In this video, I am going to discuss why the lack of money is the root of all evil in this world and I'm warned to not talk about this. So I've been warned not to talk about this. I've been threatened. I've been attacked. I've been belittled and they said do not talk about this. So I want to talk about it anyway. But first, it's a beautiful day. I'm sitting outside. Let's see if I can get the shot right. There are the purple mountains and there are the red ones. I got everything that they told me to stop talking about right here. But first I want to welcome you back to the channel. If you're a returner, thank you. Thank you for coming back to the channel. If you're new here, thank you. Find out more about this here - How To Stop Caring About What Other People Think
Thank you for stumbling upon this video. My name is Jake. I'm having a great day. Spring has sprung perfectly in the southwest. I can sit out with my shorts and my t-shirt, so I'm grateful for that. I'd love to hear one thing that you're grateful for in the comments right there down below, and if you haven't yet, you can check out my Free Success Hypnosis. It's right there down below. But this is a very powerful video, so don't get the hypnosis yet. Find Out What Is The Root Of All Evil.
Survival Of Families Without Enough Money
Let's dive right into this video about the lack of money is the root of all evil. So what am I talking about? I've said before that the biggest evil is a lack of money, and a lot of people don't like me saying that. I made a video and it got a lot of views, so that was what I talked about. I got all these comments. "I'm so mad I'm unsubscribing" or people that were new, they stumbled on the video, they cussed me out, and they threatened me. They said "never talk about that again, you don't understand". People got really mad about it, and I understand why. Like 10 years ago, if I stumbled on a video and somebody said that "lack of money is the root of all evil", I would have been pissed at them too. I would have probably just clicked off the video.
So I really get that, but just hear me out on this. I think we're missing something, and I think that's why I'm warned to not talk about this. So let me just lay some stats out for you. Right, I've got some stats here. So, the average person doesn't have $500 for an emergency. Fifty percent of people say they lose sleep over money concerns. The number one cause of divorce is financial stress. Sixty percent of Americans avoided recreational activities in the previous year due to the high cost. The average family credit card is approximately six thousand three hundred dollars. Now they're saying that with the inflation prices, the average household is going to pay an extra approximately four or five hundred dollars a month, and my question is, is it evil that we don't have five hundred dollars for an emergency? This clearly emphasizes the idea that the lack of money is the root of all evil. Some people might be tempted to do things wicked so they can earn more in order to survive.
I don't think you're evil or I'm evil because of it. But I think the lack of it is evil. The lack of money is the root of all evil. 0% of people say they lose sleep over money concerns. We all know how important sleep is, right? We know it's one of the most important things for human health, human happiness, human productivity, and living an optimal life. So isn't it evil that 50% of people are losing sleep over money because then it's carrying over into the rest of our lives? The number one cause of divorce is financial stress. 50% of people end relationships and end up being divorced. It causes a lot of trauma for kids, and a lot of love would have lasted if they could have solved their money problems.
Purpose Of Money Is To Give Us Options
Is it evil that love and probably otherwise productive and healthy relationships are ruined by financial stress because it's so emotional and can get so overbearing and we can lose so many options in our life and then we can't deal with it and then it messes up a relationship? I think that's evil. If you agree with me, smash the like button on this video. I believe that 60% of people avoid recreational activities because they believe they will be expensive. I think that's evil. I think that the purpose of money should be to give us options and give us freedom to experience the fullness of life. If we're skipping things we care about, we're passionate about, and are high on our values list because of financial limitation, I think that's evil.
I personally don't believe we're just here to live a meek life full of all these limitations and limited options. If we just accept that that's the way it is, then the average family credit card debt is approximately six thousand three hundred dollars. Look, for most people, those are just basic necessities. They aren't buying purses. The average family is just trying to survive, and you can't take your kids on the vacation you want, You can't get the healthy food you want, you're stressed over money, and then you're in a revolving door of constant credit card debt. I don't believe we're meant to live like that, and then last but not least, one percent of people control 99 of the world's resources, and this is where people get emotional over money because they say, "Money's ruined the world." and then you pause to think that indeed, the lack of money is the root of all evil.
Create Financial Freedom
You know, Bill Gates and all these rich people control all the world's resources. I don't believe it has to be that way. If one percent of people control 99 percent of the world's resources, what happens if you and I join that one percent club? Then it becomes 2. I mean, we just saw Elon Musk announce this huge purchase of Twitter, and now he's the largest shareholder of Twitter, over four to five times more than Jack Dorsey, the original founder. Well, why'd he buy that? Well, he's buying it because he doesn't believe in censorship. It's pretty clear he's going to use force to slowly but surely start to change the culture there, because he has a belief and he believes in freedom of information and freedom of speech and having censorship that isn't perverted to one specific ideology.
So this guy had a bunch of money and he was able to do that. Imagine if you and I had a bunch of money. Imagine if you had an extra 10 million dollars. I mean, think about the good stuff you could do. Yeah, Bill Gates and some other people you don't like, some greedy rich people. Maybe they're using their money in a way that you think is wrong, but instead of focusing on why it's wrong, why don't you and I instead decide that we're going to create financial freedom for ourselves? And if you're with me on that, then comment down below. It's my right to be rich. I really believe it is our right to be rich. It's our duty to be rich because one percent of the population shouldn't control 99 percent of the world's resources, and we could say, "The world's messed up and the financial system's messed up and they should change it." But as Jim Rohn used to say, "wishing for a different wind is naïve at best.”
What The World Needs Is More People That Will Come Alive
Little by little, I am starting to believe that the lack of money is the root of all evil. I just believe that my energy is better spent creating resources and creating abundance for myself and for others, and this shift in my mind went from me being broke, my wife being in credit card debt, to having freedom and having options, being able to employ my friends, being able to do the recreational activities I want, and being able to travel. All of this makes me feel more alive, and there's that old quote that says "what the world needs is more people that will come alive," and I believe that when we're no longer losing sleep over money, when we're not getting divorced over money concerns, when we have money for emergencies, when we aren't skipping recreational activities, and when one percent of people aren't controlling all the money, we're going to create a better world. And so I firmly believe that I have a spiritual and moral obligation to create financial abundance, and I'll actually improve the world.
If I have it, and I'm inviting you to just maybe try adopting that idea and see how that shifts your world view and how that may shift your bank account as well, do you believe we're supposed to be subservient to life circumstances? I don’t believe that, and that's why I believe that the lack of financial abundance is actually the root of all evil in this dimension. Can you have money distort your personality and then try to seek validation from it? Try to seek validation from cars and houses and get lost in a materialistic pursuit. Yes, but you can also create financial abundance. Be spiritually connected, improve the world, and improve your personal circumstances.
Build A New Ladder And Help More People Up
Instead of kicking down the ladder, you can actually build a new ladder and help more people up this staircase. Instead of the one percent controlling the whole world, I think that lack of money is the root of all evil. This is why I agree with Jim Roth that wishing for a different wind is at best naive. How To Attract Wealth And Prosperity will teach you the art of manifestation. I used to wish for a different wind all the time. I used to say things like, "Well, if the world was different, people wouldn't understand." Then I realized that all I was doing was digging a hole for myself. Some people told me not to talk about this thought that the lack of money is the root of all evil, because they'd get mad at these seven ideas, but I can only speak for myself when I say that this completely changed my life.
Some people don't like this part at all, and I understand some people get really mad about this part. I'm not saying it to make people mad on purpose. Obviously, hard work alone isn't enough. It also has to do with how we think about ourselves and how we think about money. So, I want to share with you these seven deadly beliefs that I had to change, and one of the ways I did that was through success hypnosis. I have a free financial success hypnosis right there down below, but don't get it yet because I want to share with you these seven ideas first. Then, I'd love to hear from you and find out.
Okay, number one is that money is not that important. When I didn't have any money and I was struggling to create success in my career, I eventually got to this place where instead of letting go of my attachment to results, I became essentially a pacifist in that I would tell myself that it's not that important. Fifty percent of people lose sleep over money. That's important. The number one cause of divorce is money. That's important. 1% of the population controls 99% of the wealth. We live in the best time in human history for opportunities. You could be the person that changes that statistic. That buys a new social media company that invests in inventing a new product, technology, or idea that improves people's lives around the world and generates a lot of financial resources so you can do awesome things with the world and make it an even better place to live right now. I think that's important.
Bob Proctor Has 3 Types Of Goals
The average person, the average family, has over $6,000 in credit card debt. I don't think we're meant to live with the weight of the world of constant debt and financial limitation. If you don't think Harley-Davidsons are important, do you think you're going to have one in your car? If you don't think exercise is important, do you think you're going to wake up at 5 a.m., an hour earlier than usual, so you can work out every day, even when you're tired and it's inconvenient? If you don't think relationships are important, do you think you're going to stick with them through the hard times when you're alright? I admit it's important, I admit I have a problem, I admit that I want more freedom and I want to do more cool things in the world, but I don't know how.
The thing is, we've started to develop an idea that that's bad if you don't know how. The idea that the lack of money is the root of all evil will always be something to think about. Therefore, that's bad, therefore you should stop. Therefore, it's not possible. But what if not knowing how is actually the birthplace of growth? Bob Proctor talks about three types of goals. An A-type goal is a goal I made when I made 40k and I want to make 40k again. A B-type goal is a goal you think you know how to do. I make 40k and I want to make 45. You can reasonably do something if you just double the amount of coffee you're drinking, like you don't really have to change your paradigm or your paradigm or grow that much, but then number three is a goal you don't know how to do, and that's why the point of a goal, according to David Thoreau, is not what you get but who you become in the process.
So the point of financial achievement of a big goal isn't what you get. It's not a house, a car, or digits in your bank account. It's who you become in the process of being more organized, taking more responsibility, and how this translates into the rest of your life and your family. I finally took control of my life, and the things I've learned have helped me be a better father, a better husband, and I'm definitely better than I used to be when I always blamed everything else for why things were the way they were. So not knowing how is actually good because it requires you to change, build a new paradigm, learn new skills, and grow, which is exactly what you want.
At least I'm happy. Look at them. They're probably not very happy. I don't know anything about them. They might work a lot, but they might enjoy what they do. They might be much happier than me. I don't know if it's just a general excuse to protect myself for why I was where I was in my life, but if I really boiled it down, was it even true? Think about that if you say things like "at least I'm happy," and ask yourself if that's true. For the most part, it was true for me, but there were a lot of things I wanted to do. My wife and I wanted to travel, backpack, camp, and fly.
Life Is Not All About Money
Number five is that life is not all about money. That was another one of the self-protective things that I would say, kind of like, "Well, at least I'm happy and, of course, life isn't all about money." It's a silly statement, it's an oversimplified statement, and there's a lot of nuance to it because if we go back to the beginning and fifty percent of people, uh, can't come up with five hundred dollars for an emergency, fifty percent of people, or over fifty percent of people, are saying they're losing sleep over money. The number one cause of divorce is money. So you see, the lack of money is the root of all evil. One percent of the population controls 99.99 percent of the resources.
Sixty percent of people say they can't do recreational activities that they want because they're afraid it's going to hurt their wallet. Then what kind of life is about money? It's not all about money. Life's about love, life's about health, life's about wealth. Life's about freedom, right? Life's about relationships. Because the subconscious mind is the emotional mind, it stores those emotions and blocks you from attracting more financial abundance in your life, even if deep down you want it. Because the subconscious mind isn't logical, it can't interpret, oh well right now, Jake's just doing a self-protective mechanism to, um, not come face to face with his own feelings of procrastinating and not taking advantage of life's opportunities.
Okay, let me keep this away because somehow I associate this with pain, so let me replace that idea with "life's not all about money." Isn't it just as true to say that life is about freedom and money can give you options? Life's about freedom. Money can give me options. I'm not becoming a slave to money, but I recognize it as a bridge that can promote even more freedom in my life if I want more freedom. Number six is that I'm not smart enough or good enough with money. I'm not smart enough and I'm not good with nothing. I'm not a number person. I read Steve Jobs's biography a long time ago, and one of the main things I learned about his mindset was that he thought he was the exception to every rule.
Most Rules Are Really Illusions
This came out in weird ways, like when he drove 200 miles per hour on the freeway and the cops pulled him over, and he'd tell the cop to "piss off" or something like that. That's a weird example of someone who thought he was the exception to every rule. So I used to believe that I was too young and not smart enough to become a successful author because I didn't have the qualifications like everyone else. They go to ivy league schools and do all this stuff, and I'm not even good at grammar and all these types of things like that, so I started saying I am the exception to every rule, and then you find out that most rules are really illusions.
I'll just say I'm the exception to every rule, especially number seven. What if it doesn't work out right? So, what if it doesn't work out? Well, what if it does, instead of what's the worst that could happen? Instead of ignoring the worst that could happen, what's the best that could happen first? I thought about it in my life. I was 19 years old and I said I was going to drop out of college, backpack around the world, then I was going to write a book about it, then I was going to become a successful author, and all these things, and everyone thought it was like the dumbest idea ever, and I lost most of my "friends.” And then I thought, well, what's the worst that could happen?
Okay, the worst that could happen is I travel around the world vagabond style, I have some fun, I come back, I write the book, nobody reads it, and then I have to go back to school or something and go to a junior college or something in the future. That's the worst that could happen. Every time you catch yourself focusing on the negative, really ask yourself what the worst thing that could happen. I'll stick with it. It ends up working out. I built a great career for myself. I jumped started my life because I started it earlier. All of these great things end up happening in my life. And, in general, the best-case scenario outweighs the worst-case scenario, especially when you remember that the point of a goal isn't what you get, but who you become in the process.
[…] exist. Of course, I'd never had any, my entire unconscious psychology was said the money was bad. Money is the root of all evil. The rich people messed up the world with it. And I wish I lived in a world where it didn't […]