most efficiently when it's programmed with specific coordinates or results so that it can create those specific coordinates or results.

So you set the the the airplane to get you to Sydney Australia from Los Angeles. Every time the turbulence hits, all that's happening is that it's in constant auto-correct mode. It's the same way when they send a rocket out into space and it's going through all the craziness to get through all the different levels of the atmosphere and all the pressure.

It's just in constant auto-correct mode to get to this specific programmed destination. So in order to use the power of your mind to create what you want, you need specific coordinates for your mind operate from because your brain is simply a cybernetic mechanism.

Or as Dr Maxwell Maltz would call it a psycho mechanism.

Psycho meaning psyche, the mind mechanism, our psycho-cybernetics mechanism. So, you know, a lot of times people will say to me... "I want to make lots of money. That's my goal. I want to attract really good health. That's my goal. I really want a job that I like, that's my goal. I really want to live somewhere cool. That's my goal".

But it doesn't make much sense. 

maxwell maltz psycho cybernetics

Now it might make a lot of sense as a vague definition but you would never walk over to your thermostat and say... "Hi thermostat, I'd like you to be a comfortable temperature".

The thermostat doesn't even do anything. You have to actually program it to a specific destination. You can never say to Siri on your gps system... "Hello Siri, please program me to an ideal location". Siri will say... "I'm sorry, I do not recognize your location. Please try again". And you say... "I really want to go somewhere nice". Siri says... "I'm sorry, I do not recognize what you're saying".

Can you imagine if you hopped onto a 747 and the pilot was shaking everyone's hands coming in and you said... "So sir, where are we going today"? And he said... "You know, just somewhere nice with a lot of abundance". You'd say either he just took some very strong psychedelics or he's totally out of his mind. Either condition, I do not want to be on this plane right now. I need a specific location that we're going to go to.

So think about that. People always say, I want lots of abundance. Abundance is such a catch word nowadays, but what does that mean? Think of your universal intelligence. If you are your subconscious mind and your brain that's automated to respond based off of the way that it's programmed and you say, "What does that mean"?

There's a lot of things that are that mean abundance. Abundance could mean a bunch of fruit trees. Do want a bunch of tangerines? Is that the type of abundance you want? Do you want to 19 Ferrari's? 

ferrari-Powerful Law of Attraction Mind Power Technique

Is that what you want? Do you want a bunch of beautifully grown grass? Those are all different forms of abundance, but it's vague. So what are your specific forms? Not Lots of money, not lots of health, not lots of this, not I love it, specific or greater.

It's this or something greater, so pick specific goals. Pull out a piece of paper just like this as you end this video and write financial goal and write a specific financial goal, either an annual or monthly financial goal. Write a specific savings goal. Write a specific health goal. 

People always say... "I want to get healthy". What does that mean though? Are you going to go on a certain type of diet? Well then the goal is to stick to that diet for 30 days. Is it that you're trying to lose 50 pounds or you're trying to gain 20 pounds of muscle? What is the specific metrics by which your brain can operate most efficiently? Right? You would never do that to a thermostat, to a GPS system, and we're not utilizing our brain and our mind power correctly when we do this. Now, the point of a goal isn't what you get.

Remember that. The point of the goal is who you're going to become in the process. You may hit it in the desired time you want. You may not. You may hit it quicker. You may hit slower. You may not hit it all, but you're going to become a greater person in the process.

Your brain is designed to operate like this.

Your consciousness is designed to operate like this. Otherwise you create by default, which is how most people create. They don't really know what they want. "I want lots of this. I want a bit of that. I want to get in this". It's such fragmented responses that they don't get back what they want. Think about it like this. Your consciousness is the end all be all that creates reality and in fact everything in the universe is pure consciousness. That's all. Everything is energy.

If you look under a powerful enough microscope, all you see is energy moving at various speeds of vibration. Solid objects that actually appear to be solid aren't solid, they're energy moving at a certain speed of vibration.

microscope Powerful Law of Attraction Mind Power Technique

Your consciousness, your thoughts, which are energy are beyond the visible light spectrum that you can't see. You can only see the effects of them. 

Your consciousness, your thoughts is what influences the energy world that we live in that creates the circumstances, situations, your bank account, your love life, your health, your happiness, your thoughts in your consciousness are what create that. So it's happening second by second. A way you can see an analogy for that would be like the roll of film that develops out of a movie. It is second by second what's in the consciousness, what's in the roll of film that develops what projects onto the screen.

Similarly, the images that you're holding in your mind, second by second are projecting onto the screen called the movie of life. Now, if you went into a movie and the pictures weren't clear, you would never see the movie. They're very specific frames that caused the movie to play in a cohesive and beautiful order. It's very specific frames in images, one after another that cause it to happen, and that's what makes the movie beautiful and exciting and fluid.

Now, if you think of it, that projection that's projecting from the back of the movie theater onto the screen the same way your consciousness is projecting your reality, second by second. Now, if the only thing in your consciousness is... "I wish lots of abundance and lots of good health and lots of this". Hey, it could be a lot more powerful if you direct the energy focus and so what I invite you to do is pull that paper out.

Write out what's your health goal? What's a measurable wealth goal? What's the clarity around that? Because then your subconscious in your unconscious mind can take it over and start to create it because it knows what to work with. It's almost like you had this invincible, higher self, best friends superhero that would create everything that you want in life, like Aladdin's genie.

You would never walk over to a Aladdin's genie and say... "I'd like abundance" for your first wish. He'd be like... "OK, well here's a bunch of paper, you have an abundance of paper", and then you're like... "No, I didn't want paper", and he's like... "Well, I didn't know what you wanted". Right?

You need to be specific with it, so direct all of those specifically. It's always this or something greater because you're co-creating with the universe and it's always conspiring for your highest good, but give it a chance to operate at the highest frequency and possibilities that it possibly can so you can create the most magic, joy, and amazing things in your life as possible. Give it clear direction.

I hope you've enjoyed this powerful Law Of Attraction mind control technique. 

This is Jake Ducey with JakeDucey.com. Download my free successive hypnosis by clicking here... www.JakesHypnosis.com

If you're moving through that exercise and you're actually going to write it down, comment down below, and you're if you're getting negative thoughts in your head, download my free success hypnosis and play it softly while you're moving through it to start to retrain the mind in a new way.

Given all of that... we've created the Second Mind Neuro Programmer which is designed to rewire the brain specifically to attract what you want. You can demo it totally for free. Get it at www.TheSecondMind.com 

Jake Ducey 2nd Mind

I'm so excited for you to check that out. Thank you for watching. Comment down below. If you're actually doing this exercise and you have clearly defined ways for your psycho, cybernetic mechanism, your brain, your consciousness in your mind, to harness the energy of the universe, to create specifically what you want.

Because if you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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