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How To Align With The Universe

If you want to attract everything that you desire, it's very simple. Just learn to align with the miracle working power of the universe. In this blog post, I'm going to show you how to align with the universe to attract anything that you want quickly. 

Number one, speak only in present tense. The Universe is essentially a divine intelligence that's in everything. It's in you. It's in the wall. It's in the money you want. It's in the dream job you want. It's in everything. It's energy. Everything in this world is actually made up of energy, and when you grasp that the universe is language is only in the present tense, then you can communicate and align with the universe in a way that's so powerful that you drop the resistance to whatever it is that you're wanting to manifest.

The thing is, everything that you want in life, think of anything that you want in your life, any desire that you have. It's already here. It's just that for whatever reason, we're blocking it from showing up in our life. Have you ever before felt so in flow, maybe you came out of church or the gym or yoga or you had just a great day hanging out of your house?


Or your on vacation and like everything flowed perfect for you, like all of your thoughts were amazing. You were attracting things into your life with almost no effort, certain people, certain things. It was just like things were coming to you. The reason was you had no resistance.

Now when we're naturally in that place, we can attract anything and it's the true state that we're supposed to be in. So the universe communicates through your subconscious mind and vice versa. You communicate with it through your subconscious mind.

Now, the only way your subconscious responds is through the present tense. So most people will say, I will create more money, hopefully. I might try to get a raise. I wish that person would just ask me out because I don't know. What if they say no to me? I'd feel weird. "It would be nice if that's how most people talk.

I am going to attract more money. I am attracting more money. I am traveling around the world, living my dream job, I am love, and I'm attracting amazing, fulfilling, romantic relationships into my life. Speak only in the present tense because when you communicate in the present tense, what you're doing is you're aligning the forces, the dormant forces that were always there to bring about whatever it is that you want, and most people's biggest problem is they're speaking in the past or the future with some level of doubt and it's blocking what they want from showing up because your words are literally the building block of life. So what I invite you to do is take your desire, and then put it in the present tense. I am grateful that and start talking to yourself in a way that your desire already exists. Now this can be difficult because the programming says, well, it doesn't exist.

I mean, you're an idiot. Remember, you can get what you want - no that's going to be too hard. No, it doesn't work quite like that is not that simple. It talks like that and so you need to start moving through that voice that's going to be uncovered and is going to say, no, no, no, no. no. This is silly. This is goofy. This is silly. This is goofy and when you start to use the present tense over and over and over and over again, what happens is it's the same way as when you hammer a nail. You've got to hammer a nail more than one time, so you hammer the nail a few times and then it goes into the wall. Similarly so, when you're speaking in the present tense, I'm grateful this. I'm grateful that. I'm grateful this and you convince yourself that you already are in that place.

What you're doing is you're sending a vibration out into the universe that's causing people circumstances, similar situations and objects in our world that are in alignment with that frequency, in alignment with that energy to respond to it. That's how the law of attraction works.

vibrations into the world

Like attracts like and so when you're in a place where you're like, yeah, I'll try to make more money. I mean, I've been trying to attract my soulmate. I mean it's just there's not that many good guys out there. There's not that many good girl. I mean, it's just hard to find quality dates. I just feel so different than everyone. When you're speaking like that, the essence of that energy is attracting people, circumstances and situations that have a like energy to prove yourself, talk to you. So then another person comes into your life is another failed romantic relationship or you have another financial opportunity and it doesn't work out and you say "See?" "I knew this didn't work like that."

The universe wants to prove to you whatever way you speak to it, so speak only in the present tense as if your desire has already materialized. It will amaze you what starts to show up in your life and you have problems with that.

Number two, practice saying "Thank you, universe." for the different things in your life. "Thank you universe for all this money to buy those peas and carrots and the other stuff I'm just bought from the store five minutes ago." or "Thank you universe that I have a working car that's allowing me to get to the grocery store."

"Thank you universe that I have the electricity and the money for the electricity and somebody created the technology for me to currently be either on my phone or my computer right now watching this video." "Thank you universe for all the challenges in my life because you know when I really reflect on them, it's actually helping me become a better person."

"Thank you, universe." So the universe is a living, breathing intelligence that when you give it the appropriate attention, it responds to you. It's just that most people's attention is focused on things that have nothing to do with what they want. And so what you do is "Thank you universe." "Thank you universe." Like every time you pay for a bill, every time you click the mouse right now on your YouTube channel, thank you universe that you have a finger in order to click it.

Or you know if for whatever reason you don't have a finger that you have some way that you're able to click this right now where somebody is helping you watch it. If for whatever reason you can't do it on your own, and what happens is every time you raise the level of gratitude - and you direct it to the universe - what happens is, because life is such a friendly place, and it wants to reward you for your attention, it gives you more things to be grateful for.


So then things keep getting better and better and better. It keeps increasing. It was like damn yesterday, I was grateful because I found for pennies on the ground. Today, I found $100 on the ground. Right? And it just keeps growing because where attention goes, life flows back to you. So practice saying thank you, universe and pick whatever it is, comment one of them down below. 

We'll start a gratitude chain and it will make everyone's vibe increase, so thank you universe for whatever and start saying that hundreds of times a day.

Number 3: don't be afraid to fail. What happens is, we forget that the universe is on our side. The universe has our back. It's divine intelligence that we're wanting the same width and that the purpose of life is for us to realize ourselves as these powerful beings, is to experience the fullness of life. What happens is we do those first two steps right, but then a door opens. A sign shows up, an opportunity comes and we're afraid to ask that person out, to start the business, to share that idea, to have that scary conversation to ask for what we truly want because we don't want to fail. 

We just don't want to mess up. We don't want to feel bad. We don't want to put our energy into something and it doesn't work out but remember this, we live in a world of infinite possibilities. We live in a totally friendly, abundant world. We live in a world where the universe, where God, where spirit, with whatever you want to call, that life itself is by nature a friendly, beautiful place, and life should be good. It should be enjoyed. You deserve whenever it is that you want. If you have challenges, if you "do fail", which really it's not failure at all, it's just a stepping stone in another opportunity for you to get higher up the staircase but that's all it is.

Even if you "do fail" or do have a difficult time, the purpose of that challenge is so you grow as a person because it's not what you get from the universe. It's who you become in the process because that's the true wealth and when you're in that place of the true wealth, then you've got the secret to life.

You can attract anything you want to attract. And seeing signs from the universe means its on it's way. You can be totally peaceful and content just being in this moment and that's the true ecstasy and joy of life and so don't be afraid to fail. Don't be afraid to fail. Go do something that scares you, that you're afraid of because life is a friendly place. Comment it down below - "Life is a friendly place." "Life is a friendly place" - get that in your head.

Most people don't think that. They think if someone's out to get them, there's no good people. Most people are liars. The government did this problem and here's the problem now, and they're not in a place where they believe life is a friendly place, so the universe says, yeah, you don't think it's friendly place. I'll give you what it is, the essence of your energy. So if you want to align with the universe, believe and know and comment down below, "It's a friendly place."

This is Jake Ducey with JakeDucey.com. Rewind this video back through. Watch it again. If it speaks to you, be sure that you download my free success hypnosis at www.Jakeshypnosis.com to align with the universe and train your subconscious mind for success, for abundance in the present tense.

I've also got the Second Mind Neuro-Programmer, you can demo it for free. Use The Second Mind down below to train and re-wire your brain to attract what you want. 

Have a beautiful day. Comment down below - best life ever. Comment down below - best life ever. If you watched this video all the way through, I appreciate you. Thank you for watching. Have a beautiful day and you made my day if you watched this video all the way through.

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

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