1111 Meaning

1111 secrets. The hidden meaning of seeing 1111 have you seen 1111 on your clock? Have you seen 1111 on an address or phone number? What's the hidden meaning? What is the universe trying to tell you? What is God trying to tell you? What is your higher self trying to tell you by showing you these numbers?

Okay, so the first hidden meaning is to check your thoughts. This can be one of two ways. It can be an affirmation that your thoughts are on par with what it is that you're wanting to create more of in your life. Or it could be the opposite and it's a reminder. Let's say that you wanted to attract your soulmate, but you found yourself constantly thinking about the fact that they haven't shown up.

Maybe you're thinking about past relationships and how they haven't worked out so you're thinking, are there any good guys left? Or let's say you want money. You know you want it, you work for it, your goal is clear, but you find yourself constantly focusing on the pessimism and disappointment that the good breaks and great opportunities have not presented themselves yet because everything is really two things - What you want and the absence of what you want. We now know that consciousness and perception creates reality.

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So you could consciously want money. You could consciously want your soulmate, but you could be focused on the absence of it and you only experience what it is that you perceive. So 1111 is saying, "Hey, your thoughts are in the right place". Or it's saying, "Hey, check your thoughts. Are they where they should be right now?"

If you keep saying "I'm broke. I hope the money comes sometime in the future." You're pushing your desires into the future and 1111 is asking you to reframe your phrasing. Let's start saying, "I'm so grateful that God's abundance flows into my life. I'm so grateful that I feel love within myself and every cell of my body. Therefore, I attract and I radiate. I'm so grateful that I finally am going on amazing dates. I'm so grateful. I'm attracting great and fantastic opportunities. My life is getting better and better."

1111 meaning

Number two is saying to reclaim your connection. We're all one. You are one with the universe and you are one with God. This universal energy is in everything. It's in the walls. It's in every cell of your body. It's in every fiber of your brain and tissue of your body and you are not separate from it.

You are an individualization of it. You're one with God. You're one with the universe and you're an integral part of it. The universe is always expanding, constant, and ever growing with abundance and pure love. All of these things that you would characterize as the qualities of the universe or qualities of God, are all qualities that are within you and are a part of your destiny.

When you see 1111, start affirming, "I am one with everything that I desire. All I want already exists."Comment that down below.

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The technology designed to wire your brain for what you want!!!

1111 is saying, Hey, that thing on your mind right now, proceed confidently. You're in the coffee shop and you look at your phone and it says 1111. For the last four minutes you've seen a really attractive person that you want to talk to, but then you're psyching yourself out so you're not doing anything. 

1111 is saying, go talk to them. Proceed confidently. You have a new idea and you're like, will this work? Will this not work? You look at your phone and it says 1111. It's saying, proceed confidently. Remember you're one with God. You're one with everything that you want and you live in a friendly universe.

This is a friendly universe. Albert Einstein said that perhaps the most important question that you'll ever ask yourself is, do I live in a friendly or hostile universe? 1111 is saying you live in a friendly universe. Now, proceed confidently with whatever it is that's on your mind and good things will happen.


Miracles are normal


About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

  • I am one with everything that I desire. All I want already exists.

    Oh and, I’m from France ! Thank you for all your videos, it helps a LOT !

  • Both me and my kids have 1212 in our birth dates/social security numbers and since they are three of the best things I have created in my life I will hold double twelves as magic combination for me 🙂

  • Thanks Jake and support team for the 11/11 message it was what last night was all about and communication has been received. I am in ful control of my desires. I’m grateful for everything that I have received and that which I am receiving

  • This was so helpful. I have always read to make a wish at 11:11 or that was when my angels were talking to me (who are my mom & grandma angel ????????). I never looked at it like I need to stop asking for things and started showing gratitude for the things I want. To talk like I have them “now”!!! This has been so helpful you have no idea!!! I will pass this on to friends in their spiritual journal who are confused about this as well. I wish you nothing but love, peace, and blessings!!!!!

  • Jake, I love seeing you & Ashley smile everyday, you have wonderful energies & are a beautiful couple!! I lost everything, due to illness & my husband leaving (he couldn’t handle the disease, even though it is myself that has to live it?) Anyway, watching y’alls vids everyday have helped me tremendously, & I am working on manifesting my dream life. I will not give up or give in, I know I deserve to live my dreams! I have seen the LOA work in my life, all thanks to listening to you& Ashley. Keep it up, much love! Thank you!

  • Jake, I love seeing you & Ashley smile everyday, you have wonderful energies & are a beautiful couple!! I lost everything, due to illness & my husband leaving (he couldn’t handle the disease, even though it is myself that has to live it?) Anyway, watching y’alls vids everyday have helped me tremendously, & I am working on manifesting my dream life. I will not give up or give in, I know I deserve to live my dreams! I have seen the LOA work in my life, all thanks to listening to you& Ashley. Keep it up, much love! Thank you!

  • THANK YOU????
    I am going to write down some of your affirmations so I can see them all the time. I watch you on youtube daily as well????

  • I am one with God and the universe. Wonderful things have happened for me since I started watching your videos. Ironically I see the number 11 all the time to the hour, every hour! I have so many issues on my mind, I’m wondering what it is specifically that I need to pay attention to. Shout out and peace from New Mexico.

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