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How To Use The Law of Attraction!

How to use the law of attraction. Maybe you've been asking yourself that question or you've been asking yourself "How do I use it more effectively so I can create the things that I want?" If you want to learn how to use the law of attraction, read this blog.

Have you ever wanted something before and you didn't get it or you didn't think you could get it? Let me tell you, you can get anything that you want using the law of attraction.

The question to ask is "How to use the law of attraction?" It's very simple. Like energy attracts like energy. Comment down below "Like attracts like." Basically, every single thing in this physical universe is energy.

What that means is whatever it is that you want is made up of energy. Money is just energy. The house you want is just energy. The job you want, the life you want, the relationship you want. It's all different levels of vibration. That's all that it is.


 You say "What do you mean by everything is energy? "

Here's what I mean. We used to think that we live in a physical world. That's what scientists thought, until they started getting powerful enough microscopes to start looking at the particles of a wall, my body, the camera that I'm shooting on, the phone or computer you're watching.

When they started looking at them, they found that an atom is actually made up of 95 percent empty space. It's not a solid physical particle. 95% of all the atoms that make up your wall or your chair you're sitting on is 95 percent of empty pace.

What is it, then?

It's nonphysical energy. Everything has a certain energy to it. The question is "If like attracts like, how can you get your consciousness on the energy of what it is that you want so you can attract it into your life?"

What's happening for most people is they really want something. They want money, they want a relationship, they want something, but they're focused on the absence of it because everything is really two things; the presence of what you want or the absence of what you want.

People want money, but they're focused on the fact that they don't have any. They really, really want it, but they're focused on the fact that they don't have any. They're focused on the fact that it's hard.  


They're focused on the fact that their bank account says that they don't have any. They want a relationship, but they keep saying "There's no good guys left. Love is hard. Love is pain." They're focused on the absence of what they want.

Everything that you think creates a feeling in your body. It creates a feeling. All feeling is conscious awareness. It's you being aware of the vibration or the energy that you're in. When you say "I really want money, but it's just getting hard."

What energy is that? It's an absence of money. The law of attraction says that like attracts like, so your energy is in an absence of money. It's in scarcity, so you attract circumstances that match that energy. On a psychological level, what's occurring is you're sending a signal of lack, financial lack to your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind picks that energy up and then it starts to recreate that experience over and over again. That's the real kicker. How many times have you heard someone that really wants a relationship say "There's no good guys left. All of the women are all trouble."

How many times have you heard someone want a relationship, but the fact that they don't have one makes them rationalize the fact that they don't have one, and thus continue to push it further away from themselves?


How many times have you heard someone who wishes they had more money, but then they rationalize the fact that they don't have it and they go like this "You know, it's really not that important. At least I'm happy." Why not be happy and have money?

When you say "I would rather be happy" or "It's not that important", you're sending that message to your subconscious mind that says "Never mind, I don't really need money." How many times have you heard someone really wants success, but then explain and rationalize why they don't have it?

Everything is two things. Your consciousness can be focused on the presence of it in your life, or the absence of it in your life. Wherever your consciousness is focused is what's going to determine your overall energy and the position that you're attracting into your life.

I'm going to share with you a few ways on how to use The Law of Attraction more effectively so that you can create the things that you want in your life quicker, faster, and easier.

Number one, know clearly what it is that you want. If you walked around town and you asked people in any major city "Hello, sir. Hello, Ma'am. Hello there. What do you want?"

"Well, right now I'm pretty hungry." "No, no, no. What do you want out of your life? What are your goals?" Most people don't know. They don't know what they want. If they know what they want, they're not putting energy into making it a reality. You have to know clearly what it is that you want because that's the way that your subconscious can pick that energy up.

In fact, 95 percent of your life is subconscious. It's controlled by your subconscious mind. Your subconscious is below conscious, so when you know what it is you want and you give your subconscious a clear impression or intention, then your subconscious can go about creating that.

If you haven't yet, write down your goals on a piece of paper.


I'm going to share with you how to actually implant those goals into the subconscious, so that your subconscious will work about using the law of attraction to create them for you without that much effort. We always think "Oh, it's going to be too hard. It might not work out."

No, no, no, no, no. You can harness the power of the law of attraction to create what you want quicker and faster, which is what I'm about to share with you.

Number two, take what it is that you want and turn it into an affirmation to start to instill those images into your subconscious mind. Most people, when they see the things that they do not want in the outside world, they say "See, I guess it's not meant to be."

Everything is two things, which you want or the absence of what you want.

The subconscious mind only receives information in the present tense. When you're in the present tense "I'm so grateful I'm attracting large sums of money now", the universe conspiring to help me become successful. "I'm so grateful I'm attracting the perfect job that's going to prosper me and challenge me. I'm so grateful I'm attracting amazing relationships."

When you do it in the present tense like that, your subconscious doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not real. It takes that constant repetition and it takes it as a fact. Then it starts to actually program your subconscious mind, which is how you set the law of attraction into motion.

In the Bible, it says "To those that have, more will be given. To those that do not have, even that which they have, will be taken away." What is that saying? When you're in the consciousness of already having it, to those that have. To those that do not have, even that which they have, is going to be taken away.

If you're in a consciousness of "I'm broke. I can't attract love. Love is pain. Love is hard. It's really difficult to find your soul mate. There's no such thing as unconditional love. I don't have the right education to get the job that I want. Besides, I don't have the right resources. I didn't come from money."

That's an energy of not having, so what are you going to attract? Like energy attracts like energy. You're in that energy. You can only attract the energy that you come from. It's impossible for you to attract any other energy.

What I'm inviting you to do is take the statement "I am" because that's the most powerful way to program your subconscious and set the law of attraction in motion.

Turn it into a one or two sentence phrase. Put it on a three by five index card and carry it with you everywhere that you go. Even when you don't read it, you stick your hand in your pocket and you feel it.

What's happening? Your activating cells of recognition in your brain. This is neuroscience, too. This isn't like woo woo. It's based off of neuroscience.

Neuroscience tells us that every time you have a thought or an emotion, for instance, "I'm so grateful I'm inspiring millions of people all over the world." That's a thought. That's an emotion. I have an emotional excitement to that and I can feel the reality of that before that have actually occurred. That's firing brain cells. It's firing nerve cells. There's a term in neuroscience called Hebb's Law.

Comment down below "Hebb's Law". Do it just to make sure that ingrains in your mind and you walk away actually learning something from my blogs. There's a lot of great blogs out there and I want to make sure you learn these things, so please comment down below Hebb's Law.

When I say "I'm so grateful, I'm inspiring millions of people." I'm not just saying that, right? I'm doing it with emotion, so I feel the sensations of that in my nervous system. What's happening when that occurs is you're firing brain cells.

When you have similar brain cells that fire together over a period of time, Hebb's Law takes place. It says that brain cells that fire together, wire together. It creates your neurocircuitry, which is the way your brain habitually operates and produces your reality. You can wire your brain to money even, though you don't have it.

In fact, that's what I did. I was struggling for five or six years. My wife was in debt. Things weren't working out. She was my girlfriend at the time. Things weren't working out. She was trying to take care of me because nothing was working for me.

I created a success hypnosis to rewire my brain and my subconscious mind so the law of attraction would start working for me when I was asleep, when I was awake, didn't even matter. Ninety five percent of your life is subconscious. That means even when you're not consciously working on things, you can set the law of attraction in motion.

Here is the exact hypnosis I use -

You can start to use that to get in the energy of what you want before it exists and wire your brain for it.

Pull out a three by five index card. Write what it is that you want on a piece of paper and start carrying with you. The purpose is, you have to change your story.

If your story is "I'm broke, I'm broke, I'm broke.." You're going to continue to produce that reality because those that have, more will be given. To those that do not have, even that which you have, will be taken away.

Albert Einstein said that logic will take you from A to B, but imagination will take you anywhere. You have to expand your mind. You have to expand your imagination.

Let me ask you, what do you truly imagine for yourself?

What do you truly imagine for your life?

If you can start to do that, you're going to start activating new brain cells. You're going to start pulling things into your life. The most simple way to think about the law of attraction is the earth has a pull. It pulls the moon and its orbit. It has a certain cosmic pull and it pulls things into its orbit.

You have a gravitational pull like that. You pull things into your orbit. You don't pull moons into your orbit, but you pull to you similar energies, circumstances, situations. The results of your life get pulled to you just like you pull things into your orbit as a planet.

You pull things into your orbit as an individual consciousness. That's how we attract things into your life.

Comment down below "I am a powerful being. My thoughts create reality."

The last step on how to use the law of attraction is this. Realize that all things are possible. Science tells us something very simple. Energy is never created or destroyed. Remember, energy is everything. It may seem like a weird idea that your chair is energy. Why?

Just because we've been programmed to believe that we live in a physical world. The world of physical things is made up of energy. Energy is never created or destroyed. What does that mean? If energy is never created or destroyed, everything that you want already exists.

It just exists outside of the realm of your consciousness. We have blinds on our consciousness where we say "This is reality. I'm Jake. I make this much amount of money. Here's what's possible in my love life. Here's what's possible based off of my education or lack thereof."

It's this little box and we're sure that that's our reality, but it's really not. It's just a finite amount of reality that's produced based off of the power of your own perception. Your life can change so drastically in just a couple weeks just by changing the way you're thinking.


 Most people are too realistic, so they look at their bank account and there's no money in it so they say "I'm broke." They reflect on their love life and they say "This is going to be difficult." They're basing it off of their past, but energy is never created or destroyed.

That means whatever you want, the money, the love, the happiness, the career, the opportunities. Whatever it is that you truly want in your life is just, it's here, but it's nonphysical. It's outside of the spectrum.

If you blow a dog whistle, you can't hear it, but you blow it because you're sure your dog can hear it. Why can your dog hear it, but you can't hear it? Because it's outside of the spectrum of sound that your ears, your physical senses can pick up, can comprehend.

It's still happening, you just can't hear it. There's energy moving, but you just can't see it. You just can't see the money. You just can't see the love. You just can't see the opportunity that's right around the corner.

You're more powerful than you think. You're more worthy than you think. You're deserving. When you press delete on your consciousness based off of all the crap that's happened to you, and you stop carrying it with you, you get in this position of real possibilities where great things can occur.

Energy is never created or destroyed. What you want exists, it just exists outside of the spectrum of visible light that your eyes can see. Lack of evidence is not an evidence of lack. It's not an evidence of lack. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not going to happen. 

Energy is never created or destroyed. I knew that I could be an instrument that would inspire people. I knew it in my heart and I'm telling you, start to know in your heart that you're good enough for what you want, that it's possible.

Whatever it is that you want - to be a doctor, to be a lawyer, to have your own business, to make more money, to get out of debt, to have a family, to attract your soulmate, to lose 50 pounds, to change your health life, to move to where you want to move. Drive which you want to drive. Live where you want to live.

I'm telling you that it's possible, but everything is two things; the presence of what you want or the absence of what you want. To those that have that are in the consciousness of possibilities, more is given. To those that do not have, even that which they have, is taken away.

Energy is never created or destroyed. What you want exists, but it's outside of the spectrum of visible light you can pick up that's based off of your perception. What I'm inviting you to do is start to change your perception. Change the way you look at things. Start to look at this world from a bigger level of possibilities.

Start affirming to yourself "I'm an individualization of God energy. I'm worthy of everything that I desire. The money is on the way. The love is on the way. I know there are great things coming. I know it. I feel it. I see it in the depths of my soul."

Comment down below "Lack of evidence is not evidence of lack."

If this blog speaks to you, please be sure you read it again right now. Make sure you're able to apply the question how to use the law of attraction. Watch this blog again. Thank you for reading it.

If you have not yet, be sure to

Use that to rewire your subconscious mind so that you can begin to use the law of attraction more effectively.

Comment down below "I am a powerful creator."

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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