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  • #1 Sign What You Want Is Closer Than You Think

#1 Sign What You Want Is Closer Than You Think

Are you wondering if your manifestation is close and if you're even on the right track? In this video, here's the number one sign that your manifestation is close and you're on the right track. ​

So are you kind of getting nervous, maybe a little scared, or maybe you're just kind of doubting yourself? The universe, God, whatever you want to call it, made all the best things in life on the other side of fear.

All the best things in life are on the other side of fear because the point of us incarnating as us being spiritual beings, having a physical body and coming into this life form is for us to learn, is for us to grow, is for us to evolve. There's no better way to learn, grow and evolve then through fear and being uncomfortable, so the best thing in your life that you'll ever experience are going to be on the other side of fear, so you know you're on the right track.


If something is scaring you, making you doubt yourself, making you doubt the universe, making you doubt God, your own abilities that are making you self conscious, you know you're on the right track.

I'll give you a couple of examples...

Before I met my life partner, I didn't want to be in a relationship and I had actually never been in a long-term relationship in my whole life and I didn't want to be in one at all. I really liked Ashley a lot and we spent a lot of time together, but it was so casual. It was like we didn't describe ourselves as boyfriend and girlfriend. We didn't like create parameters. It was so very relaxed for the first couple years and it still is today but eventually it came to a point where we felt that either we needed to commit to one another whole heartedly or maybe you know, go our separate ways a little bit and I was so nervous about the idea of it. Not for any other reason than I'd never done it before and it scared me, and I didn't know if I wanted to do it because I'd never done it before and I wasn't intending it to happen as quickly as it did, and so by making the jump that I did, it ended up being one of the best things that ever happened in my life.

It improved my health because her and I got into the best shape of our lives. Exercise regimens, yoga regimens, it increased my business. She became my partner. It increased every area of my life and I never would've known if it wasn't for that fear.


Now, the same thing happened with my career. I was in college and I decided to drop out which is very, very, very, very, very frowned upon. I lost almost all my friends, a lot of my family members thought that I was crazy. It was very scary.

It caused a lot of anxiety and it made me question myself, doubt myself and be so scared about what's the worst that could happen and you might be wondering that. It's just an unconscious way that your brain wants to protect itself, so it worries about what's the worst that could happen if I asked that person out?

Think of something in your life right now that you've been contemplating working towards or thinking about starting or doing or asking or saying or behaving or moving, whatever it is. Think about something that you might be asking yourself. What's the worst that could happen? It's the unconscious way. The brain wants to protect yourself because the brain doesn't understand that the universe put all the best things that will ever happen in your life on the other side of fear.

It's like it's a brilliant plan by the universe because it wants you to realize that you have wings and you can fly, but it can't show you if you stay on the ground the whole time. So I decided to drop out of college and become an author and it was terrifying. It led me to like this beautiful career that I feel so grateful for.

And there's hundreds of thousands of beautiful people like you commenting all the time. In fact, comment down below if you've been a part of this community, even for a day, just comment down below. "I am loved" down below and it's so cool to see like there's all these people. It's so rewarding and fulfilling and I'm so grateful for you and it all happened after I was terrified out of my mind. My invitation to you is instead of asking yourself, "What's the worst that could happen?" Ask yourself this question: "What's the best that could happen?"

No, seriously, what is the best that could happen if you face that fear, that anxiety, that doubt, that un-comfortability? Most people stay trapped into a box that's a very small percentage of their actual potential because they're asking themselves the wrong question. Unconsciously, they're saying, "What's the worst that could happen?" They say, well, "This could happen. This bad thing could happen, this bad thing could happen. This bad thing could happen. I better not do it."

That's the ego. Edging God Out is what we call that. EGO - Edging God Out. So God says the best things in your life, all the money that you want, the career you want, the love you want, the health you want, whatever it is that you want, it's on the other side of fear but then the ego is like, "Ah! I mean, something bad could happen over there."

Here's 146 reasons why I'm going to overthink right now, my ego says, and here's 146,000,000 reasons why I need stay right here because the ego doesn't get it. Edges God Out of the edges, the perfection of the universe out. There is so much in store for you. There's so many miracles.


There's so many blessings. There are so many amazing things. Anything you can imagine or desire for yourself, even if you feel it's far away, you can have it. It's closer than you think. It's just on the other side of fear. So today, what I invite you to do is face one fear today. Comment down below one fear you're going to face today. Comment down below one fear that you are going to face today. It could be money, it could be love, it could be happiness, it could be sharing an idea at your business, it could be asking for a raise.

It could be finally charging for your art. It could be putting your music out into the world. It could be buying the house you've always wanted, but you're afraid to make the financial, investment. Whatever it is, comment it down below. Have a beautiful day and remember this, remember this - God places only the best things in your life, on the other side of fear.

Comment that below in the comments! 

The best things in life are on the other side of fear. Have a beautiful day.

Be sure that you check out the Second Mind Neuro Programmer. It's a unique piece of technology that helps to rewire the brain because the neuro circuitry in the brain gets wired in a certain way, so it makes it difficult for us to attract what we want because our brain wires in a certain way through all the social conditioning we've experienced. Most people's brains aren't wired for what they want.

It’s www.thesecondmind.com and you can demo it by clicking here

We get the most amazing stories everyday. People manifesting crazy miracles, changing their whole life. And you can demo it for free at... www.thesecondmind.com. Have a beautiful day. 

About the author

Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world.

Jake Ducey

  • Aloha! Just saw your YouTube video on the Law of Attraction, and I must say thank you! Well explained… Mahalo from Maui!

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