How To Manifest Whatever You Want : The word "prayer" is thrown around all the time. We've heard it our whole life and we hear it all through religions, that you can supposedly pray for what you want and get it. I know if you're anything like me you've had an experience where you've greatly doubted that statement. Well, in this video, I'm going to share with you a hidden Bible prayer technique to manifest whatever you want.
See, this was kept secret, but it's overlooked, and when you utilize this new way to pray, you can manifest whatever you want. So in this video on the hidden Bible prayer technique to manifest whatever you want, my name is Jake Ducey with, and let's dive right into this video. So if you enjoy this, read more here - Say This To Manifest Whatever You Want
The Prayer Of Realization And Prayer Of Desperation
Step number one is that there are two prayers: the prayer of realization and the prayer of desperation. You tell me which one you think is more powerful. Here's the prayer of desperation. God, are you out there? Please, please, please give me the money. I really want Suzy to date me. Please, God, hello, please, please help me. That's a prayer of desperation. Here's the prayer of realization. Dear God, thank you for all of the beautiful blessings in my life. I'm so happy and grateful that you are blessing my life in avalanches of abundance every single day. I feel like my finances are uplifted, my spirit is uplifted, and my relationships are uplifted.
I feel a renewed optimism and a renewed sense of peace and calm and my nervous system I feel so grateful that I have so many things to be happy for I got my dream home I'm now making ten thousand dollars a month a hundred thousand dollars a month I'm now driving but right so that's an example when you're in the prayer of realization you're you're expressing gratitude not just through your words it's through your emotion toward God. That you are thankful that this has already come into being and that's when the actual magic of prayer starts to unfold in your life because you go from desperation to realization.
You Are Conscious Of Not Having What You Want If You Pray In Desperation
When you pray for desperation, you're conscious of not having what you want. The latter half of that statement is a desperate prayer to those who do not have even what they have: "Please God, tell me with the money; please God, give me the skinniest soul; please God, give me a soulmate." I just want to find love, please. If you are out there looking for those that do not have, even what they do have will be taken away.
They enter God's communion by bringing their old consciousness; their old consciousness has not been renewed because it has been conformed to the world because they are reacting to their present life over and over again. Their senses are telling them, "I don't have the money; I haven't attracted my soulmate," and then they enter God's communion by bringing that same consciousness, that same thought pattern that has been confirmed by the senses and the physical.
Prayer Of Realization
Then he is pleased; that is a desperate prayer for those who do not have even that which they have taken from those who have more and given to those who have more. A prayer of realization means that you feel that regardless of what's going on in your life, you feel the spirit of abundance flowing through you, you feel the miracle of life that's here in this moment, and you feel so thankful that the money has already come, the soulmate has already come, and that God's will blesses you in avalanches of abundance. All your needs are met instantly by infinite intelligence because there's so much love in every single cell of your body.
So the Bible says to call the things that are not as if they were; they are not according to the physical census as if they were; they are not according to the physical census as if they existed on a different dimension on a more heavenly plane in another world; and that you are calling them into existence; you are calling them into life.
Reactionary Consciousness
What does it mean to say that there is a universal energy here? It means that there is a power here that holds all possibilities, and all of these amazing things that you're wishing for and praying for already exist in the spirit realm. They already exist in the spirit realm, and when you call them as if they existed in the physical plane, they materialize.
When you notice that there aren't many zeros or commas in your bank account, you go into prayer and tell God that there aren't many commas or zeros in your bank account, and then you beg God to give you more commas or zeros in your bank account, which indicates that your consciousness is reactionary. Your mind is controlled by the physical world's creation. Consciousness is when you use your mind's ability to imagine, which God gave you because he made you in his own image.
Imagine Your Own Realities
So the most powerful God-like thing you can do is start forming your own images, your own heavenly images, and when you start forming your own heavenly images, you're actually mimicking the power of God, the command of God in God's image we're made in the perfection of the universe in this love, in this power you are made, and by the way, you've been given a brain in mental faculties so that you can form your own thoughts, imagine your own beautiful realities of whatever
God says, "Oh, they got it; they understand it now; they're understanding it; they're calling the things that don't exist as if they did; they get it now; they get what the Bible says to those who have more; they understand it now; they have it now."And as you're doing that, thanking the universe for giving you this marvelous, amazing mind, and thanking as if these images that you're seeing exist, God says, "Oh, they got it; they understand it now; they're understanding it; they're calling the things that don't exist as if they did; they get it now; they get what the Bible says to those who have more; they understand it now; they have it now."
When You Have It In SPirit, You Will Have I In Form
When you have it in spirit, you will then have it in form. Comment that, down below, when you have it in spirit, you will then have it in form. So take a deep breath, relax, take another deep breath, smile like this, and remember the kingdom of heaven is within. The salvation of the human spirit, the emancipation of the human soul, actually comes in the form of imagination.
But what you have to remember is that you live in a friendly universe, that you're totally forgiven, that you're beautiful, that you're strong enough, that you're smart enough, that life will figure it all out for you, that God will open the door where this seems like I have no idea where to go, oh well, out of nowhere there's a door, open that up, oh man, and just move me into a whole new world, and that all of those miracles are possible; in fact, it's almost as if the universe is beckoning you to really discover how powerful your mind is, and it begins by changing how you pray, moving from desperation to realization.
When You Pray In Realization, You Soon See It Materialize
Can I go into my prayer thanking God for the realization of my dreams as if they already existed? Because our minds are constantly praying, I developed a success hypnosis to begin reprogramming those old, negative thought patterns. It's just praying for what we don't want. And I realized that if I could start to change my beliefs and use the Bible to help renew your mind through transformation so you don't conform to the world, I would realize that all of your beliefs had been changed to fit the world.
I'd built all these belief systems based on my perceived limitations that I thought I had, and then I realized I could change all those. Your subconscious is totally free, and I'm wishing you an absolutely fantastic day. Remember that praying for what you want and praying for what you don't want are two sides of the same coin. When you pray in realization, you soon see it materialize.