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Improve your Body Image with the Law of Attraction

Improve your Body Image with the Law of Attraction

Are you or someone you know working on losing weight, changing your body image or something like that? Have you been wondering if you can improve your body image with the Law of Attraction? I'm here to tell you that you can! You can improve your body image with the Law of Attraction. We're going to talk about body weight, body image, and how to feel happy with yourself. We're going to give you a few easy steps to help you improve your body image with the Law of Attraction. Let's go right into the video.

How to Improve your Body Image with the Law of Attraction

The first step to improve your body image with the Law of Attraction is make a list. Make a list of five things you love about yourself. Every single day. Have a minimum of five things you love about yourself. If you want to increase your confidence and your ability to know yourself, you have to get to know the things that you love about yourself. Make a list of five things you love about yourself every single solitary day. That's the very first step. If we don't have that, then we place all of our emphasis on achieving our ideal weight loss or gain, whatever that idealized version of ourselves is.

We place the emphasis on achieving that thing and even when we get there, we're not happy. You see that with a lot of supermodels.Their emphasis - their focus - for their whole life is placed on their physical body. They've achieved the top one percent ideal way to look but they still feel less than and inferior. That's because we're placing all of our emphasis on an identity, on a physical identity. Maharishi had a saying that "that is real, which does not change." Your body isn't real. It's not your real identity. It's not who you are. It's always changing.

improve your body image with the law of attraction

Start with five things you love about yourself every single, solitary day.

Step number two is make achievable goals.

Whether you're a male or female, if they're related to your physicality, make them achievable like saying, "I'm going to lose 30 pounds in the next 60 days." You might be able to do it, but it's such  an unrealistic and unsustainable thing to keep up that you'll put the weight back on. You see that all the time. People get their weight off and then they put the weight back on.

The motivation is the emphasis on the physical body because we believe that if we look different physically, then somehow we will be better. There's some type of results we're hoping to get that we think will achieve if our physical body is different than what it is. I invite you to do is have an inside out approach, is to not be motivated by the external, but find an internal motivation.

The bird is powered by its own life and by its motivation. 

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 

When I played college sports, I exercised six or seven days a week. Then, after I stopped playing sports, I started working out again. Except, this time, it was for looks - for my physical body. I was doing it to look better. It's not sustainable. You don't want to go in the gym everyday. You're not as motivated everyday and it's not as rewarding. Now my goal is to be the healthiest, happiest version of myself. That's valuable to me because I want to help as many people as I can through these videos. I want to provide as much as I can for my family. I want to be as on my a game mentally as I can be so I'm productive with my time. I can enjoy my free time and I'm as good as I can be. I invite you to find an internal motivation, so going to the gym or changing your diet instead of making it external motivation

Ask yourself this question: What is an inner motivation behind this? Get crystal clear on an inner motivation. The most successful people in the world are doing what they're doing for an inner motivation. They're doing it not for an external reward, whether that's money or in this instance, looking different physically. They're doing it for an internal motivation and often the people that are in the best physical shape in the world, you'll see that that's why they're doing it.

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The people you see in the gym that are there at 6:00 AM and again at 6:00 PM or you just see them once a day and they never miss a day. It's an internal thing. It's for the optimal health goal, not for the physical appearance. Find your inner why. When you couple that with focusing every day on five things you love about yourself with an inner motivation, it makes it more realistic for you to even stick with your goals. It makes it realistic because it's a spiritual motivation rather than an external motivation that may not have the longterm drive to keep you committed to it.

Go back to those original steps because then you're no longer hard on yourself. You know what you truly love about yourself. You said you're focusing on it every day. If you don't achieve something, you don't beat yourself up as much about it. I invite you to take a step back and make very tangible, realistic goals. Make the effort, goals and effort. Goal isn't an external measurement. It's an internal measurement of whether you've shown up for yourself. So that might look like, okay, so for um, six days a week I'm going to be in the gym for one hour. I'm not going to just sit and walk slowly on the treadmill. I'm going to exert myself.

I invite you to find that for yourself too. So when you have that, it's not measured on like, I need to gain 10 pounds of muscle. That still might be something you might desire. Definitely. And you have that as a goal, but it's not the driving force behind what you do. So when you build your life off of effort goals, then you're able to let go of the outcome because you understand that the way to truly be fulfilled and happy with the work you've put in in your life, whether it's a career goal, a financial goal, health goal, or whatever it might be, the way that your fulfilled is by knowing you've put all the cards on the table. Now, the only way to do that, so to speak, is to have an effort goal. So I invite you to pick an effort goal. A goal that is about showing up and trying. It's not about the outcome, it's about the process.

improve your body image with the law of attraction

Last but not least is o,f course, increase your water intake. If you cannot totally, then almost completely, eliminate processed sugars from your diet. Almost entirely. There's no benefit of eating processed sugar other than it tastes good. There's so many negative side effects of that. Increase your water intake and decrease the amount of sugars that you're eating. Find a diet that becomes a lifestyle.

I'm very conscious of what I put in my body. I don't let processed sugars into my body.  can do your research. There's all types of things from Paleo diets to Vegan diets to low carb and high fat diets to intermediate fasting. Find what works for you. Make it an effort goal to adhere to it for 30 to 60 days. If it's hard for you to do that, make sure you get an accountability partner, whether it's your, your romantic partner, whether it's a friend or whomever it is, and make it short like say 60 days, right? Because when you say this, I'm going to eat for the rest of my life. You basically put yourself in a position where you can never win. Like we're always going to falter on our ideals at some point in life. Set yourself up for success, not failure. 

Make them short term and realistic. At the end of that 30 or 60 day period, you can say, "wow, I feel freaking amazing," or "I'm going to try this now," or "I'm going to keep the exact same thing I did for the last 60 days." Make it another effort goal based around your diet and the things that you're doing that seemed to work best for your body type.

Write down five things you love about yourself every single day. You can improve your body image with the Law of Attraction. You can reprogram your mind and improve your body image with the Law of Attraction. When you write them down, just read them back through. It'll take you 10 seconds to read them back through. Get that ingrained in your head that regardless of your goals or how much weight you have to lose or gain, you're an amazing human being and that you love who you are because that's going to be the key to achieving any goal.

How to Reprogram your Mind + Improve your Body Image with the Law of Attraction 

That's all great but how do you reprogram your mind? How can you reprogram your midn and improve your body image with the Law of Attraction? I created a free success hypnosis. The free success hypnosis is the one I used to attract the life I have right now. You can use tit to attract what you want. Use to improve your body image with the Law of Attraction. Download my free success hypnosis. Train your subconscious mind for success and for abundance. 

Get your free success hypnosis and begin retraining your mind. 

Have a beautiful day. 

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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