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The Power Of I Am Statements Are Effective

The power of I Am statements are truly amazing and effective! Speak these two ancient words in your prayer or meditation, and your life will change forever. So welcome back, my friend. I just want to thank you for being here. wishing you a beautiful day. Put a little smile on your face and breathe in and out, because this is the moment that your consciousness shifts. This will change your life forever. So check out my free success hypnosis at and get ready for a whole new energy. So in Exodus 3:14, it says, "I am hath sent me unto you; I am that I am," and in Psalm 46:10, it says, "Be still and know that I am God." Neville Goddard said it another way: "I am" is the self-definition of the absolute foundation on which everything rests. So to find out more about this interesting topic, read my previous blog I AM The Two Magical Words To Manifest Anything You Want.

"I am" is the first cause of substance. "I am" is the definition of God. It's beautifully said. He's saying that "I am" is the definition of God, and it's the first cause of substance for all material things in this physical reality. So what the Bible says about it first is the word, and the word is "I am," and the same is true for your life. First was the word, and the word was "I am," consciously or unconsciously. "I am" is the foundation of all external circumstances. In Ephesians 5:13, it says, "All things, when they are admitted, are made manifest by the light, for everything that is made manifest is light," and Neville Goddard says that the light is consciousness itself, defined and manifested through "I am." Check the power of I Am statements and you'll be amazed.

The Power Of I Am Statements - You Direct Consciousness Through Your "I Am" Statement

All consciousness is one, but it shows up in different forms or levels of consciousness or different spectrums of light energy that make different things vibrate at different speeds of visible light. Things look like different things, but if there's one substance here, and that's consciousness, you direct consciousness through your "I am" statement. Instead of just talking in metaphysical jargon, I want to tell you probably the craziest story about how the "I am" changed my life, and then in a minute, I'm going to give you a very powerful Neville Goddard technique for the "I am" that you can start to use to change your life drastically.

Check the power of I Am statements and you'll be amazed. So if you don't know my story, when I was 19, I dropped out of college and decided I was going to backpack around the world and write a book all about it. All the publishing companies said no, and I was like, "Wow, I guess you can't create your own reality; this sucks." When I was 21, I met a guy named Bob Proctor. He's my mentor, and I used to always say, "I'm too young," or I would explain how old I was. I'm a 21-year-old author. 

You Need To Change Your Concept Of Yourself

You Need To Change Your Concept Of Yourself

When I met Bob Proctor, he said, "Stop telling me how old you are." Who cares if you're 21 or 94? You need to reverse the "I am" statement and start saying, "I'm a world-renowned successful author and speaker who makes millions of dollars and inspires millions of people." You need to change your concept of yourself; you're using your "I am" negatively. I am a world-renowned, successful author and speaker who makes millions of dollars and inspires millions of people.

He said, "Don't call me back for another mentoring session until you stop saying that." Now it was a big "aha!" moment, and it wasn't just that I felt better when I stopped saying that; my self-image and my concept of myself changed. I no longer had all these habitual excuses for why things weren't working because I was no longer allowed to say, "I am too young, therefore I can't have this," or "I am limited because of this." This great discovery of cause reveals that, whether good or bad, man is actually the arbiter of his own fate and that it is his concept of himself that determines the world in which he lives. Check the power of I Am statements and you'll be amazed. 

The Power Of I Am Statements - Conscious And Unconscious Use

So after that moment of that conversation with Bob, everything clicked. "I am" is how you direct the creative energy of God in your life. "I am" is what cements your concept of yourself as someone who's not good with numbers, someone who's not good at public speaking, someone who can attract their soulmate or someone who's rich, someone who's productive, someone who has a great memory, someone who attracts perfect relationships and people that uplift and inspire them.

It's all coming down to conscious and unconscious use of the "I am" statement, and Neville Goddard said, "If your concept of yourself were different, everything in your life would change." So, as fate would have it, I started practicing. I created a self-hypnosis in which I was told how successful I was. They were all "I am" statements. It's free, actually, and about 1.3 million people from all over the world have used it, and every day I get these epic stories of people who attract one miracle or another in their financial romance careers, and I know it works because all you're doing is getting to the subconscious core of your habitual power of "I am" statements, and that was when my life really changed.  

The Power Of I Am Statements - It Is Us Who Carry Them On

I remember that phone call with Bob Proctor like it was yesterday. I was in my car in the Vons parking lot in Encinitas, California, at the time. He's like, "What are you doing?" Why are you saying that? "Who cares how old you are?" and yours might be something different. Yours might be that you think you're not good with numbers, you're not good at public speaking, you just can't make more money, you're not that productive, you don't have the time, you're unlovable, and you're on whatever the hell it is.

All of these things may have happened to you, but it's us who carry them on with conscious and subconscious use of the "I am" statement. I know this for a fact, so I'm going to give you this powerful Neville Goddard "I am" technique you can start using, but just know your life will never be the same. My life literally changed in that moment when I was 21 and talking to Bob because I couldn't get any success or progress. My girlfriend Ashley, who is now my wife and the mother of my two beautiful daughters, was in credit card debt because I couldn't make anything work, and I started right there by changing my "I am" statement and concept of myself.

The Power Of I Am Statements - Be Realistic And Expect Miracles

Be Realistic And Expect Miracles

I ended up selling 20,000 copies of that self-published book out of the trunk of my car, which led to a TEDx talk and then a book deal with Penguin Random House, the number one English-language publishing company in the world, for two more books translated into other languages. Then this YouTube channel nearly reached a million views, launching a massive online business. When I look back, I am like, "Duh, of course that's supposed to happen; I am made in the image of God, and you are made in the image of God." So think about what can happen in your life if that happened for me. Be realistic; expect miracles. That's what Wayne Dyer used to say, and you become realistic. Try the power of I Am statements and you'll be amazed. 

I'm supposed to make six-figures or seven-figures. I'm supposed to be super productive. I'm supposed to be amazing at this. I'm supposed to attract awesome people because God loves me. I'm God's favorite form of creation. God blesses and prospers my life, but it's a god of free will that's waiting for you to direct consciousness through the intention of your "I am" statement, and now it is time. So this is an "I am" technique from Neville Goddard's book, At Your Command, and Neville starts it off with a quote: "Dwell upon just being by saying to yourself, "I am, I am, I am."

You're Becoming More Aware Of This Spiritual Energy

Continue to declare to yourself that "I am." This declaration is not conditional. Just continue to feel yourself without warning. "You will find yourself slipping the anchor that ties you to the shallow of your problems and moving out into the deep." So basically, you're simply going to get into a comfortable position and repeat to yourself, either silently or out loud, as you breathe in and out with your eyes closed, "I am, I am, I am," and Neville continues the direction.

He says, "This is usually accompanied with the feeling of expansion." You'll feel yourself expanding, as if your energy were growing. Your consciousness is growing, and you're becoming more aware of this spiritual energy. Check the power of I Am statements and you'll be amazed. Don't be afraid; courage is necessary. You are not going to die because of your former limitations, but they are going to die as you move away from them, for they live only in your consciousness. In this deep and expanded consciousness, you will find yourself to be a power of which you had never dreamed before.

You Can Do It For Any Subject

So this technique only takes about two to five minutes, and you'll repeat this "I am" until you feel the shift in your energy, until your mental energy dissociates from the record player of your thoughts. Create a space between the words so you can enter the spirit of them or the feeling or the vibration of them, and once you feel like you've lifted your awareness or your state of consciousness to where you're connected to that, where you're connected to the energy of God, the energy of spirit, this is when you actually enter your desire at the end of the "I am" statement.

"I am, I am that, I am, I am a millionaire, I am that, I am a millionaire, I am that, I am making more money every day for money, for Health." It also might be, "I am, I am, I am in perfect health; God's energy restores every cell in my body; I'm vibrating in perfect health; I am energized; everything is vibrating in perfect harmony with health; I'm energized." So you can do that for anything. You can do it for any subject.

This Energy Is Now Guiding And Directing Your Life

This Energy Is Now Guiding And Directing Your Life

Check the power of I Am statements and you'll be amazed. You've finished by giving your new "I am" statement a new way of being thought of. Once you're in the heightened state of awareness, you repeat "I am," and then you get a clear mental picture of the thing you want. So I accompany a new self-concept with it, and you'll know when you're done because you're going to feel the energy of it. It might be two minutes, it might be three minutes, it might be five minutes, and then the process is complete. Simply do this for two to five minutes every day for the next 21 days, or until you feel a new anchored state of consciousness that feels like you're now in the vibration and energy of God's likeness and image.

The potential of the universe—this energy—is now guiding and directing your life. When it comes, it will come so quick and so fast that you will wonder where the heck this energy was hiding all those lean years. So if you enjoyed this, check out my free "success hypnosis" at It's my free success hypnosis to replace that "I am" statement and start to program your subconscious mind to attract success, prosperity, and the things that you're really meant for.


the power of I Am statements, two magical words to manifest anything you want

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  • I am energized, everything is vibrating in perfect harmony with health. My I amness state vibrate God’s energy and likeness and this energy is now guiding and directing my life…. So thankful to you

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