Words to manifest Must Not Include Deadly Words - There are a few words to manifest . It's really a phrase that you're accustomed to saying, and it stops you from getting what you want in life. It seems like common sense for us to say it, but we don't realize that in saying it, we actually block ourselves from getting what we want. I'm just sitting in my living room drinking a little coffee, and everyone always writes to me and says, "It's not happening yet, Jake." Whatever it is that you want, you know, there's that tendency that we often have to say, "It's not happening yet." If you’re liking this topic, check out my other blog Say These 12 Words To Manifest What You Want Fast
Avoid Thinking It’s Not Happening Yet
You have to eliminate that from your head and just get rid of it every time you catch yourself saying it. Just get rid of that phrase. It's very important to get rid of that phrase because it's quite simply not a true statement, and you might be like, "The money isn't here, my partner isn't here, and my job is here, but my health is not, and my happiness isn't here." That thing that I want hasn't happened yet, so yeah, it is true; you're wrong, Jake, and I would say, "Well, actually, no, I'm not," because Albert Einstein showed us that everything is energy, right? So if you're with me, what do I mean by that, and what does that have to do with this statement?
Energy Is Never Created Or Destroyed
Well, science tells us that energy is never created or destroyed, so everything in the universe is energy. Those are my crystal balls right there; they're made of energy. My face is made of energy. Money is made of energy. It's all made of energy, and if everything is made up of energy, then the question is, where is all the energy? And if energy is never created or destroyed, what does that mean?
Well, it actually means that all the energy that ever was and ever will already exist right now, so where is it? Well, it's just in a higher dimension; it's really not higher; it's just basically just in a different dimension. Just like when you blow a dog whistle and you can't hear it, does that mean that the sound doesn't exist? No, it just means that it's at a vibratory frequency beyond the level that your senses are able to perceive as sound. Well, is that energy real? Yeah, it's just outside of what our ears can hear.
Words To Manifest - What You Want Already Exists
It's like some people can't see the color blue. Does it mean that energy doesn't exist? no, it's just an energy frequency pattern that that person's eyes can't perceive for whatever reason but the energy still exists. So science tells us energy is never created or destroyed so if energy is never created or destroyed, then that means that what you want already exists. It already exists so this idea of it hasn't happened yet is an entirely untrue statement and in fact that's what causes you to continue to not get what you want because all of life whether we like it or not is a result of consciousness that's it.
There's nothing else at work other than consciousness. There is no reality outside of the consciousness that we give of it, and in the bible, it says that to those who have more, more is given, and what do you suppose that means to those who have more given to those who don't have even that which they have is taken away? So what does that mean? It means that to those who have, if you possess what you want in consciousness, you will have it.
The Outside World Is Just A Mirror Of Your Inner Consciousness
Your consciousness is continuing to manifest the same luck and limitation because the outside world doesn't really exist. The outside world is just a mirror of your inner consciousness. So your bank account, your love life, and the quality of your life. It's all the result of inner consciousness. So it's not outside of unmovable circumstances. It's just the result of inner consciousness. And what happens is a lot of people get their thought patterns from the outside environment, so they think at the level of their own environment. Their bank account says there's not enough money in it. So they say it's not happening yet, and I'm broke. They still haven't attracted their soulmate, and they say it's not happening yet, Jake.
Technically, it has already occurred. All the energy that has ever been and will ever be is already in the quantum field. This means that it is already a possibility, but you must first have it in your consciousness. To have it in your consciousness, you must first realize that everything is energy and that it always already exists. Because it is never created or destroyed, what creates it here in this very small dimension known as third-dimensional reality is your own feeling, consciousness, and thoughts, and your feeling is what pulls the energy.
Infinite Intelligence Is Orchestrating And Conspiring On My Behalf
Because the quantum field creates possibilities in your life here in this dimension, emotion is simply taking something that does not yet exist. And bringing it to life here in this dimension, so that I recognize that I already have what I want; yay, it's already here; the thing has already happened. I already attracted my soulmate. I'm so excited about it. It's so great to know that the universe is on my side, that infinite intelligence is orchestrating and conspiring on my behalf.
Every day, I already got that sale, I sold my house, and my soulmate is here, and I'm so happy that I'm finally realizing an awakening to the fact that infinite energy quite literally means all my possibilities already exist, and all I have to do is ask for them by stating them as facts in my own mind. The outside world has no control over me. The outside world has no control over me. I create my destiny. I'm a powerful being. I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. Every single day, I'm getting richer. I'm getting happier. I'm getting healthier every day. I'm blessed with miracles because I'm realistic.
Being Realistic Means Thinking At The Level Of Your Current Limitations
Every day, I expect miracles in my life, so everything is getting better, happier, and healthier. I'm feeling more rejuvenated and invigorated, and I know that's kind of crazy, but it's just a fact. So what happens is that your willingness to constantly address reality and the limitations of reality by talking about them is actually what's making you recreate them over and over and over again, and that's what happens to most people. That's why being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity, because being realistic means thinking at the level of your current limitations, which you don't even want but continue to think at the level of your present limitations. You don't even want them anymore, but you keep thinking about them.
Create Anything That You Desire By Harnessing Your Imagination
You must recognize that imagination is the mind of God, and you possess it. You are able to harness your imagination; you are able to create rather than react to your environment, and when you create rather than react to your environment, you are no longer controlled by it. You recognize that you are, in fact, a divinely powerful being with the ability to create anything that you desire.
You feel it, you pull it from the quantum field, and you're no longer thinking at the level of your environment. Just because the money isn't in the bank account yet doesn't mean that you're not rich. That doesn't mean the money isn't already on its way; you already know it's here, and it's thrilling, and you're grateful for it. Just because your previous dates didn't work out and you ended up divorced or in a bad relationship doesn't mean you don't have your soulmate on the way; in fact, that relationship failed because someone better was on the way.
Words To Manifest - Believe In What Does Not Yet Exist
So, all the energy that has ever existed and will ever exist is present everywhere and at all times. It just exists at a vibratory frequency pattern that is beyond what we can see or perceive. So if energy is never created or destroyed, guess what's exciting? What you want is already here because, by passionately believing in what does not yet exist, you create it. So I want you to believe in what does not yet exist, and create it. So I want you to get excited and say, "I am so grateful that all I want is here now." I'm so grateful for it. I'm so grateful that all the money is coming into my life. I'm so grateful that the universe is restoring my health and invigorating my life every single day. I'm so grateful that all the love is coming into my life.
You know I'm attracting amazing relationships and I just feel really lucky right now; it's almost as if the universe is trying to give me a heads up and let me know that I'm more powerful than I think, and it's so exciting right? So speak like that upon your life, recognize that your thoughts and emotions are the most sacred powerful energy form that you could ever harness and use.
Reprogram Your Subconscious
Because people say, "Well, this is difficult to do," I created a success hypnosis. It is difficult, but only until you reprogram your subconscious. It's easy; it becomes a habitual pattern, and so right there, down below, is my free success hypnosis. It's at jakesynosis.com, so this is my success hypnosis. It's free; all you have to do is listen to it for a few minutes every day, and it's going to start to retrain and rewire. Can I walk backwards? It's going to retrain and rewire your subconscious mind to make it easier for you to start manifesting the things that you want in life, and remember, by passionately believing in what does not yet exist you can create it.