January 17

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When You See Repeating Numbers

When you see repeating numbers, know what to do and learn what those numbers mean. If you see repeating numbers, such as on a clock or street sign, you will see one, one, two, three, four, and five. It doesn't matter what the repeating pattern is; I'm going to share with you five things that you need to do when you see repeating numbers on clocks, street signs, and other objects when you turn around. And the time is shown on your oven or phone; here's what that means and what you should do. You might also want to check out my previous blog to learn more - How To Use 1111 And Repeating Numbers.

My name is Jake Ducey with JakeDucey.com, and I was just out looking recently at some sustainable branches and some sustainable farms, something that I'm interested in as we continue to have tyranny in major G7 countries, and so I was looking for a sign because I haven't bought farmland before. I haven't purchased any ranches; I don't even know where to begin because the world is so vast. I mean, where in the hell do you even begin? And I kept seeing repeating numbers, whether on my phone, a clock, or a street sign.

Things To Do To Change Your Life

So I'm going to break down the five things to do that can really change your life. First, you can get my free success hypnosis at jakeshypnosis.com. So be sure to check that out, and let's dive right into this. So number one is to trust your intuition. It's funny in our world, you know, because people always have their little inspirational quotes above the toilet. You go over to your friend's house, and the wife just bought some new awesome inspirational quote about intuition, or you go over to Bob's house, and Bob just went to the corner store, and he picked up this inspirational quote above the sink when you wash your hands, and they're always about intuition. So, when you see repeating numbers, you already know what to do.

We tell kids to trust their intuition, and now, after all these things, we tell them to trust the experts. It's interesting how our whole world conditions us to give up any connection to our intuition, and it starts at a really early age. We are constantly taught to submit to authority, whether it is from adults, teachers, society, or other people. We're taught to trust outside influences more than our own inner influence or intuition, regardless of who is in charge.

When You See Repeating Numbers - The Universe Tells You To Trust Your Intuition

Our own internal compass, our own GPS system I believe you have a GPS system inside of you in the same way that when you plug a GPS system into a car, it keeps correcting you and bringing you to your destination. I believe that's the same thing for ourselves, so whether it's a job you're looking for, financial stuff, romance, friendships, or places to move, you're contemplating some big decisions, and if you keep seeing repeating numbers, it's the universe telling you to trust your intuition. So this was happening to me quite frequently. 

A few times I noticed when we were out looking at properties and I was showing up, but I was keeping an open mind and seeing what signs the universe gave me, and I kept seeing repeating numbers, primarily in the ones, but it could be any number. So the first thing is to just check in with yourself and ask yourself this question right now: "Why are you not trusting your intuition?" Why are you not trusting yourself? What is God speaking to you? Where is your heart speaking to you? Where is the spirit speaking to you? "Where are your basic desires speaking to you that you may have been ignoring, not trusting, or not listening to?" So, when you see repeating numbers, you already know what to do.

Frequency Of Colors

Frequency Of Colors

Ralph Waldo Emerson calls it the quiet whispers of the soul, so I want you to think of one of those ways you could trust yourself more, and when you see repeating numbers, stop in and say, "Where am I not trusting the universe?" Where am I not trusting myself? Where am I not listening to my intuition? And are these repeating numbers confirmation for me to listen to my intuition?" If that one speaks to you, then I think you're going to enjoy the rest of these as well.

Number two, give thanks. It's a beautiful day today. I'm thankful that I can interpret the frequency of colors. The rocks aren't really red out there, and my shirt's not really blue; it's just a frequency, energy vibrating at a certain frequency. It is a pattern that transmits a specific wavelength of light. my cornea. My eyes send an electrical signal to the color-recognition cells in my brain. This signal is read as red by my brain. It's insane, like the mere fact of seeing colors or seeing at all is insane. It's an electrical transmission of energy that is ultimately interpreted in your own brain. So, when you see repeating numbers, you already know what to do.

Always Be Grateful When You See Repeating Numbers

I'm grateful that our brain works so well that the universe created such an awesome supercomputer, and I'm grateful I can smell I'm grateful I can see; I'm grateful I can breathe; I'm grateful my lungs work, so I want you to think of one thing you're grateful for, and every time you see a repeating number like 333, as if you're at a stoplight, just say, "What's one thing I'm grateful for?" or if you have someone in the car with you, or you're eating dinner or lunch with someone, every time you see repeating numbers when you're with someone, just break up the conversation and go, "Hey real quick, what's one thing you're grateful for right now?" and then they'll tell you, and then vice versa, you tell them one thing you're grateful for.

So I hope right now that by the time we've gotten to point number two in this, you already feel your energy uplifted, and let's move on to point number three. When you see repeating numbers, you are on the right path, so the universe is perfect. So, when you see repeating numbers, you already know what to do. And many times, your mind simply gets in the way, and you overthink and doubt so much that you give yourself analysis paralysis. 

The Mind Is Distinct From Intuition, Spirit, And God

You talk yourself out of doing something that you already feel inspired to do; you overthink and sabotage something; the mind is often The only way that we ever stop ourselves from having life work out perfectly is because we listen to it so much, and sometimes it doesn't tell us the right things because it's just a pattern record player playing itself out. The mind is distinct from intuition, the mind is distinct from spirit, and the mind is distinct from God.

So, if you're seeing repeating numbers in your life on a regular basis, it could be a sign to keep going, to keep moving confidently in the direction of your dreams, to keep working through your insecurities in your relationship, to keep talking about your vulnerabilities, and to keep showing up and exercising every single day to keep doing that desire. It's letting you know you're on the right path. Take a deep breath and keep going. So, when you see repeating numbers, you already know what to do. Number four Take a deep breath to relax your neck and head, then pay attention to every part of your body to see where you're holding tension. Some people clench their jaws.

When You See Repeating Numbers - Make It A Sign And A Pattern

Some people keep it between their brows. Some people clench their toes, some people clench their fingers, and some people clench their butts. So think about the area right now, bring your attention to it, and just let go, allowing your fingers to relax, your toes to relax, and your eyebrows to relax. your jaw, your buttocks, your legs, your shoulders, and your neck and take a nice, conscious breath, and when you see repeating numbers, make it a sign and a pattern. So five years from now, it's just a part of you.

Every time you see a repeating number, you go And you take a lot of nice deep conscious breaths; consider how many breaths we take in a day. Well, think about how many of them were actually conscious. How many of your breaths in the morning, afternoon, and evening are you conscious of? So when you see repeating numbers, you're just reminding yourself to breathe; it feels good, and it allows you to reconnect to that energy, which we sometimes brush aside.

When You See Repeating Numbers - Know What The Universe Is Telling You

Know What The Universe Is Telling You

Number five, let go. When you see repeating numbers regularly but you find yourself stressed out, you're a little stressed, you're a little anxious, or you're overthinking something. And then you see 2-2-2 or you see 33 or 11-11; just let it go anytime you notice. So when you see repeating numbers, you stop, you check in with yourself, and you say, "I'm seeing a repeating number right now. What is the universe trying to tell me?"

You check in with your body, and you say, "Oh, I'm anxious right now. I'm stressed about this thing. I'm trying to figure this thing out. I'm wondering what to do." Don't overthink, so if I catch myself, I just let go, and I like to do that with a breath, so when you think about the last step where we talked about a conscious breath, it's a nice reminder to let go.

Bring Your Energy To Your Hands

Letting go is getting out of your mind and getting present with your life again. Another way you can do that is to bring your attention to your hand. So ask yourself, "Is there life in my hand?" "Can I feel the energy in my hand right now?" If you can feel the energy in your hand right now, it means you've let go, you've stepped out of your mind, and you're totally present.

So take a breath and see if you can bring your awareness to it; imagine energy coming off your fingers because that is all you are, an energy field. So don't ask your mind, "Can I feel the energy?" Instead, bring your awareness to your hand and ask, "Can I feel the energy in my hand?" This is another great way to help ourselves let go. So, when you see repeating numbers, you already know what to do. If you enjoyed this, make sure you check out my free success hypnosis at jakeshypnosis.com.


how to use 1111, when you see repeating numbers

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