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Why Do I Always See Repeating Numbers?

Why Do I Always See Repeating Numbers? Are you seeing repeating numbers in your life? What's the meaning of 11:11? Every time you look at your phone, it says 3:33. What's the meaning behind it? It's something I mentioned in a recent video, and now I want to go into more detail in this one. Read more here to learn more - When You See Repeating Numbers.

How To Use Repeating Numbers to Manifest

How To Use Repeating Numbers to Manifest

And what I do is talk about the power of 11:11, and the power of repeating numbers. Whether it's street addresses with repeating numbers that you keep seeing, or you wake up at 3:33 every morning, it's been happening for a while. Every time you look at the clock, you see a repeating number, so what is it and how do you use it to manifest more of what you want into your life and get more synchronicities and awesome things to come to you in your life through the power of the universe? So, I'm Jake Ducey from jakeducey.com. 

Affirm Oneness With What You Want

The first thing that I do is affirm my oneness with what it is that I want, so I take it as a sign from the universe that the universe is reminding me to shift my perception in our world. Your perceptions shape your future; you create your own reality based on your own consciousness, and our higher selves or the intelligence of the universe are often kind, helpful, and always looking out for our best interests. It sometimes gives us a sign, and this is one of the ways it does so. It is to show us through repeating numbers, right? 

When you hear repeated numbers, you think pattern; you think intelligence. When you hear 11:11, the universe must have some intelligent order, right? So it's symbolic, and what does this do? Is it that everything reminds us of the higher order? which is that everything is energy: everything in your hand, everything in your leg, everything in your life, everything in your house, everything in your car, your life itself, and everything else in the physical universe is made up of energy.

God Is The Only Source Of Energy

In the universe, there is only one source of energy. You can refer to it as God , the universe, spirit, frequency, energy, vibration consciousness, or whatever you want, or as the holy spirit, the divine, or the matrix, but this universe is in every single cell of your body, and it's in every single subatomic particle of anything that you want; it's in everything.

So what this shows you is that you are actually one with everything that you want. There is no difference between the life you want and the life you have now. Whatever you want in your life, you're good enough for it, and it's not "I hope I wish maybe one day" because you're already one with it. When you affirm and remember this, your consciousness shifts to one of possibility, to one where all you want already exists as a possibility in this quantum field in the ether, and you already have it.

When I see repeating numbers like 11:11 or whatever it is, I like to stop and I like to use the power of it as a clue to help me remember that yes, I am one with the money I want and the opportunity that I want, and this opens up the bridge so I can affirm this statement. You could say that I am one with everything that I want, and it comes to me now. 

Affirm Your Oneness With The Divine

Number two is to affirm your oneness with the divine, so when I see 11:11, what does it make me think of? It just makes me think of oneness; it makes me think of unity in the sense that I recognize that I'm one with everything that I want. Everything in the universe is energy. Because energy can never be created or destroyed, all of the energy that has ever existed and will ever exists as a vibratory pattern, often ones that I cannot see in this dimension, but that doesn't mean they aren't real. So all of this points to the fact that when I see 11:11 oneness, it's a cosmic reminder that you're one with the universe and, in essence, a divine being. Because you are one with this universal power, you truly live in a friendly universe.

The universe is always expanding. There's always an infinite supply of everything, so it's infinite and abundant, and then you think, "Well, what else is it?" It must be this pure love if it is infinite and abundant. It comes here every day; it's always here. We have everything that we could ever need, so you're good to go. If I'm one with it, then isn't my destiny also in alignment with those exact same qualities, so isn't my life supposed to follow the same universal order that the rest of the universe is unfolding in, which is infinitely abundant and loving, meaning that everything that I do in my life is meant for abundance? I'm meant to succeed in everything I touch turning to gold, that I'm meant to have the amazing relationships that I want in my life and that I'm good enough for them, that I'm a divine being, and that I'm actually a divine being.

I'm not a flawed, crappy, mortal human who is a sinner because of a terrible thing I did or a thing I'm not good enough at, or because I was just born this way, or because I'm not good at something I'm not sure I'm worthy of. No, you're a divine being, so whenever you see repeating numbers, stop, take a deep breath in and out a nice deep breath; you can do it with me right now; it should be deep enough where you can feel your belly open up and relax as you breathe in and out, and then say this phrase: "I am a divine being. I am one with the universe." You know what that means: you live in a friendly universe, and the universe is truly on your side.

Always Have The Intention To Feel Good

Always Have The Intention To Feel Good

Number three, I intend to feel good. One time I was listening to an audio book by Wayne Dyer, and he was talking about an Indian guru named Muktananda, and supposedly Muktananda was having a sat sang for all of his disciples, and they're all gathered around him, and he says, "What is the difference between good and God ?" and they had all these elaborate metaphysical explanations, but then there were a bunch of other people who just didn't know, and I don't know, and no one knows the answer, and eventually, Muktananda sits up there and says, "There is no distinction between good and God . 

Feeling good is feeling God ; it is being aware of this holy spirit, this divine power. When you feel good, you are in sync with the universe's natural qualities of well-being; you are in "flow," you are in harmony with the universe, and so on when you see repeating numbers while driving in your car, and it says 555 or 111 or whatever it is, and you notice and say, "Oh, look, it's a repeating number right now." "It's 222; oh, look, the street address is 222; oh, the office building I'm going into is 444.”

Count Your Blessings When You Feel Good

When you see it, you can go, "Oh, this is a reminder that the purpose of life is to feel good." Because, as Nana stated, there is no difference between good and God , and ultimately we're all after our own self-realization, which is to know the mind of God , if this is what we're all after as our own self-realization and our own connection to this higher power, then feeling good is one of the surest ways to be in harmony with it and to be connected to God.

So you're driving and you say, "I intend to feel good." Wayne Dyer talks about this in the book, and he says if you start saying that every time you think about it -- and for me, every time I see the repeating numbers, "I intend to feel good," there's no amount of bad that I could feel today that will make anybody else feel better.

There's nothing about which I couldn't be poor enough to make everybody else wealthy right now. There are many people who have lost their jobs, and major organizations such as the IMF have stated that many more people are falling back into poverty as a result of all of these lockdowns. So there are a lot of people right now, and you could say, "Man, I feel so bad about it," or you could say that this is one of the ways that many of the world's wealthiest people have contributed to the world; they have become wealthy enough to truly contribute to the world, and to further their own causes and the things they care about. 

Be An Inspiration And A Blessing To Others

Whatever it is that's important to them, they could become a major player or influencer and be able to develop their own visions for their communities and for their families, and so you go, "I intend to feel good; I intend to feel rich; I intend to feel love because as I do this, it's the surest way to connect to God, and guess what? If I can actually be in that place, I'm going to make it inspiring to other people.

I'll help pull them up to the next level, so comment down below: "I intend to feel good." That was step number three for how to use the synchronistic power of repeating numbers in your life to continue to raise your own energy and manifest more of the things that you want most or more of in your life by seeing repeating numbers and using them as prompts to help you connect to the universe and to your true self, which is divine and which feels good. When we connect, my gosh, it makes life easier and easier, better and better, and everything seems to work out for your highest and best good on a consistent basis. 

So I invite you to see the power of synchronicity in repeating numbers as a way to keep making your life happen. Okay, so this is Jake Ducney with jakeducy.com. Thanks for watching this video; I appreciate it if you're new. Make sure you hit the subscribe button right there, or right there if you are a returner, or you just hit the subscribe button right now. So thank you for subscribing, and thanks for watching this video. If you enjoyed it, hit the "like" button right there or right there and leave a comment down below and let me know what you thought about this video or let me know what you thought about the types of repeating numbers that you are seeing in your life right now.


when you see repeating numbers, why do i always see repeating numbers

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