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Law of Attraction SLEEP TECHNIQUE For Manifesting What You Want – How to MANIFEST WHILE YOU SLEEP

Law of Attraction SLEEP TECHNIQUE For Manifesting What You Want - How to MANIFEST WHILE YOU SLEEP

You can manifest while you sleep. You can bring your dreams to reality even while you are asleep. This law of attraction manifestation technique can help bring your dreams to life. You can be an extremely powerful manifester while you sleep. You can use this manifestation sleep technique that I use to attract my dream home so you can use it for anything. I created a brand new technique that you can use to manifest while you sleep that you haven't heard before. These sleep affirmations really work.


While you're literally in bed, take your journal and write out five things that you're grateful for. What this is doing is not necessarily about what you're grateful for in and of itself. Obviously that's the technique and tasks that are using, but what you're actually doing is you are getting in harmony with the universe. When you express gratitude on a regular basis, let's say you say, I'm so grateful for that tree. I'm so grateful for my car. I'm so grateful for the money in my bank account." It doesn't matter what it is. 

In essence is you're saying, thank you God, thank you universe. In order for you to manifest while you're asleep, you have to get in contact and connection with God and the universe because that's how you're going to allow your sleep, while you're not using your conscious mind and hard work to manifest, is by connecting to the higher energy.

To do this, I lie in bed, put a pillow in my lap or whatever to prop my journal up and I write out five things that I'm grateful for. I'm so grateful for this. I'm so grateful for that and I'm feeling the energy of it to get myself in an optimal state for what's about to happen next.

manifest while you sleep

Once I'm in that optimal state, I'm connected to God energy and when you're connected to God energy or universal energy, what you put into that consciousness at that point is what's going to manifest.

I use the gratitude to get there. Then what I'm doing and what you do is you can write out, I call it hypnotic writing. You write out what you're grateful for as if it's already happened, but it hasn't happened yet.

You've already opened up the conscious gateway to connect with the universe from the first part of writing what you're grateful for. Then, in the second part, you're writing what you're grateful for as if it's already happened. So let's say you're wanting to manifest money. I'm so grateful that large sums of money come to me quickly and easily as I earn $2,000 a month. I am so grateful that large sums of money come to me quickly and easily as I earn $10,000 a month. Whatever your goal is so you can use, "I'm so grateful that large sums of money come to me quickly and easily," and then you write in what your financial goal is, and then you can do that with love.

You cannot experience something in reality unless you can imagine it clearly first. Now, the reason this is so powerful is because just before sleep, your conscious mind is out of the way and you have direct access to the subconscious, which is your pipeline to the universal energy

When you're doing that, you're going directly to the universal energy field without having your conscious mind saying, "oh, that's not possible. Oh, this is impossible. Oh, that's not possible." You're going directly to God energy, which then can instantly manifest it. When you're awake the next day, the next week, then you see the results coming quickly.

After you do your hypnotic writing in the end, you can get into the energy of it. Then you're going to close your journal, turn off the lights, you're lying in bed, and you begin repeating your affirmations.

Thank you God. Thank you universe for manifesting all that I desire. Thank you God. Thank you universe for manifesting all I desire.

Thank you universe for manifesting all that I desire. Thank you God for manifesting all that I desired. Thank you universe for manifesting all that I desire.

manifest while you sleep

You're sealing the energy to God energy, to the universal energy field with thank you God, thank you universe, which is you declaring your subconscious mind that it's already occurred and then when you're in the sleep state, then you fall asleep and you repeat that as you're falling asleep. While you're asleep, the universe is starting to pull the circumstances and situations into your life that match what you were just doing for your sleep technique before bed.

Use this every single solitary night. 

Use it every night and as you begin to manifest things, switch it to something else.

In my opinion, this is the most powerful technique you can use because you're going directly to the subconscious and the universal energy field and you're not offering resistance. A lot of times people do their techniques or whatever and then they go out through the day, but then their old patterns come back and then they offer resistance to that in sleep and before sleep. Your conscious mind has gone so you're not gonna have any resistance and whatever is left than it is going to be able to essentially marinate for however many hours you sleep, five, six, seven, eight, nine hours, and it's going to marinate, so you have that long of that energy incubating to start to bring your desire to life in the universe starts pulling the people, the circumstances, the resources, the synchronicities, the situations to make that a reality.

When you wake up in the morning, you say, "thank you for answering my requests," and you go out and you look for signs and you look for omens. Powerful things are going to occur in your life. That's going to be amazing. Fantastic, wonderful.

If you really want to increase your manifestation power, download my free success hypnosis  down below to retrain yourself, your conscious mind.

If you use that, make sure that you use The Second Mind. That's my software I created to actually rewire the brain. It's using latest advances in neuroscience and to actually literally rewire the brain synopsis because what happens is your brain gets accustomed the firing of a certain reality, often that's a limiting reality, so you're working to change it and it hasn't happened yet because the brain hasn't been rewired.

Free Success Hypnosis MP3

You can demo it for free.  

Use this exact technique every day. Come back and share the results with everyone else so everyone can be inspired by your story and see that it's possible for them.

Use this technique to manifest while you sleep. You can manifest while you sleep and completely change your life. You can, and deserve to, live the life of your dreams!

Have a beautiful day.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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