I'm going to break down how to attract money now into your life quickly and effectively.Period. End of story. This is the most powerful way to do that. If you want to make more money, you want more financial freedom and you want to bring it into your life quicker and faster than you thought before. So my name is Jake Ducey with Jake ducey.com. And if you haven't yet get my free financial success hypnosis right there down below, above the comments. It's one thing to read posts and watch videos, but it's another thing to start to reprogram your subconscious mind. That's when incredible things started to happen. So it's right there down below it's jakeshypnosis.com let's dive right into this post. Also check out my other blog How To Attract Money Immediately if this interests you.
How To Attract Money: Stop Being A Victim!
So if you haven't noticed we've created a culture of total victims. This happened long before the last 18 months, but it's exponentially increased over the last 18 months. Everybody has a reason why they're a victim. And in most cases, it feels right because the news tells you what's right. After all, the major corporations that all of a sudden are on our side tell you you're right. And so the very first thing to start to attract a lot of money in your life is you have to renounce a victim ship entirely. You have to take 100% total responsibility for your financial life. It's not your boss's fault. It's not the government's fault. It's not Jeff Bezos's fault because there's infinite money anyways. It has nothing to do with your gender. It has nothing to do with what school you did or did not go to the pigmentation of your skin, how old or how young you are, nothing to do with it whatsoever. And if you can't 100% agree with that, you'll never be in control of your financial life ever, because if you can't 100% agree with that. What you're saying is I do not have the power of my financial life, this outside thing that I'm stuck with us.
Believe It Or Not Some Of This Is Our Responsibility!
So Jack Canfield breaks it down in his book, The Success Principles. And he says, you've either created, promoted, or allowed everything in your life. So you might say, well, I didn't create my financial situation. And I would kind of argue, yeah, you did. But if you didn't create it, there's a chance you promoted it, or there's a chance that you allowed it to get to where it is today. This is how you attract money, you have to realize you are a freaking powerful creator, but you can create an infinite number of circumstances to be a victim too as well! Because you're an infinitely powerful creator with free will and just like getting in shape. Have you ever met someone that was in incredibly good shape, incredibly fit? And you were like, wow, you're in good shape. And they're like, uh, I'd be in better shape. But my mom, you know, and like, it's just the gym is expensive. It's like $9 a month, man. And I don't have any time. No! They never talk like that. Only the people that are out of shape do that. It's the same thing with our finances. We have to be able to look in the mirror and say, I have created this and now I'm going to change it. That's what it means to move from a victim to being a powerful creator.
How To Attract Money: Don't Settle For Less
You have to learn how to say no. See what changed my life is when I started to reassess not only my value because I was still a little unsure of it, but I started reassessing what I was doing daily and who I was surrounding myself with. And I started saying no to things as an author, many people want you to do speaking arrangements. I said no to free speaking engagements forever unless it was something that just really pulled up my heartstrings. What happened? I started manifesting money fast and attracting an all-new type of group of opportunities and individuals. Why? Because I shifted my self-image. I no longer viewed myself as, as a speaker, as an author that had to do free gigs. And when I started practicing saying, no, I shifted, I had an identity shift in my self-image.
Lean To Say No: Know Your Value!
And I started viewing myself as someone worthy of paid gigs. So guess what? I started attracting different people instead of energy vampires, free, free, free, free, free. I started attracting powerful people that wanted to pay me.This is how to attract money in a very quick period of time, I went from saying no to every single free gig to attracting my very first $10,000 speaking gig. And it happened just like that. What shifted my self-image shifted. And if you say yes to everything you want to say no to, and you do constantly free gigs. And when somebody says, well, how much do you charge? And you go, well, I normally charge 200, but for you, it's 50 bucks. What are you doing? You're belittling yourself on a metaphysical level, what are you doing? You're sending off a signal of scarcity. You're afraid that you're going to lose every client.
You're afraid you're going to lose every customer. You're afraid you're going to lose every opportunity. So you take any price. Anyone will give you no matter what, then you're resentful. Then you're drained. Then you don't have the time for the big gigs. And you're not even vibrating on the frequency to attract them back into your experience. But when you learn to say no to things that do not value you, even in the beginning, if it means you have more free time and less work, you're attracting bigger work. You're attracting bigger money. You're attracting more opportunities. Learn to say no, and you're going to watch your financial life change very quickly.
How To Attract Money? Actually Want It!
Now, next, you have to decide that you actually want it. I know that sounds like a weird idea, but bear with me here. This is an important one. And this is why success hypnosis is so important. If you haven't gotten my free success hypnosis, it's right there down below,It's free. You have to start reprogramming the subconscious and change your belief systems about success, money, and prosperity. Now, when I say you have to actually desire it, here's what I mean by it. There's a couple of ways this manifests, first of all, we don't think we can achieve a lot financially most of the time. So we don't even desire it. It becomes a self-protective mechanism that blocks us from having to deal with the emotions of failure. So we go, yeah, I didn't want it anyways. It's not that important. Anyways.
If You Don't Want It: It Won't Come
What are you really saying? First of all, you're saying, I don't believe I can get it. Secondly, you're saying, I don't really want it. Anything you don't really want. Isn't going to be in your life. Have you ever met someone that hates Harley Davidson's that has a garage full of Harley Davidson's unless it's a very poor romantic relationship, your spouse is never going to stay with you. If you say things like that about them, you know, "my wife's just not that important. Happiness is more important than my wife's."You would never say that. And so what happens is it seems so distant from us that we talk ourselves out of actually wanting. We talk ourselves out of actually building a burning desire. And unless you have a burning desire, you'll never have the courage to say no. You'll never have the courage to get rid of victim consciousness and stop blaming everything. Why, why would you give up that story that gives you a self-protective mechanism? And it gives you tension.
You Deserve It All: So Have It!
If you don't really believe that you can get money to begin with, you have to actually genuinely want it.This is how to attract money and when this happens, you set real goals, not little crappy baby goals. When you really want it, guess what happens? Your life shifts. Instead of walking through life thinking you'll never obtain it. Your entire consciousness begins to shift. And you have to break through some of the belief systems. What's more important?Your arm, your leg. I mean, for me, I'd prefer to have both of them. What's more important money or happiness. I mean, I prefer to have both of them, to be honest with you.
I think that the idea of having one or the other was built out of a consciousness of people that never had any. So they used it as a self-protective rationalization mechanism to be okay with not having what they really want in life, build a burning desire, realize it is your right to be rich. It is okay for you to be rich. And in fact, you're going to make the world a better place if you have it. Why do you think God created an incredible world of abundance, beautiful mountains, where your home can be with a great view, your favorite car?
Live In Abundance: It's How It's Supposed To Be!
Why do you think God created suffering children, maybe it's so that you're rich enough to build an epic nonprofit that starts to build a massive new school. That changes thousands of kids' lives. So they're not stuck in the public education system, but you need money to do it. You think I just created infinite abundance. So people go, I don't really, I don't really want it. You know, Lisa, I'm happy, but you're not happy. That's the problem you say no to everything you really want to do. And you say, I don't have the money as the excuse, is that freedom? Is that how God meant us to live?
It is right that you have money? It is good if you earn it honorably and money is just a reward for service rendered. So take a deep breath, open your eyes, realize you have a place in this world. That you're good enough and smart enough. Heck, you don't even need to be that smart to have a lot of money. You just have to believe not only that it's possible, but you have to actually say you want it and not feel bad about it. It's kind of like people stay in the closet financially. They're like, I don't really want it, but like deep down. They wish they had it. What I want you to do is pull out a pen and pad, and write your real financial goals on a piece of paper When you write your real financial goals on a piece of paper and you get emotionally involved. That's, what is going to give you the courage to take total responsibility, to drop any limitations and victimhood. That's when you're empowered to say no.
So thanks for checking out the blog. If you enjoyed it, give me a comment right there down below. Let me know what is most important to you right now. Don't forget my free success hypnosis. Every day, I get these amazing stories of people's whose lives changed forever by using this because 95% of our life is subconscious. We've inherited all these crappy belief systems financially that block us from attracting what we want. So it's right there down below. Give me a comment down below that says it is my right to be rich. Thanks again and we'll see you next time!
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Mark D here in Massachusetts and looking forward to changing my mindset