Getting more of what you want is very satisfying and will really make you happy, attracting good vibes in your life. Let me know if you've heard any of these stats before. So it was said that 70 percent of Americans are losing sleep over finances, and on top of that, 9 out of 10 people die with less than $10,000 and virtually no financial assets. We're at the highest rate ever of stress-related illness. Stress is the number one cause of illness, and the list kind of goes on and on, and I was thinking about how perfect the universe is and how perfect God was.
The universe is perfect, but we get in our own way and block it. We block our finances, we block our relationships, and we block our happiness, and it's funny simply because if we let go and stop trying so hard, we'll actually get what we want. It's a paradox that when you let go and know how to let go, you start getting what you want. So I'm going to break it down into simple steps so that you can be happier and increase your energy instantly. So if you enjoy this topic, check out my previous blog, How To Program Your Mind The Right Way.
Getting More Of What You Want Is Easier When You Let Go
More of what you want, more money, more of your soulmate, a better job, more adventures, and more success. You can get what you want easier when you let go. I know it's a paradox, so let's dive right into this. Letting go can be simple if you follow these steps, because they will alter your perception of what it means to let go. You will see why getting more of what you want will make you happy and motivated. The first thing that I want to talk about is the perfection of the universe.
God is perfect. The universe is perfect, and you are made in the image of God. You are one with the universe; there's only one energy here. My face is energy; my hair is energy; and my eyes are energy. My hand is energy, my house is energy, and every single thing is energy. It all comes from one originating source of energy. You can call this source "god," "spirit,” or whatever you want; it doesn't matter what you call it.
You Are Literally Supported By The Perfection Of The Universe
It's pointing to an energy, and this energy is perfect; it's everything, and it also made the whole universe. That's the same principle that governs your life's perfection and constant expansion. So, to sum up, you are meant to have a life that keeps growing and gives you exactly what you need. That doesn't mean it will always be perfect to our minds, but it's perfect in where it's bringing us, and infinite is meant to govern our lives, meaning our lives are meant to get infinitely better and our destiny is far beyond what we can comprehend. You will see why getting more of what you want is truly a blessing given to you as a bonus.
So I want you to take a deep breath and take another deep breath, and I want you to remember this: you are literally supported by the perfection of the universe. You don't have to figure every detail out. You don't have to say, "I could make more money and my life could get infinitely better, but I don't know how, and I didn't go to the right school, and I don't know the right people." Just forget about it, take a breath, and say, "I'm a divine being; the universe supports me in everything I do, and my life constantly gets better and better and better."
Getting More Of What You Want - It Made Life So Much Easier
And when you could let go of this fundamental truth, it made life so much easier; there was less stress, and you got what you wanted faster because your perception of reality had changed to one in which you lived in a friendly universe. Albert Einstein used to say that the number one decision you make is whether you live in a friendly or hostile universe.
We live in a friendly universe; we live in a universe that is designed for growth, abundance, and success. So you can say, "My life gets better and better," and think, how could your life not get better and better? It's supposed to get better and better, and you're not condemned to an eternity of poverty, an eternity of suffering, or an eternity of bad people. You will see why getting more of what you want is truly a blessing given to you as a bonus. What you are is blessed with constant expansion, and your life is getting better and better because you are a divine being.
You Go To The Mind Of God With What You Want
So, what do you want if you live in an infinite universe, if you're made in the image of God, and the universe constantly supports you in every single solitary thing you do? So consider this: if you're made in the image of God and the universe is infinite in nature, then there's no such thing as failure, poverty, or a lack of limitation. Then you go, "Okay, well, I am one with that, so my life is meant to follow the same trajectory."
Then the question becomes, "Well, what do I want?" Not what I think I can get, not what looks possible based on my past. You go to the mind of God with what you want without reservation. You don't go to the mind of God and say, "I just want someone that's not mean to me anymore." I mean, I don't know if it's possible, but I don't know if it'd be nice. You don't go into God's mind and do that; think about it. If you went to the mind of God and said, "I'd really like some new galaxies to be made, but if it's too hard, you know it's fine, you don't have to worry about it," Imagine if that was the mind of God.Will you be truly happy when you start getting more of what you want in life?
Almost Nobody Knows What They Want
Albert Einstein once stated that the only thing he wanted to know was how God thinks without regard for time because time is an illusion. So it thinks without time, it thinks only in possibilities, and it thinks only in constant expansion without limitations and reservations, so you have to go to the mind of God in that same consciousness, which is why it says in the Bible that more is given to those that have more. It all depends on your level of consciousness or awareness.
So then you go, "What do I want?" And the really wild thing is that almost nobody knows what they want because we've taught ourselves that we can't have what we truly want. So what we do is, when someone says, "Here's what I want," it's really what they kind of sort of want; they've just talked themselves down from what they really want. And then they get to a more appropriate level instead of wanting to be financially free and retire your mom or be a millionaire in the next 10 years.
Getting More Of What You Want - The Universe Responds Back
So what do you actually want out of your life? What do you want your life to look like? What do you want it to feel like? What do you want to do? Who do you want to be? What do you want to create? How do you want to serve? What do you want your career to look like? Will getting more of what you want make you feel blessed? Where do you want to live? Who do you want to spend your time with? Think about it like this: you have prototypes, and when you get a new idea, you go get it made in a laboratory.
You get your prototype back, and then you figure out if it's good or not. If it's good, you bring it to market. It's a prototype. When you build a perfect image of what you want, you're sending a prototype to God, and then the universe responds back to that. So when you understand that the universe is infinite in nature and that it only thinks in possibilities, your job is to simply know what it is that you want and communicate it effectively to the universe, and then you don't have to worry about every single detail in your life.
It Blocks All The Anxiety And Worry
You've already let go of the process of correctly creating it. It blocks all the anxiety and worry. So by truly embracing your own desire and knowing what it is that you want, you also build the seed to let go, and the fulfillment of that desire is built into the desire itself, and that's where the magic happens. So before we move on to number three, I want you to actually take a deep breath and say, "I trust the universe."
Now, last but not least, go to your subconscious, because the reason it's hard to let go is because you might have a habitual tendency to worry over money or to think that your soulmate isn't out there. Maybe your habitual tendency is to think you're not good enough, not smart enough, or that you have an inferiority complex. Perhaps you believe you are too old; perhaps you believe you are too young; perhaps you believe you are too old; perhaps you believe you are too fat; perhaps you believe you are too skinny; perhaps you believe you are unworthy. God doesn't like you. These are all habits. Getting more of what you want will surely raise your level of happiness.
Identify Some Of Those Belief Systems
They're habits in the subconscious, so when we're having trouble letting go, not only are we creating our own suffering, but we're also blocking what we want from coming into our life, and it's all habit, so one of the ways to permanently free ourselves from this is to be able to identify some of those belief systems because as soon as we become aware of them, they're no longer trapped in the subconscious.
The subconscious controls 95 percent of your life, and so you just break it down. The habit I learned was that I'm too young, so I can't have what I want; I'm not good enough; I'm not qualified; it won't work out, and that was because every publishing company told me no. All these agents told me no. So I developed this complex where I thought I was too young, and so instead of looking at the world through the eyes of God, I looked through the eyes of limitation.
Getting More Of What You Want - It Is Difficult To Let Go
Let's say you decide you want more money. Well, think about the things that your parents, the adults around you, the media around you, and the household you were in said about money. What were the common beliefs they held? If you want more love, go back and think. You will see why getting more of what you want is truly a blessing given to you as a bonus. Consider your childhood and the types of things you witnessed with relationships: maybe the people around you divorced, maybe you heard that love was pain, maybe your parents divorced and they both tried to make the other person the bad guy to you, and so you became confused and thought love was drama and not worth it.
Well, with these subconscious belief systems, even if you consciously state, "I want love, I want money, I want crew, and I want this new business to succeed," it is difficult to let go because the subconscious is still carrying the old ideas. Now, the most powerful way to do that is to hypnotize yourself; we're talking about reprogramming the subconscious.
Getting More Of What You Want - I Live In An Infinite Universe
So I created a free success hypnosis, and a million people from all over the world have now used it. It's at Please remember that this is the most powerful way to finish this process and get what you want in life: take a deep breath every time you notice yourself worrying or having difficulty letting go, then listen to my success hypnosis.
Every time you find yourself worrying for five minutes, you close your eyes, you go to a sacred place—your car, your closet, your bathroom, your bedroom—you just find a quiet place, you put the hypnosis on, and you remind yourself, "I live in an infinite universe; I'm one with the creative force of the universe; I'm made in the image of God; God is for fuller expansion and constant expression." Expression is infinite in nature; it's all loving, and it's energy, which is never created or destroyed. You will discover why getting more of what you want is truly a blessing given to you as a bonus.
All Of The Energy That Could Ever Exist Already Exists
So, if energy is never created or destroyed, it follows that all of the energy that could ever exist already exists in God's mind as a possibility of energy, and if I can focus on what I want, if I can recognize the truth of this universe as surely as we know that if you plant a seed, it will grow and bear fruit, you will reap the fruits of your desires and goals.
So go to First of all, I want to remind you that you are a divine being. God is all-loving and has no limits, and your past doesn't show what your future will be like. Who you see in the mirror is not who you are; that's one percent of who you are. It's like renting a car. Your body is a rental car for your soul, and as for your spirit, you are a spiritual being in a physical body.
You Are Already Connected To Everything That You Want
So you are spirit, and spirit is infinite in nature. Since spirit is everything, you're already connected to getting more of what you want, everything that you want. You're already good enough for everything that you want. Just let go. Trust the universe. Trust that you're good enough. Trust that you're smart enough. Trust that your life is governed by the same qualities that govern the stars, the cosmos, and life itself. So, take a deep breath, breathe in and out and consider it.
You're only here for a limited time, so what do you want? What do you want to do? Who do you want to be? What do you want to have? Send that to God's mind, and just know that you're meant to follow the same principles as the universe. Success will bring you what you want, and what you want is seeking you, so have an absolutely great day.
Right on &very cool!