So it's all fake human history and it's all fake science. And it's all to convince us that we are who we see in the mirror and in this blog, I'm going to break down why this is all fake or as we now popularly say fake news and why it's so important. Because once you realize matter is energy, you can make more money. You can then think that money is energy. You can break out of the, the servitude of the system. You can heal yourself, you can uplift your energy. You can attract your soulmate. You can create peace in your own family, and truly start to change your life entirely just by knowing this powerful information that's been known for a very long time, but is not taught in schools. So my name is Jake Ducey with I know that sounds like a big statement that I just made, but if you hang with me for this full video, I think your mind is going to be absolutely blown, but first make sure you get my free success hypnosis right there down below it's Jake's It's my free success. Hypnosis million people from all over the world have used it to reprogram your subconscious mind and eliminate old limiting beliefs buried in your subconscious that are blocking you from what you want. Let's dive right into this post.
Who Are You? You're Not Just Physical.
So when somebody says, who am I? Our normal responses are, Hi, my name's Jake. I'm this many years old. This is who I am. I have blue hair. I have blue eyes. I don't have blue hair, but that'd be cool if I did. And this is who I am. I'm this many pounds. I'm this color skin complexion. Here's my story of my life. Uh, here's how many roles I have. Here's which ones of my teeth are crooked. We describe ourselves based off of the physical reality and Buckminster Fuller said that 99% of who you are, you cannot see smell, taste, or touch. Now this is scientifically proven, but for some reason, nobody really knows this still. For some reason, we still aren't taught this in school. We're still taught this BS Newtonian model of looking at the world. It's false. It's been proven false for not just for like a week.

Matter Is Energy: Energy Is Everything!
It's been proven false per a long time. And here's, what's so powerful about this, your hand. Like I say, in every video, it's 99% empty space. All these rocks behind me, they're 99.9.9% empty space. So what does this say? That the whole of who you are is a non-physical. Now the Newtonian model of physics was really cemented first by Rene Descartes. You may not know his name, famous mathematician, but you may know a statement." I think therefore I am." And what he said, and what many mathematicians and scientists were having problems with is they couldn't figure out mind and they couldn't figure out energy. So instead of trying to figure it out, they compartmentalize it. So Descartes and Newtonian model of physics says the world is matter. Physical mass, like reality is me as a physical being, and energy is kind of an unexplainable phenomenon.
That's a side product. They said that energy is released when force is exerted on matter. When I'm pushed, energy is released. When you blow up a rock, energy is released and that's all it is mind is this phenomenon. So they pushed mind over to religion. And then science took over physical matter. The biggest mistake in the entire world. I think it was intentional because you can see how so many problems arise from this duality thinking. That's totally incorrect. We already know science has shown us. This is a cup, it's a 99% empty space. This is an unopinionated, this isn't a conspiracy. This isn't new age. This is a fact. So the entire Newtonian model of physics of seeing everything as physical is wrong, and Albert Einstein came along with equals MC squared. Essentially what that showed us is that energy and mass are one in the same.
You Are A Spiritual Being In A Physical Body!
Here's a phone right here. So instead of saying that this is a phone equals MC squared shows us that the mass of this phone is one in the same with energy. That there's actually no fundamental difference between the two that mass or matter is made up of energy. Max Planck, he won the Nobel peace prize and he had a very powerful quote. Max Planck said that there is no matter as such, that all matter exists by virtue of a force. And he called this force, the divine mind: that there's one originating substance. This guy won a Nobel peace prize, right? And he said, there is no matter as such. Now we've continued to teach this BS idea that we live in a physical universe. So out of that belief system created victimhood in and of itself. Think about that, because if you think that you live in a physical world and that energy and mind is something that you just chalk off to religion that doesn't have to do with matter in the physical world.

You Are Part Of Divine Energy: Reclaim Your Power!
What we've done is we've created ourselves as victims in space and time that are subject to physical laws of the universe. I'm separate from what I want. I'm separate from God. I'm separate from other people. And I'm separate from energy. Separation belief system creates every problem in the world. You can't achieve what you want financially. If you think you're separate from abundance, you can't attract your true soulmate in a great relationship. If you believe that you're separate from the other individual, you can't, uh, obtain self-realization. If you believe you're separate from God, this bursts, depression, anxiety, helplessness, lack of purpose. This is why the Gallup poll said 80% of people say they're actively disengaged from their jobs where at the highest rate of stress related illnesses ever, this all arises from separation, but it's not true because nothing is separate. We're in a giant field of energy. Albert Einstein called it the spooky science. That's really, what he called it the spooky science. And when we grasp that, we aren't separate from anything that we're really a massive energy moving at a very high speed of vibration, that our thoughts, our feelings and our consciousness influences this field of energy. Then we no longer give up our power to governments. We no longer give up our power to institutions and higher education. We no longer give up our power to people. We put on a pedestal in business, in relationships and politics and health.
Matter Is Energy, So Your Part Of It!
And so essentially what we find is that we are very, very, very, very powerful beings and the entire world. Isn't what we think it is. So why is it that we're taught this physical Newtonian model? Because it breeds victimhood because it breeds helplessness. Because if you believe you're a body, then you're subject to all these things. And some things you can change. This burst the idea of life's a BITCH then you die. Why would life be a BITH and then you die? Because you believe you're only a physical body and you don't have control over the outside world because the outside world is full of other physical matter. That sometimes hurts you. And sometimes you can't change it. And this goes on and on and on. So think about this. I want you to think right now, what is one way you've built a Newtonian model of reality where you believe that something in the physical world is stopping you.
You may think it's your education. You may think it's the amount of light photons, the vibrating in your bank account. I don't have enough light photons in my bank account. Right? You may think that your soulmate is an out there. You may think that other people know better than you. You may think you don't have the, you don't know how you don't have the research. I want you to think of one of those things, and I want you to laugh at it because it's. It's not true. Think about this. We know this isn't conspiracy, we know for a fact that everything is energy. There's one originating source of energy. You're already connected to everything that you want. So I want to leave you with three big takeaways. You aren't a physical body, right? And when we grasp that, that everything is energy. Here's the three big takeaways.
Number one, you are not separate from anything that you want. How could you be? If you're not a physical body and all matter is simply energy moving at a very high speed of vibration. That appears to be real. How could you? Number two, you are not separate from God. How could you be separate from God? If there's only one originating source, remember that Max Planck quote, father of quantum physics won a Nobel peace prize. Number three, you are not separate from anybody else.

Let The Universe Work For You!
When you realize this, you realize everything you want is already here, because energy is never created or destroyed. It's just basically like when you're in the kitchen and your cabinets full of cookies, and you want cookies, but you don't see them on the counter. Do you go the cookies? Aren't here? No, you open the cabinet and you pull them out. Well, similarly, it's like, there's a universal field of cabinets that you can open up that has all possible realities. All you got to do is grab it. All you gotta do is realize this already here, pull it out and bring the abundance into your life. Recognize that you're a divine being. You can't be separate from God. Also, not just that. You're a divine being, but God itself, the universe itself, the powerful creating source of all things is on your side at all times just ask the universe for what you want!
You can call it into your life right now by taking a deep breath in and just say, thank you, thank you. And then say, I'm a powerful creator. All I want already exists. I'm already financially free. I'm already happy, healthy, and healed.
When we do this, our life changes or finance changes, our health changes. And when enough of us wake up to this, the world will change. The power systems will crumble. The dependency systems of the world will crumble. And we'll realize that we're more powerful, smarter, more capable. We'll treat other people with more kindness and compassion. We'll realize we're connected. And more importantly, we'll treat ourselves with kindness and compassion. So my name's Jake doozy with Jake If you enjoyed today's blog right there down below is my free success hypnosis. It's my free success hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind. Once we realize that all human history in all these things we're told are basically BS. We realize, oh my gosh. Most of the things that I was told about reality are totally BS.

And the trouble with that is that this has all been programmed into our subconscious mind. Now, the good news is we know from psychologists, 95% of our life is subconscious, and we can reprogram it at any second. Repetition can reprogram your entire mind, turn your subconscious into a magnet to attract what you want quicker, faster, and easier. So it's right there down below. Take a deep breath in and out, go like this. Holy cow. I just realized this secret weapon to unlock the universe. I'm a divine being. I'm not separate from anything that I want and everything is energy. I am the imagination of myself. So give me a comment right there, down below. And let me know what you think of today's episode. Is this conspiracy, is this outlandish, have you started to realize these principles in your life? I know sometimes people don't want to leave comments, but if you think we're doing important work, give me a comment down below. Let me know you think of today's episode. Share this on Facebook, Twitter, social media email texted to a friend. Hey, thanks for checking out today's episode, we will see you next time.
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[…] this video, I'm gonna break down seven things to leave behind for the awakening to access higher consciousness, to find out what's really happening in the […]
All of this is interesting and explains what I learned in my physics class that everything is light mater. This also what I tell my kids.